My point is more...
"There is no such thing as a condom for your emotions"... 
This is another whole ball game and falls into the rather large field of Developmental Psychology, which is not exactly a true science. All kinds of anthropological and social issues play a role here as well.
I am reminded of a short science fiction story I read once about an entire civilisation who lived underground because the surface had been poisoned. Over time, nature reclaimed the planet and it became habitable, however, the occupants of the underground cities continued to live underground having been 'brought up' in a culture where it was considered 'taboo' to go outside. When finally the disidants won out against this seemingly arbitrary crime and reached the surfaced... they all went mad. They had never seen sky before, nor had they ever been in a room that did not have a ceiling or four walls. The sight of limitless space had become incomprehensible to their senses and they had difficulty adapting, similar to space sickness where astronauts lose their bearings without an up and down reference point.
We are just as much a product of our cultural socialisation as we are og genetic inheritence... its not nature vs. nurture but a combination of both. Of course, these are all extrinsic arguments though.