I am back and I am pleased to announce the commissioning of six new starships! All six were made by Marauth, and they are breathtaking ships. I am also pleased to announce that a brand new version of the Rogue Class BC will be released in roughly a week's time. This includes all four original versions, Marauth's version of the original four and a new variant as well. When all is said and done there will be at least a dozen different versions to choose from. Also I will have the renaming kits as well. I should have that all ready in about a week, hopefully sooner. There are two teaser pics on my site of the redone BC. Later this week, I will be releasing another six starships by Marauth. My ships will come after the release of the Rogue Class, since they are still in the early development stage. Also this is just a quick website I threw up to get these ships out.
Enough chitchat here are the starships.
First up is the lovely Enterprise Class Starship, the USS Sicilia. Wait a minute, that's not the Sicilia! What is that monstrosity?

Enough humor, ok here is the REAL USS Sicilia.

Next up is the USS Lafayette, notice the new drone textures. Excellent work Marauth!

Then we have the USS Revere a guided weapons destroyer, again with the new drone textures.

A new scout class, the USS Hermes.

The USS Catalunya, a beautiful War Destroyer.

A variant of the Catalunya, the USS Euskal Herria. Also with the new drone textures.

All ships were done by Marauth, I merely did the break mods and the hardpoints. Enjoy the new ships, here is my new URL.
Rogue Shipyards Keep in my that this url will change slightly once I officially launch my site, which will be when the Rogue Class is released. Then the you can bookmark that url.