I like the D7 series, just not good or patient enough to win with them.
That is in fact one of the advantages of the D7 (and most Klingon ships)
if you have the personality to fly it.
You must be patient and willing to inflict the "death of a thousand paper cuts" on your enemy. Many of your opponents will not be patient enough to handle that style of battle and will try to force the issue. In forcing it they will often make themselves vulnerable. At that point they end up going "WTF happened?"
Sometimes of course you just have to go "It is a good day to die" and take your enemy down with you.
Against a C7 the D7 is handicapped by sharing most of the same advantages with a larger more powerful ship. It makes the sabre dance much harder to be effective. The D7L stands up much better against Fed BCH's. The Fed BCH has different advantages and if you fly right you can force him to fight your style to your advantage. Not even close to an easy opponent but easier than the C7.
Ages and I had some disagreements when he first began posting. I've learned not to take him too seriously. I think he is well intended but needs to get into online battles vs real people. The play style is much different when your opponent does not "robotically" follow the same tactics all the time. Even more so when your opponent can do something apparently irrational like using a Gorn anchor - on a Gorn 3x your size

. Not until Ages fights real people who do the unexpected will he really understand what you and I are talking about.