Censoship by tyhe government is wrong. It is in the rights of any individual to censor their own private property.
The Government didn't tell Tracey to hide the nipples, Frey is totally within his right to ask her to remove the picture on HIS property. Just as he was correct in banning me for flaming the STD people.
So what you are saying is that every and any time the 2 people have some thing here that offends their religion, we ALL have to cave in to them?
And what religion is the only, right religion? If i can get 20 people to say having a clothed sig.is against our religion, we all have to change ours again?
This is the problem with letting any type of religious doctrine, dictate their morals and views on a group of people. Many people have different religions and views on how they should worship and live.
By caving in to a TINY minority we have just in fact said, that their views have president over all others on this board. and they have the right to force them on all of us.
Give these people an inch and they will demand a mile. Now they have gotten away with it it wont stop here. It never does.
The signatures CAN be turned off. censorship and religious oppression can not.
And there is a Big difference between being rude and insulting to a group of people, And ramming your beliefs down somebody's throat.
The signature is tame as heck!!! You can see a whole lot worse by opening up any magazine, or watching prime time TV.
If these people are so sensitive they need to be cloistered in a monastery some where. Not out in public where we enjoy our freedom.