Topic: SFC3 Models Hardcoded  (Read 2207 times)

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Offline Captain Adam

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SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« on: September 15, 2004, 09:52:48 pm »
« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 06:50:42 am by Captain Adam »

Offline Red_Green

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2004, 09:32:59 pm »
Another thing is SH hulls won't show in the shipyard. Try changing the SH to FF.

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Offline manitoba1073

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2004, 12:31:22 am »
yes they r hardcoded to a degree. the name of the types of ships such as sh ff dd and so far. so if u wanted to have the peregrin as the default shuttle it would be like this in the defaults.

    pereqrin  fedshuttle   and so on.  but if  u wanted to play as the shuttle u would need to add it as a ff.

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2004, 10:12:07 pm »
they r all hard coded like that, but i think there is a workaround for it, just cant remember how to do it.

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2004, 12:04:48 am »
actually there r ways around them. u can have up to 9 races, but yeap only 4 playable
if i do i will let u know. cause i had it set up to have the  ds9 and b5 stations in game at one time plus a few other suprises

Offline Reverend

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2004, 11:38:52 am »
I know I said it before, but I wrote the first part of "How to make a Mod", or rather, "How to Install a ship". I have made at least 4 mods, two of them completely insane, but stable. I harassed Pelican, WT, Chris Jones, on how to do everything possible. Unfortunately, I cannot release any of them, as I lost at least 50% of my Read Me's, and do not know where to start, as I have about 600 models now. SO, I have just been playing around, making little private custom campaings and servers for my wife and I.

I have submitted to you NXAdam1701 via PM, my first part of my tutorial, to see if my writing style is easy enough to understnad, and meets your approval. If its good, Ill finish the rest of it in a day or so, and see if you would like me to post it or not. 

Offline Red_Green

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2004, 03:32:11 pm »
Back to the shuttle thingy. The easiest way to get a new model as a shuttle is point it to a new folder. Sorry doing this from memory again but I think the default in DefaultCore is

Fedshuttle Fedshuttle
 or something similar. Change the second Fedshuttle to Peregrine and have that model in the folder of the same name. The 2nd name is the folder the games looks to look the model. Make this same change to DefaultLOadout. You don't need to respec anything this way, just change the second entry name, is real fast.

With regards to the freighters. You can point the attack freighter(forgot what its called)  to a different model than the other freighter.

You can also add freighters. You can have Fedfreighter2 and higher. Not sure about the stock missions with freighters, but in Karnak's custom Freighter convoy and freighter escort missions. Any ship with an F hull has a chance to be pulled as a freighter for his missions.

F is the hull type that designates a freighter and is what Karnak's missions use to pull ships for his freighter missions. Dam that last sentence was totoally redundant.  :P

I really have not explored Starbases too much.
I agree though SFC3 is less modable, the big differnce is you can refit the ships after you buy them.
It would be of great help if each slot could launch at least 2 or 3 different shuttle types.

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2004, 11:09:43 pm »
that is the work around. but for the life of i dont remember how. lol

Offline Red_Green

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2004, 10:14:55 pm »
I know I said it before, but I wrote the first part of "How to make a Mod", or rather, "How to Install a ship". I have made at least 4 mods, two of them completely insane, but stable. I harassed Pelican, WT, Chris Jones, on how to do everything possible. Unfortunately, I cannot release any of them, as I lost at least 50% of my Read Me's, and do not know where to start, as I have about 600 models now. SO, I have just been playing around, making little private custom campaings and servers for my wife and I.

I have submitted to you NXAdam1701 via PM, my first part of my tutorial, to see if my writing style is easy enough to understnad, and meets your approval. If its good, Ill finish the rest of it in a day or so, and see if you would like me to post it or not. 

Reverend, regarding your mods. How about cutting it down to the 300 or so ships that have readme's and releasing it. :)  It still would be huge

Adam about freighters in campaign. All I know is Karnaks missions that use freighters will pull them all at some time or another. His EEk missions are for the conquest camp. I think the stock missions likely will just pull the original.

If anyone comes up with a way for each slot to launch more then 1 shuttle type. Let me know hehe. That would be awesome even if we can't control which ship gets which shuttle. Even if it pulled the different shuttle randomly that would be so sweet. Normally if you make a ships hull SPECIAL. The game won't pull that ship. However shuttles get pulled even if there hidden (usually a good indicator that a model is hard coded-but you can still point the specs to a different folder at least.) This seams to not make it possible to get the ship to use a Fed-Shuttle2.

NOTE that the mine model is not listed at all in the specs (yes a mine is listed, but thats the training mine that you see in tutorials) I wanted to try some stuff with the mines. ie: make them be able to move and such, but alas foiled again.

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Offline Reverend

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2004, 07:44:54 am »
To answer the question, for SFC3 anyhow, as far as I knew, you cannot fly anything except that which is signified as a FF,DD,CL,CA,BC,DN, and custom adding a BB. Of course, I have added a shuttle as a FF, and added a freighter as a DD, just to play around. YOu would have to adjust that slot's default weight, otherwise that freighter will zoom around most unlike any freighter we've seen before! ;D
Karnak's missions, Guest... those are just for SFC2? I'm asking, not debating. :)
The problem I encounter is that after PElican showed me how to create solid nine-race maps, thats all I make, and to do so, you need missions specially written for a nine-race map... his old missions are not compatible with Beta Patch 534b, which is what I run now... so, I am waiting until he gets the time to complete them :(.
Meanwhile, everytime I destroy a enemy AI, I still get "Devastating Defeat" at the end of my mission, LOL!

Offline Red_Green

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Re: SFC3 Models Hardcoded
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2004, 12:56:31 pm »
Reverend, Karnak's EEK mission pack is for SFC3. I don't remember where I got them. But I think they are for a 4 race map as you said. His missions are so much fun though that I wouldn't go to a 9 race map or else I couldn't play em I guess.  Hey you avoided the release your mod with 300 ship idea hehe.

Adam that sounds like a good idea  for the shuttle . What I did in the Kingdoms mod, I divided up the shuttles into 3 types. Each race has only 1 type. The corsairs have shields and armor. They have 3 light weapons and 2 tachyons which in the mod are real weak.  The fighter types have only forward and aft sheilds (none to the side) and armor. 2 light weapons and 1 tachyon. The shuttle type has shields on all faces but no armor and has 1 light weapon and 1 tachyon. How I balance these out is the races with corsairs get the fewest and the race with shuttles get the most. The DN of a race using corsairs gets 2. The DN of  a race using a fighter gets 3 or 4. The race using shuttles gets 5 or 6. I make exceptions for carriers. They get more but then I reduce the weapon mass for the carrier. Whats interesting about having your shuttles FF class is they can be captured.(maybe they can be captured with an SH hull also, I never thought to try it before.) A corsair always seams to last thru the entire battle and is much of a nusance, similar to a PF from an OP race.

What I really want to be able to do is have a shuttle for the feds and a corsair(played by the Delta Flyer for the Feds).  Thats why they should have added a corsair slot. The shuttle and corsair could have been  listed seperate, like how the shuttles/fighters got listed in OP. This would make the game much more diverse.

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