Anyone got any insight into how to get base-building evened out between the races? Right now my Klinks are building bases like they are going out of style, while ever other race seems to be on strike. The Klinks are right in the middle of the pack as far as econ goes. Makes me long for my other servers, where I had base-building turned off.
What should BuildBaseEconomicThreshold be set to? 0? 1? 5? (currently I've got 0; which I thought meant everyone got to buildt them regardless of econ rank.)
What should BuildBaseFrequency be set to? (Currently I've got 1, for every turn)
What should the Chance to Build be set to? (Currently I've got 0.03; for really low resistance.)
Any other insights I should be aware of? Or maybe I've jus got to wait for the stars to line up?
-S'Cipio the strike-breaker