Topic: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more...  (Read 7815 times)

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Offline Nemesis

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Re: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2004, 10:13:42 pm »
I like the D7 series, just not good or patient enough to win with them.

That is in fact one of the advantages of the D7 (and most Klingon ships) if you have the personality to fly it.   You must be patient and willing to inflict the "death of a thousand paper cuts" on your enemy.  Many of your opponents will not be patient enough to handle that style of battle and will try to force the issue.  In forcing it they will often make themselves vulnerable.  At that point they end up going "WTF happened?"

Sometimes of course you just have to go "It is a good day to die" and take your enemy down with you.  :)

Against a C7 the D7 is handicapped by sharing most of the same advantages with a larger more powerful ship.  It makes the sabre dance much harder to be effective.   The D7L stands up much better against Fed BCH's.  The Fed BCH has different advantages and if you fly right you can force him to fight your style to your advantage.  Not even close to an easy opponent but easier than the C7.

Ages and I had some disagreements when he first began posting.  I've learned not to take him too seriously.  I think he is well intended but needs to get into online battles vs real people.  The play style is much different when your opponent does not "robotically" follow the same tactics all the time.   Even more so when your opponent can do something apparently irrational like using a Gorn anchor - on a Gorn 3x your size :).  Not until Ages fights real people who do the unexpected will he really understand what you and I are talking about.
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Offline Nemesis

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Re: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2004, 10:14:38 pm »
War Destroyers vs DN's is my style. ;)

No more Hydran Overseers for you?
Do unto others as Frey has done unto you.
Seti Team    Free Software
I believe truth and principle do matter. If you have to sacrifice them to get the results you want, then the results aren't worth it.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Yes, Hexx, Im sure thats it.... HEY, I forgot, WHO was the FIRST Klink to die on GW3... Lets see, I cant seem to remember, I must be having a memory SHORTAGE! <snicker>

Firesoul was


Offline Dizzy

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Re: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2004, 11:33:47 pm »
War Destroyers vs DN's is my style. ;)

No more Hydran Overseers for you?

dont understand u. I didnt understand Hexx's reply either, but not many do.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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D7W has much better point defense than the C7.   Something to think about . . .
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Age

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  Ok,Hexx and Nemesis. I have heard it and yes it it will be quiet different when I do play online with you guys.There is one thing though I won't be flying Klingon I will be flying Federation.This is when I get set up with my own ISP connection.I will be doing some training with my Commodore Pestalence and FPF DieHard.I have my favourite Federation ships I will not list them at this time although DieHard and Jem know what they are.I find it strange that you never mention which Fed. ships either of you like as you mentioned Roms,Lyrans and Hydrans.There is no mention of Federation or Mirak ships

   I hear that DieHard is one heck of a great pilot as well as Pestalence.When I get online with you guys it will be one of those I want at myside and will fly wingman for.

   Btw it is Age not Ages.

 The ISP connection is a long story as I told it to Pestalence,DieHard,Maxillius and a few others.I am on a shared one right now.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2004, 03:52:20 am by Age »

Offline Age

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   There is one thing I am used to and it is long drawn out fights consiting between 30 to 45 minutes at ranges 25 to 45. I am not spamming as I was disconnected I didn't want to lose my other post.

Offline Cleaven

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Longest battle I know of was over three hours, in a nebula. I hope you bring a cut lunch and a water bag.

Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Longest battle I know of was over three hours, in a nebula. I hope you bring a cut lunch and a water bag.

Diehard will need his apple juice cup as well.
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Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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  • If I took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy.
War Destroyers vs DN's is my style. ;)

Hmmph!  Using your DN on some poor little DW?  That's just mean.  You're a bully!  But I suppose you to take your victories where you can find them.

 :spam: :spam: :spam:

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Longest battle I know of was over three hours, in a nebula. I hope you bring a cut lunch and a water bag.

Diehard will need his apple juice cup as well.

That was only at the 90 minutes mark . . .  The bedpan can be needed at 2 hours.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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D7W has much better point defense than the C7.   Something to think about . . .

Certainly in that it has more dedicated PD...heheh...along with AMD, I count Ph3s and Ph2s as "dedicated" PD, since I don't usually fire those types of phasers in PvP unless I am right on top of the guy...

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That was are really nice post FPF-AJTK.  I have some regrets too that I want to get off my chest. So, here goes:

I would like to apologize for NOT popping off during the last couple of weeks, I could/should have been more...UNDIPLOMATIC and caustic and abrasive in this forum.

My -karma number is going nowhere. It's totally flatlined. We are look at a depreciating asset here. Only good for a tax write-off.  I'm even getting +karma for from some brain-washed people.

This is bad.

I'm even sending PMs and getting responses. And, there's no one telling me where to go in them either.

I'm really sorry about all this.

I'll try to do better next time. :D

Offline Rolling

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That was are really nice post FPF-AJTK.  I have some regrets too that I want to get off my chest. So, here goes:

I would like to apologize for NOT popping off during the last couple of weeks, I could/should have been more...UNDIPLOMATIC and caustic and abrasive in this forum.

My -karma number is going nowhere. It's totally flatlined. We are look at a depreciating asset here. Only good for a tax write-off.  I'm even getting +karma for from some brain-washed people.

This is bad.

I'm even sending PMs and getting responses. And, there's no one telling me where to go in them either.

I'm really sorry about all this.

I'll try to do better next time. :D

I certainly hope so!!!!

My negative karma is leaping through the roof!!!!  <snicker>  And I don't even know why.   Oh well, it's good to laugh.

You must do better, Karnak, or I'll pass you.
Always chew more than you can bite.

Offline Dizzy

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That was are really nice post FPF-AJTK.  I have some regrets too that I want to get off my chest. So, here goes:

I would like to apologize for NOT popping off during the last couple of weeks, I could/should have been more...UNDIPLOMATIC and caustic and abrasive in this forum.

My -karma number is going nowhere. It's totally flatlined. We are look at a depreciating asset here. Only good for a tax write-off.  I'm even getting +karma for from some brain-washed people.

This is bad.

I'm even sending PMs and getting responses. And, there's no one telling me where to go in them either.

I'm really sorry about all this.

I'll try to do better next time. :D

Muhahahahaha! Karnak, you are evil! As evil as me!

Offline Nemesis

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Re: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more
« Reply #35 on: September 15, 2004, 07:20:42 pm »
War Destroyers vs DN's is my style. ;)

No more Hydran Overseers for you?

dont understand u. I didnt understand Hexx's reply either, but not many do.

Simple enough.  Each time we met online you were flying a Hydran Overseer (the Molly Hatchet if I recall the name you used correctly).  Admittedly that was some time ago and none of the battles was decisive.
Do unto others as Frey has done unto you.
Seti Team    Free Software
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Offline Dizzy

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I get u. Last server I flew OS's iirc, was Rooks Tavern. SG I was Lyran. SG2, I aint saying. ;) SG3 I was Rom. RT was a damned long time ago. That was before I considered myself a good captain. ;)

What I am talking about is my most exciting battles come when I am outgunned. Players step it up when they see me on the opposite side as it is, and being in a lighter hull doesnt help. Dr. Azteca can tell you all about that one, or two, or three, or four. That bastard.

Offline Age

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Re: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more
« Reply #37 on: September 16, 2004, 12:18:45 pm »
I like the D7 series, just not good or patient enough to win with them.

That is in fact one of the advantages of the D7 (and most Klingon ships) if you have the personality to fly it.   You must be patient and willing to inflict the "death of a thousand paper cuts" on your enemy.  Many of your opponents will not be patient enough to handle that style of battle and will try to force the issue.  In forcing it they will often make themselves vulnerable.  At that point they end up going "WTF happened?"

Sometimes of course you just have to go "It is a good day to die" and take your enemy down with you.  :)

Against a C7 the D7 is handicapped by sharing most of the same advantages with a larger more powerful ship.  It makes the sabre dance much harder to be effective.   The D7L stands up much better against Fed BCH's.  The Fed BCH has different advantages and if you fly right you can force him to fight your style to your advantage.  Not even close to an easy opponent but easier than the C7.

Ages and I had some disagreements when he first began posting.  I've learned not to take him too seriously.  I think he is well intended but needs to get into online battles vs real people.  The play style is much different when your opponent does not "robotically" follow the same tactics all the time.   Even more so when your opponent can do something apparently irrational like using a Gorn anchor - on a Gorn 3x your size :).  Not until Ages fights real people who do the unexpected will he really understand what you and I are talking about.
This did help me get my post count up though. ;D and it is Age not Ages I am not an Empire

Offline Nemesis

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Re: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more
« Reply #38 on: September 16, 2004, 08:03:55 pm »
I get u. Last server I flew OS's iirc, was Rooks Tavern. SG I was Lyran. SG2, I aint saying. ;) SG3 I was Rom. RT was a damned long time ago. That was before I considered myself a good captain. ;)

What I am talking about is my most exciting battles come when I am outgunned. Players step it up when they see me on the opposite side as it is, and being in a lighter hull doesnt help. Dr. Azteca can tell you all about that one, or two, or three, or four. That bastard.

3 years and 1 week since that server.   I forget the name of the server.
Do unto others as Frey has done unto you.
Seti Team    Free Software
I believe truth and principle do matter. If you have to sacrifice them to get the results you want, then the results aren't worth it.
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Offline Mog

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Re: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more
« Reply #39 on: September 16, 2004, 10:07:07 pm »
I like the D7 series, just not good or patient enough to win with them.

That is in fact one of the advantages of the D7 (and most Klingon ships) if you have the personality to fly it.   You must be patient and willing to inflict the "death of a thousand paper cuts" on your enemy.  Many of your opponents will not be patient enough to handle that style of battle and will try to force the issue.  In forcing it they will often make themselves vulnerable.  At that point they end up going "WTF happened?"

Sometimes of course you just have to go "It is a good day to die" and take your enemy down with you.  :)

Against a C7 the D7 is handicapped by sharing most of the same advantages with a larger more powerful ship.  It makes the sabre dance much harder to be effective.   The D7L stands up much better against Fed BCH's.  The Fed BCH has different advantages and if you fly right you can force him to fight your style to your advantage.  Not even close to an easy opponent but easier than the C7.

Ages and I had some disagreements when he first began posting.  I've learned not to take him too seriously.  I think he is well intended but needs to get into online battles vs real people.  The play style is much different when your opponent does not "robotically" follow the same tactics all the time.   Even more so when your opponent can do something apparently irrational like using a Gorn anchor - on a Gorn 3x your size :).  Not until Ages fights real people who do the unexpected will he really understand what you and I are talking about.
This did help me get my post count up though. ;D and it is Age not Ages I am not an Empire

Least you're admitting you spam inane drivel now. Contrary to popular belief, post count is irrelevant. Content is what is relevant.
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