You know, people who don't like what they see here don't have to come here. This is not Taldren anymore and there is no company image to be kept up here. As long as it isn't totally lewd, gross or OTT in some other way I couldn't care less what pics people post. In your profile, there is a setting to turn off signatures and images for you if you don't like what you see. This allows you to have your preferences while allowing others to enjoy theirs. And yes, I am talking to the same group of people who can't seem to physically change the channel when something they don't like comes on TV. 
DISCLAIMER: I did not have a problem with the sig. That sig was certainly easy on my eyes, fo sho.
I'm not comfortable with the idea "This is not Taldren anymore". I don't know any of the details, but I presume a group of very mature people (who also had some financial resources to pay the bills) were given Taldren's blessing to continue to provide this community with a place to congregate. I would thing that inherent in that blessing is an understanding to try and operate as Taldren would have done. So I wonder if Taldren would have been comfortable with that Sig if they had received a complaint or two.
My sons played this game from 1999-2001. Some of you may remember Malacoda, who was at one time probably the best 14 year old SFC player on the planet. I was mindful of what he saw and read online. At 13 and older, I was not too worried about most of the things that went on on Mplayer, Gamespy, and the Taldren forums, since I knew what reading material he had snuck under his mattress.
But if my son had been 8, 9, or 10, and playing this game and frequenting the forums and gaming venues of the time, or if I had a young daughter...well, I dunno.
Also, I can envision a situation where some poor schmuck is surfing the forums when he should be fixing a faucet or edging the lawn, and he catches heck from his wife as she walks by the computer and see a sig of a scantily clad woman. My wife of 25 years just rolled her eyes when she saw the sig, especially when I mention Tracey's location on the other side of the planet. But I can see a bad scene with a less understand woman.
Like most of us, I felt bad for both Tracey and Frey. But I think they would have done what Taldren would have done, and that is a good thing.