Funny thing is there is more uproar about the censorship than the censored material. LOL
Hehe, yeah. I think most of us have found this whole censorship/anti-censorship discussion more offensive than the actual image in question 
Actually the "censorship" is offensive, not the discussion about the issue or the original censored material. I never found the expression of displeasure over the origal material offensive either, just behind the scences lobbying and the caving to it as offensive.
I am not sure about the US, but in Australia there are censorship laws as well. Most TV censorship laws apply to those times during children viewing hours. After 9:30PM, virtually anything goes though. In the media, you can pick up magazines, not in plastic, off the shelf, that contain soft porn, but you do have to be over 18 to buy them. Advertising laws are an interesting one though. There was an infamous picture taken one summer of two police officers, a male and a female, walking their 'beat' along a beachside pathway. Behind them was a large billboard advertising suntan lotion about 15 feet high. The 15 foot picture was a full length completely naked female viewed from behind standing at the beach. The beach was not a nudist beach and was in fact an inner city popular beach frequented by all age groups. I guess censorship laws are a bit different here to those in the US.
Not that different, at least in regards to how your sig would have been treated. Local standards are considered, but I doubt that your sig would have been censored even in the most backward part of the bible belt.
Ravok, lol at your point about being offended of breasts but not war. It reminds me of an old Steve Martian bit, where he laments not being able to say the word f**k on TV when it was ok to say the work kill, since f**king brings about life and killing ends it (a much more offensive act). He suggested dubbing all the old westerns, "I'm going to f**K you Sheriff, and I'm going to f**k you slow." (in a John Wayne accent of course)