
Topic: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more...  (Read 7769 times)

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Offline FPF-AJTK

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...."Diplomatic" shall I say. I did not meant to point the finger at the entire SFC community as it is by far a tiny majority, but obviously you have collateral damage when you paint with a broad brush.

Did I let the stuff get under my skin and take generally mild stuff too serious? Most definetly. After all, I am NORMALLY the one saying "Its just a game" but in this case over the last month and a half of playing EVE with the SSCF and seeing the sentiments swing generally against EVE and the people playing it, I got carried away and spouted off.

Ive got alot of good friends here and I am sorry for the venting yesterday. Especially for pointing directly/indirectly at my Fleetmate TracyG. She was after all just giving her opinion and just happened to be the last one on the thread.

Tracy, I apologize.

I must admit that part of my emotion was generated by my massive frustration level at not being able to play on GW3 due to lag issues that I have never before had on an SFC server. I feel I personally let my side down by not being there, especially after training with DH and Bach and everyone else for over a month prior to the server.

Add that up with some genuine anti-EVE posts (most admittedly are not anything to get my panties in a wad about) and I vaporlocked.

Anyhow, I appreciate what most of you have said (Your quite right in what you said, Vorcha, in particular) and the pm's and emails I have gotten from other people I have known many years on these boards.

Bring on the KCW, Im gonna kick Hexx's ass, if I can get my foot that close to the ground!

RE-VER-SE: To move backwards, retrograde; movement that is not forward in nature.


Offline Dizzy

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We already have enough wishy-washy peeps in this community. Look at Tracey G. Cant decide if she's Lyran, Fed or Klink. Damn woman has had so many plastic surgeries it makes Michael Jackson look like a teenie-bop poster boy.

You're fine with the way you were. If you talk smack, gotta take the heat. No apologies. Otherwise you end up on the street corner apologizing to people for standing where they flick their ciggarette butts. Dont be a wussy.

And dont mind those silly admins locking threads. They cant handle a good fight. Look at Tracey G. I fully expect her to lay down in front of me on KCW no matter how much bigger her ship is than mine. In fact, I expect her to lay down period! Tracey, I got all the plastic silicone you need baby! Come GET SUM!

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Nicely said AJTK. Thankyou.
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Offline Age

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...."Diplomatic" shall I say. I did not meant to point the finger at the entire SFC community as it is by far a tiny majority, but obviously you have collateral damage when you paint with a broad brush.

Did I let the stuff get under my skin and take generally mild stuff too serious? Most definetly. After all, I am NORMALLY the one saying "Its just a game" but in this case over the last month and a half of playing EVE with the SSCF and seeing the sentiments swing generally against EVE and the people playing it, I got carried away and spouted off.

Ive got alot of good friends here and I am sorry for the venting yesterday. Especially for pointing directly/indirectly at my Fleetmate TracyG. She was after all just giving her opinion and just happened to be the last one on the thread.

Tracy, I apologize.

I must admit that part of my emotion was generated by my massive frustration level at not being able to play on GW3 due to lag issues that I have never before had on an SFC server. I feel I personally let my side down by not being there, especially after training with DH and Bach and everyone else for over a month prior to the server.

Add that up with some genuine anti-EVE posts (most admittedly are not anything to get my panties in a wad about) and I vaporlocked.

Anyhow, I appreciate what most of you have said (Your quite right in what you said, Vorcha, in particular) and the pm's and emails I have gotten from other people I have known many years on these boards.

Bring on the KCW, Im gonna kick Hexx's ass, if I can get my foot that close to the ground!


That will be nice a little variety in games never hurts.I would say what you said wasn't intentional just one who took a challenge.It seems popular what some are saying about that game.I wondering about the next mmorpg Star Trek game you got a first taste of what is about to come thats is all.

Offline Dizzy

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Nicely said AJTK. Thankyou.

Sheesh, I hope you arnt gonna be this lame in KCW...

Offline Hexx

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AJ- you didn't let your side down at all.
As I understand it PvP kills /side were far more equal on GW3 than any previous server.
The Klinks might be a little upset with you but...

As for the other stuff- the SSCF is insane anyway , same as all the other fleets.
I'm sure they're having a blast on EVE and might come back and see us someda.

As for KCW, unfortunately I think as an XO I just may have Julin draft you.

We need someone to match up against J'inn's piloting skills...

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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We need someone to match up against J'inn's piloting skills...

Yeah cuz Hexx came up a little short.  :P
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Offline Vorcha

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Bah it's all good mate....have fun...thats why we play these damn silly games   ;D 

Though if my wife had her way I'd never see another computer again in my lifetime hahahahaha.  She just doesn't understand; "The power of the DARK SIDE...Muhahahaha"


Offline Age

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Nicely said AJTK. Thankyou.

Sheesh, I hope you arnt gonna be this lame in KCW...
I hope she beats you in a K-D7L.That is that ship to pick Tracey G. forget about K-C7.

Offline Hexx

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<sigh> OK Age I am trying to be helpful here..

D7L is a grat ship vs AI, it's a decent PVP ship (there are one or two Klinks that do<or did> swear by it)

D7w, FD7K, are better PvP ships
The D5L is probably a better PvP ship with equal player skill
The FDW,and DWL are FAR superior PvP ships.

And for the record, a D7L doesn't really stand a chance against a C7.


And yes I'm sure your personally modded D7L that cloaks and has photons has beat C7 AI
But it's not really the same thing.
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Offline Commander Maxillius

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I had an R-WB+ modded with 16 extra power and 4 PPD's in place of the plasma R that I killed 2 K-B11K's with.  It even popped an asteroid!  And, although I was proud of my "l33t h4x0r skillz", I never made it seem like the WB+ could ever beat anything in its stock form. 

Although, I did beat one guy in an F-NEC with a stock WB+.  I think I embarassed him when I made a point about it in Springer chat after the mission :o cuz he never came back!
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.

Offline Age

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    Hexx,I was just going on what IKV Nemesis says about it as it is is favourite Klingon ship.I like the way it moves at game speed slider 9.I know there are a few better ones but I like the Klink L series and you are right about K-D5L and D7W is good because it has 4 shuttles just like there are some Fed. ships I like.I got most of it from DieHard though and Pestalence.These are the people who are feeding me the info on Fed ships.

    The only thing my K-D7L is the 4 time photon and cloaking cost 5 other than that it is stock.I use to have a radical one but the shiplist was fried.I just went on what Nemesis was saying about it.I am loling here about Maxillius posting as he remembers the debate Nemesis and I had over at Taldrens in March.I really appreciate you not bashing me Hexx I will take your advice though.

 Thanks Age

 Oh Maxillius 

 I just wonder where is IKV Nemesis?

Offline FPF-AJTK

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AJ- you didn't let your side down at all.
As I understand it PvP kills /side were far more equal on GW3 than any previous server.
The Klinks might be a little upset with you but...

As for the other stuff- the SSCF is insane anyway , same as all the other fleets.
I'm sure they're having a blast on EVE and might come back and see us someda.

As for KCW, unfortunately I think as an XO I just may have Julin draft you.

We need someone to match up against J'inn's piloting skills...

Yes, Hexx, Im sure thats it.... HEY, I forgot, WHO was the FIRST Klink to die on GW3... Lets see, I cant seem to remember, I must be having a memory SHORTAGE! <snicker>

Dizzy, I know, I need to learn from the master how to follow thru being an ahole! ;)   :notworthy: :rofl:
RE-VER-SE: To move backwards, retrograde; movement that is not forward in nature.


Offline Hexx

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Fail one stinkin HET in your life and they never let you forget it...
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Offline Dizzy

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Dizzy, I know, I need to learn from the master how to follow thru being an ahole! ;)   :notworthy: :rofl:

It requires much skill.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Fail one stinkin HET in your life and they never let you forget it...

A film is worth 1000 Pictures . . .   ;D

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Re: I apologize for popping off for the way I did, I could/should have been more
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2004, 08:49:43 pm »
<sigh> OK Age I am trying to be helpful here..

D7L is a grat ship vs AI, it's a decent PVP ship (there are one or two Klinks that do<or did> swear by it)

D7w, FD7K, are better PvP ships
The D5L is probably a better PvP ship with equal player skill
The FDW,and DWL are FAR superior PvP ships.

And for the record, a D7L doesn't really stand a chance against a C7.


And yes I'm sure your personally modded D7L that cloaks and has photons has beat C7 AI
But it's not really the same thing.

Everyone has their own playing style.  For it's era the K-D7L matches my style.  Compared to it's major opponents it is undersized and lacks punch.  It must make up the difference with finesse and rapid smaller punches. 

The K-D7W is a slightly upgraded, better armed, powered and shielded version of the same ship, I quite like it.  The FD7 series are fast cruisers with increased power, phasers and decreased disruptors, I like them as well.  The K-D5 hulls just don't mesh with my style as well.  The K-FDW and K-DWL are based on newer (D5) hulls with better power and shielding .  The D6/D7 hulls are more durable than the D5 hulls which has it's own advantages.

On the D7L vs the C7 you are mostly correct.  But if the C7 Captain assumes victory he may find himself running for his life.  That particular combination I have not fought but I have won in even more outgunned situations than that.  I'm sure that others have as well.  Assume victory and you may hand it to your opponent.  A frigate can damage a dreadnought if the DN player thinks the midget is harmless, I can testify to this from experience :) .   There is one tactic I know which if the C7 does the wrong thing would let the D7L cripple him in one pass.  I haven't use it myself (I learned it by being destroyed by it :) ).

Unlike most Klingons my preferred ships are non specialty versions of the K-F5, K-D6 and K-D7 hulls.  Not the best of class or most powerful vessels in the game but they do match my style and I have fun flying them.  Similarly when playing Romulan my favourite hull is the Battlehawk (in squadrons of 3), Lyran it is the NCAL or CW hulls.  Hydran I quite like the Tartar, Apache, Lancer series, Lord Bishop (once I understood how to fly it) and the Iron Duke.  Of all those ships only the Iron Duke is a large ship. 

If I wanted the most powerful ships in it's class I would fly ISC, but they don't match my style.

Of course all these comments are based on the stock K-D7L not Ages customized version.
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Offline Hexx

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I certainely agree with you on all those points.
In my <rare, almost non-existant> more honest moments I'm sure I'd admit that any of the "elite" Klingon pilots would be able to kill me with a D7L vs a C7
-Although I'm also certain it packs enough power that even I'd do quite a bit of damage to it.

My main point was that Age (who as far as I still know has never fought a PvP) thinks highly of the D7L.
Unfortuantely the impression that I get from him anyway, is that he thinks "If (Nemesis) likes the D7L it must be the best"
I will admit I dislike his posting style, and some of his unfounded claims have annoyed the crap out of me.
All that being said I'm more than willing to give him a chance to <someday> actually get on the D2 and play.

As far as I'm concerned my comments stand.

The D7W is a marginally superior ship (I like it- just can't fly it)
the FD7K will beat it in *most* battles of equal pilot skill, due simply to the increased power .
The FDW's and DWL's will cut it to pieces given two pilots of even remotely similar piloting skills, due to superior Phaser1 suites, powercurves etc.
The D5L might have a *slight* uphill battle, but I'd still give it the edge sue to the powercurve and better shields/ phaser suites and dizzy arcs.

And really in most any battle against a C7 , the D7L's victory would depend more on the C7 pilot screwing up than on the D7's pilot being better.
(No I'm not volunteering to fly the C7 for a GSA test  ;D )

I do respect the fact that you prefer a "lesser" ship to fly,.
I guess I'm a little more cheesy myself. Favourite ship's the CWLP, Actually enjoyed (much to my surprise) flying the NCF on GW3,I like the D7 series, just not good or patient enough to win with them.

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War Destroyers vs DN's is my style. ;)

Offline Hexx

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War Destroyers vs DN's is my style. ;)

I guess that does give you alot of practice coming up with all those excuses for losing you have...  :P
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