Surprisingly enough in developed country's less than here.
The stigma caused by any STD has delayed serious research,and many people don't know enough about them ( Can't talk about that evil sex, or educate about it) And their teen age pregnancy rate is also a lot lower as well.
And your attitude reflects just that. Just because a culture is not uptight about the human body or sexuality does NOT make them more promiscuous, or diseased than this country.

Exactly. Ignorance of sexuality does not reduce Stud's or unwanted pregnancies, it increases them. No matter how many times this is shown scientifically, there are those that prefer to rely of "faith" (which is simply the willing suspension of disbelief) to be there scientific guide. I believe the Taliban follows the same basic philosophy.
It disingenuous to equate moral considerations of pre-marital sex , Pre-adult sex, and monogomy with an ignorance of sexuality...
The implications of a lack of sexual morals can be seen from the young single mother with a toddler and a baby sitting at the bus stop to the highest office of this nation...
This thread is now way off topic and has nothing to do with any D2 servers....IMHO... the issue should be disscussed elsewhere...
It is not only disingenuous, it is down a down right lie to say I did. I have never mentioned Christianity, or Islam, or religion at all. It is just that you folks can't seem to separate a discussion of personal morality or scientific facts without reading implications of your creeds into it. You are projecting your religious biases into my words.
And it simply religious bigotry to equate American Christians with the Talibon....get a frickin grip. 
Sure is, let me know when someone does. The fact remains that the Taliban have a similar take on sexuality and censorship as has been expressed by some here, which is to say that it should be buried and not discussed. The only difference is that here (the US per say) the extremist do not have the same level of control.
Well, I suspect to get more negative Karma but here goes...
I do not go to church. I own a bible, but have not read it recently. But I read your post and came to exactly the same conclusion that Crim did.
The truth is, you are more religious than I am. You blindly hold onto YOUR truths without thinking.
You believe that people are going to have sex, no matter what. You believe people are no better than animals and are going to have sex. I believe that we, as human beings can make a choice to have sex or not. To you, that makes me a religious nut. So I must be a right winger or talaban....
I believe that people make choices every day. It's your life.
I dream of one day when you can turn "Jerry Springer" on and some guy will step up and say, " You know, My mom was OK, My dad was OK, I'm just a S4it head..."
It's time to get your head out of the tutu. According to the (the world health org) Europe is headed for a Aids problem of biblical proportions. In part due to IV drug use and lack of "safe sex."
You want to stop AIDS? Have people who have AIDS stop giving it to other people. Yes, that means get your A$$ tested and if you are HIV positive, stop having sex or find a partner that is willing to share....
Ok, as recent as 4 years ago this site (***** Warning do not click this unless you are willing to be offended *******) Warned that behavior could very well cause an increase of HIV cases. Guess what? And it's ALL ABOUT THE CHOICES WE MAKE.
Look, I want to take religion out of it and have people make smart choices. But in your eyes, that makes me a religious biggot....