Topic: Removal of my sig pic  (Read 34951 times)

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Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #80 on: September 17, 2004, 12:54:41 pm »
You know, people who don't like what they see here don't have to come here. This is not Taldren anymore and there is no company image to be kept up here. As long as it isn't totally lewd, gross or OTT in some other way I couldn't care less what pics people post. In your profile, there is a setting to turn off signatures and images for you if you don't like what you see. This allows you to have your preferences while allowing others to enjoy theirs. And yes, I am talking to the same group of people who can't seem to physically change the channel when something they don't like comes on TV.   ::)

There's what I meant expounded upon a bit further...  ;)

Thank you Corbo and Doggy for thinking more clearly than me :lol:

That's exactly what I was thinking.
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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #81 on: September 17, 2004, 02:12:32 pm »
Censoship by tyhe government is wrong.  It is in the rights of any individual to censor their own private property.

The Government didn't tell Tracey to hide the nipples, Frey is totally within his right to ask her to remove the picture on HIS property.  Just as he was correct in banning me for flaming the STD people.

 So what you are saying is that every and any time the 2 people have some thing here that offends their religion, we ALL have to cave in to them?

 And what religion is the only, right religion? If i can get 20 people to say having a clothed against our religion, we all have to change ours again?

 This is the problem with letting any type of religious doctrine, dictate their morals and views on a group of people. Many people have different religions and views on how they should worship and live.
 By caving in to a TINY minority we have just in fact said, that their views have president over all others on this board. and they have the right to force them on all of us.

 Give these people an inch and they will demand a mile. Now they have gotten away with it it wont stop here. It never does.

 The signatures CAN be turned off. censorship and religious oppression can not.

 And there is a Big difference between being rude and insulting to a group of people, And ramming your beliefs down somebody's throat.

 The signature is tame as heck!!! You can see a whole lot worse by opening up any magazine, or watching prime time TV.

If these people are so sensitive they need to be cloistered in a monastery some where. Not out in public where we enjoy our freedom.

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #82 on: September 17, 2004, 02:18:42 pm »

Offline likkerpig

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #83 on: September 17, 2004, 02:24:31 pm »

 And what religion is the only, right religion? If i can get 20 people to say having a clothed against our religion, we all have to change ours again?


Sign me up for that.
Hell, I play in the nude anyways....
"Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby."

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #84 on: September 17, 2004, 02:29:57 pm »
What I'm saying is this is Frey's forum.  He makes the rules and we have 2 choices.   Take it or leave it.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #85 on: September 17, 2004, 02:37:00 pm »
What I'm saying is this is Frey's forum.  He makes the rules and we have 2 choices.   Take it or leave it.

By Jove, man, I think ya got someithin' there! +1 karma for reminding us ;D


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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #86 on: September 17, 2004, 02:42:18 pm »
a TINY minority

Is it?

 It is read the post again it said a couple.

 Look I'm not against religion I'm religious my self, but this sets a BAD president here. Just because its predominantly Cristian here the Muslims don't get what they want?
And if the Muslims scream louder than the Cristisans the Muslims win? What about the Buddhists the Jews etc.

 All this is going to do is cause more problems that it solves. Unless they want to have a list of approved religions here, and thats just law suit city waiting to happen. :P

 There are too many people from too many back grounds here, to let one group hold sway over the rest.

 Religion needs to stay out of the mix, or its just going to cause more problems than it solves. And the last thing this comunity needs is to be fragmented even more.

 I say hold a vote on the whole thing and settle it once and for all.


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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #87 on: September 17, 2004, 02:50:33 pm »
What I'm saying is this is Frey's forum.  He makes the rules and we have 2 choices.   Take it or leave it.

 Frey had nothing to do with it. According to her post SHE removed it because of a couple of complainers, One even started quoting scripture about it.


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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #88 on: September 17, 2004, 02:53:54 pm »
What I'm saying is this is Frey's forum.  He makes the rules and we have 2 choices.   Take it or leave it.

 :goodpost:  :rules:

Offline ShadowLord

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Speaking of equality--
« Reply #89 on: September 17, 2004, 03:13:16 pm »
In Canada (and truth to tell I bet it's the same in the USA-- maybe Jinn can let us know) -- but

In Canada men are allowed to go around without shirts in public (yea yea not in restaurants and stores etc -- but lets say in the street-- ) so some lady took it to court when she got a ticket for public nudity for being topless -- I believe it went all the way to the supreme court and she won..

Women now have the same right as men to walk around with no top/bra on - -however the court also indicated that this could create problems in terms of the women being -- viewed as sexually promiscuous etc.. however here is my point --

I dint see Kroma with a bra on (OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE ) -- equality is only fair..


I really dont think anyone but the person/people who complained really care about her sig do they.. I mean the rest of us dont blame Frey for doing what he had to do = and respect Tracy for removing it -- doesnt mean we dont support her original sig...

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #90 on: September 17, 2004, 03:21:50 pm »
the rest of us dont blame Frey for doing what he had to do = and respect Tracy for removing it -- doesnt mean we dont support her original sig...

Quote of the day 8)


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Re: Speaking of equality--
« Reply #91 on: September 17, 2004, 03:24:04 pm »
In Canada (and truth to tell I bet it's the same in the USA-- maybe Jinn can let us know) -- but

In Canada men are allowed to go around without shirts in public (yea yea not in restaurants and stores etc -- but lets say in the street-- ) so some lady took it to court when she got a ticket for public nudity for being topless -- I believe it went all the way to the supreme court and she won..

Women now have the same right as men to walk around with no top/bra on - -however the court also indicated that this could create problems in terms of the women being -- viewed as sexually promiscuous etc.. however here is my point --

I dint see Kroma with a bra on (OH GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE ) -- equality is only fair..


I really dont think anyone but the person/people who complained really care about her sig do they.. I mean the rest of us dont blame Frey for doing what he had to do = and respect Tracy for removing it -- doesnt mean we dont support her original sig...

Being an ex-Pat Canuck that moved to the States, I can tell you that US Law is more conservative on social issues.  The most liberal states would be CA, NY and MA. The pretty conservative states are gonna be in the deep south and mid-west.  I remember when I turned 19 in Canada and could go start drinking at cool beach-front club in White Rock, B.C. near the US/Canada Peach Arch crossing. Our crowd was joined with a bunch of under-21 Americans from WA state that crossed the border so they would not have to wait. That was a pretty cool B-day party. :D

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #92 on: September 17, 2004, 03:25:24 pm »
a TINY minority

Is it?
It is read the post again it said a couple.

You mean to say that only two people out of a group saw fit to speak up. There's probably many more people other than the aforementioned objectors that didn't appreciate Tracey's sig and simply ignored it.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #93 on: September 17, 2004, 03:26:23 pm »
So after all this I think we can sum it up
1) Tracey's sig was cool with alot of us
2) Frey makes the rules here
3)The US sucks compared to the Great White North.

Anything I miss?
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #94 on: September 17, 2004, 03:28:14 pm »
a TINY minority

Is it?
It is read the post again it said a couple.

You mean to say that only two people out of a group saw fit to speak up. There's probably many more people other than the aforementioned objectors that didn't appreciate Tracey's sig and simply ignored it.

And there's probably alot more people who liked it and didn't post, and even more who don't care either way and didn't post.

What's your point?
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Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #95 on: September 17, 2004, 03:34:27 pm »
a TINY minority

Is it?
It is read the post again it said a couple.

You mean to say that only two people out of a group saw fit to speak up. There's probably many more people other than the aforementioned objectors that didn't appreciate Tracey's sig and simply ignored it.

And there's probably alot more people who liked it and didn't post, and even more who don't care either way and didn't post.

What's your point?

Ya can't make a census based solely on forum posts.

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #96 on: September 17, 2004, 03:39:13 pm »
And you cant overlay your own opinions upon the general forum users and assume then to be the norm....unless you poll them... ;)

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #97 on: September 17, 2004, 04:01:43 pm »
And you cant overlay your own opinions upon the general forum users and assume then to be the norm....unless you poll them... ;)

New quote of the day.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Removal of my sig pic
« Reply #98 on: September 17, 2004, 04:11:09 pm »
To be quite honest, I haven't seen Frey post himself in a while, I certainly don't think he saw Tracey's sig.  So, as a result, I don't think Frey had anything to do with Tracey dropping... errr.. removing.... uhhmmmmm.... 

He had nothing to do with the removal of Tracey's sig pic.  She personally recieved complaints and dealt with it the best way she knew how.  Granted, I might've posted a full nude for like 10 minutes after the complaints were recieved ;D but in the end I would've done the same thing.

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Offline ShadowLord

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Hey El Kranak
« Reply #99 on: September 17, 2004, 04:29:28 pm »
Kranak, Need a reason to move back up north?

Lets just say --

Decriminalization of POT -- is about to happen -- wont make it legal but for anything under 15Grams you will get a fine and no criminal record..

Yea baby!!!
Only reason I can think of to vote liberal..and I still didnt vote liberal..