Topic: Last House is in place  (Read 6924 times)

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Offline _SSCF_Hooch

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Last House is in place
« on: September 13, 2004, 01:25:45 pm »
After some review the last house is done.

It will be:

Julin as House Leader

and <shudder> Hexx as XO (may I be forever damned)


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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2004, 01:33:01 pm »
This is awesome, 3 sides with 3 great sets of leaders.  I would be honored to fly with any of you   :thumbsup:
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2004, 01:42:52 pm »
Hoochie . . .

Just give me a draft deadline date.  No rush.   However, I will be unavailable Friday through  <calculates time to get bail hearing, bonds set, etc. etc.>   erm  Tuesdayish.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2004, 01:46:20 pm »

<reads up on XO stuff>

Hmm can't challenge House leader..
can get challenged by anyone..
VP's everytime he dies..
doesn't seem to have any "real" powers..

It's like I'm tailor made for the part...
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Offline _SSCF_Hooch

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2004, 01:46:34 pm »
Jinn, next week will be fine. I will be on MSN tonight or TS whichever.


Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2004, 07:42:09 pm »
For the official record:

The name of the third house is Kinshaya...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2004, 08:52:27 pm »

<furiously starts looking up Kinsomethingorother on Google>
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Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2004, 08:54:00 pm »

It is not a pick on you.

If you promise not to tell anyone, I'll let you in on the source and meaning of the name I've picked...

It's sort of a quiet challenge to see if anyone remembers the significance of the name...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2004, 12:22:30 am »
Hmmmm kinda stumped I thought I surrender was STFU in Klingonese, then again it could be a synonym.... ;D

Offline alfman

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2004, 12:30:49 am »

It is not a pick on you.

If you promise not to tell anyone, I'll let you in on the source and meaning of the name I've picked...

It's sort of a quiet challenge to see if anyone remembers the significance of the name...

Is this in reference to your housename?

During the first 12 years of the first "Demon War," the black globe ships of the Kinshaya achieved a 100 to 1 kill ratio against Klingon vessels. The Kinshaya pushed deeply into the Empire, coming to within 20 light years of QočnoS before Klingons were able to attack their supply lines and develop more effective tactics. Despite these changes, the Kinshaya were still able to destroy 30 Klingon vessels for every one they lost during the last 6 years of the war. Most of the losses the Kinshaya suffered came not from weapons fire, but from vessels manned by a few volunteers, specially modified as high explosive rams. Called qulDuj, or fireships, these suicide vessels and their noble crews, are credited with turning the tide and making the Kinshaya pull back and cease their attacks, if only for a little while.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2004, 06:14:20 am »

It is not a pick on you.

If you promise not to tell anyone, I'll let you in on the source and meaning of the name I've picked...

It's sort of a quiet challenge to see if anyone remembers the significance of the name...

Is this in reference to your housename?

During the first 12 years of the first "Demon War," the black globe ships of the Kinshaya achieved a 100 to 1 kill ratio against Klingon vessels. The Kinshaya pushed deeply into the Empire, coming to within 20 light years of QočnoS before Klingons were able to attack their supply lines and develop more effective tactics. Despite these changes, the Kinshaya were still able to destroy 30 Klingon vessels for every one they lost during the last 6 years of the war. Most of the losses the Kinshaya suffered came not from weapons fire, but from vessels manned by a few volunteers, specially modified as high explosive rams. Called qulDuj, or fireships, these suicide vessels and their noble crews, are credited with turning the tide and making the Kinshaya pull back and cease their attacks, if only for a little while.

Ahh Kinshaya must be Klingon for Kzinti then, 100 to one sounds about right...... ;D

Offline _SSCF_Hooch

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2004, 06:48:50 am »
For the official record:

The name of the third house is Kinshaya...

I think it is the name of a race that pillaged the Klingons while they were pre-warp and stole the sword of Kah'less

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2004, 06:56:59 am »
Real close there Alfman...

Close enough for me to post the real reason behind the name, since it seems the Kinshaya are taking on a life of their own past where I'm getting them from...

According to the FASA RPG Klingon suppliment, Kinshaya is klingon for "demon posessed", due to their physical prowness (one Kinshaya survived the explosion of his ship, was exposed to vacumn, brought aboard a Klink ship for study, where he woke up and singlehandedly slain the entire crew) and berzerk fighting style.

Also, it helps that the Kinshaya are described to look like legendary klingon demons... ;)

Being completely unable to find a Klingon word that would work for "Pacifist" to reference my ISC heritage, I quickly remembered this and went with it...

(and according to FASA, the Demon War only lasted 5 years, but has been a steady skirmish requiring a heavily fortified border since.  They are the Klingon's "Coreward" opposition in FASA, yet if we were to translate their map to a more SFB-ish orientation the Kinshaya are rumored to be directly opposite the Federation border, twoard the center of the Klingon Empire.  That would place the Kinshaya on the Galactic Border, or possibly in the general area of the Vudar or Seltorians (though the Selts supposedly set up camp a lot closer to the Romulan border just under the Tholians and I haven't seen much on the Vudar other than them being a rimward race that lives in an Ion storm...)

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2004, 12:33:17 pm »
Well, whatever it means, sign me up Julin. Haven't played Klink since SFC1, but I still remember a thing or two. ;)

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2004, 12:54:56 pm »

It is not a pick on you.

If you promise not to tell anyone, I'll let you in on the source and meaning of the name I've picked...

It's sort of a quiet challenge to see if anyone remembers the significance of the name...

Is this in reference to your housename?

During the first 12 years of the first "Demon War," the black globe ships of the Kinshaya achieved a 100 to 1 kill ratio against Klingon vessels. The Kinshaya pushed deeply into the Empire, coming to within 20 light years of QočnoS before Klingons were able to attack their supply lines and develop more effective tactics. Despite these changes, the Kinshaya were still able to destroy 30 Klingon vessels for every one they lost during the last 6 years of the war. Most of the losses the Kinshaya suffered came not from weapons fire, but from vessels manned by a few volunteers, specially modified as high explosive rams. Called qulDuj, or fireships, these suicide vessels and their noble crews, are credited with turning the tide and making the Kinshaya pull back and cease their attacks, if only for a little while.

Ahh Kinshaya must be Klingon for Kzinti then, 100 to one sounds about right...... ;D

If you go back to the earliest novel imaginings of the Klingons after the end of the TOS series, John M. Ford's 1984 novel on Klingons "The Final Reflection" makes quite a few references to the Kinshaya race including describing a portrait of Klingons shooting up a Kinshaya carrier.  John M. Ford novel has a lot of references that are obviously SFB-ish in origin.  There is also are great story of Klingon D4s massacring Rom Warbirds. Actually, the Captain's log of the time make pointed references to ST2 and ST3 and the contemporary ST novels that Star Trek is becoming more SFB-ish on both film and in novels.  There is also a scene with blobish beings that were obviously Hydran-ish beings when the Klingons capture their ship.  Then, of course, there are dealings with the strange race using "white saucers connected to oblong blocks with warp nacelles". 

The novel's hero eventually ends up visiting Atlanta, GA and has one of his officers secretly treated by Leonard McCoy's father at Emory University Hospital.  The Klingon also plays chess with a teenage Spock. There is also an awesome scene where the Feds try to show off and reveal by "surprise" a demo of the transporter beam to the Klingon hero.  After the Fed demo of their noisy transporter, the Klingon captain orders his ship to beam up his XO and to the astonishment of all the arrogant Feds, the Klingon beam-up is completely silent.  The Klingon captain then asks why the Fed's Transporter is so noisy?! :lol:

The Klingon captain also tells a local Atlantan ecentric philosopher that is leading a Fed isolationist movement against the formation of Starfleet that he's basically crazy. Then he give the addled Fed a lecture on how empires either grow or they die. So, he can tell his Klingon superiors that he wants the Feds to be pacifists, but they would never believe that they are that stupid. *snicker*

In all dealings with these races, the Klingons definitely had a superior attitude and more importantly win on the battle-field, and, in the cloak-and-dager world of Imperial Intelligence. The aliens to Klinzhai are kuve. Beings meant to serve because they could not keep their freedom on the battle-field. The Kinshaya are pretty clear references to the Kzin.  Of all the interpretation of Klingons in ST lore, on both film and on novels, I like John M. Ford's, cuz not only are the Klingons shown as skilled combatants but also as very intellectually devious and cunning.  The Klingon Empire of John M. Ford's universe is a true quadrant super-power to be reckoned with.

Kai Kassai the Klingon Commander. :D

Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2004, 01:03:54 pm »

It is not a pick on you.

If you promise not to tell anyone, I'll let you in on the source and meaning of the name I've picked...

It's sort of a quiet challenge to see if anyone remembers the significance of the name...

Is this in reference to your housename?

During the first 12 years of the first "Demon War," the black globe ships of the Kinshaya achieved a 100 to 1 kill ratio against Klingon vessels. The Kinshaya pushed deeply into the Empire, coming to within 20 light years of QočnoS before Klingons were able to attack their supply lines and develop more effective tactics. Despite these changes, the Kinshaya were still able to destroy 30 Klingon vessels for every one they lost during the last 6 years of the war. Most of the losses the Kinshaya suffered came not from weapons fire, but from vessels manned by a few volunteers, specially modified as high explosive rams. Called qulDuj, or fireships, these suicide vessels and their noble crews, are credited with turning the tide and making the Kinshaya pull back and cease their attacks, if only for a little while.

Ahh Kinshaya must be Klingon for Kzinti then, 100 to one sounds about right...... ;D

ROFL...and then you woke up!   :P
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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2004, 01:06:56 pm »

It is not a pick on you.

If you promise not to tell anyone, I'll let you in on the source and meaning of the name I've picked...

It's sort of a quiet challenge to see if anyone remembers the significance of the name...

Is this in reference to your housename?

During the first 12 years of the first "Demon War," the black globe ships of the Kinshaya achieved a 100 to 1 kill ratio against Klingon vessels. The Kinshaya pushed deeply into the Empire, coming to within 20 light years of QočnoS before Klingons were able to attack their supply lines and develop more effective tactics. Despite these changes, the Kinshaya were still able to destroy 30 Klingon vessels for every one they lost during the last 6 years of the war. Most of the losses the Kinshaya suffered came not from weapons fire, but from vessels manned by a few volunteers, specially modified as high explosive rams. Called qulDuj, or fireships, these suicide vessels and their noble crews, are credited with turning the tide and making the Kinshaya pull back and cease their attacks, if only for a little while.

Ahh Kinshaya must be Klingon for Kzinti then, 100 to one sounds about right...... ;D

If you go back to the earliest novel imaginings of the Klingons after the end of the TOS series, John M. Ford's 1984 novel on Klingons "The Final Reflection" makes quite a few references to the Kinshaya race including describing a portrait of Klingons shooting up a Kinshaya carrier.  John M. Ford novel has a lot of references that are obviously SFB-ish in origin.  There is also are great story of Klingon D4s massacring Rom Warbirds. Actually, the Captain's log of the time make pointed references to ST2 and ST3 and the contemporary ST novels that Star Trek is becoming more SFB-ish on both film and in novels.  There is also a scene with blobish beings that were obviously Hydran-ish beings when the Klingons capture their ship.  Then, of course, there are dealings with the strange race using "white saucers connected to oblong blocks with warp nacelles". 

The novel's hero eventually ends up visiting Atlanta, GA and has one of his officers secretly treated by Leonard McCoy's father at Emory University Hospital.  The Klingon also plays chess with a teenage Spock. There is also an awesome scene where the Feds try to show off and reveal by "surprise" a demo of the transporter beam to the Klingon hero.  After the Fed demo of their noisy transporter, the Klingon captain orders his ship to beam up his XO and to the astonishment of all the arrogant Feds, the Klingon beam-up is completely silent.  The Klingon captain then asks why the Fed's Transporter is so noisy?! :lol:

The Klingon captain also tells a local Atlantan ecentric philosopher that is leading a Fed isolationist movement against the formation of Starfleet that he's basically crazy. Then he give the addled Fed a lecture on how empires either grow or they die. So, he can tell his Klingon superiors that he wants the Feds to be pacifists, but they would never believe that they are that stupid. *snicker*

In all dealings with these races, the Klingons definitely had a superior attitude and more importantly win on the battle-field, and, in the cloak-and-dager world of Imperial Intelligence. The aliens to Klinzhai are kuve. Beings meant to serve because they could not keep their freedom on the battle-field. The Kinshaya are pretty clear references to the Kzin.  Of all the interpretation of Klingons in ST lore, on both film and on novels, I like John M. Ford's, cuz not only are the Klingons shown as skilled combatants but also as very intellectually devious and cunning.  The Klingon Empire of John M. Ford's universe is a true quadrant super-power to be reckoned with.

Kai Kassai the Klingon Commander. :D

Good post, Karnak...most of the old-school KBFers that I came up with (and myself) also appreciate that interpretation of Klingon lore the best.

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Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2004, 08:25:58 pm »
Looks like I'm going to have to fit a reading of the Final Reflection in again between now and when the server starts...

Cause I've always subscribed to that lore for TOS-era Klingons...

It's also nifty that the Klingon sourcebooks for the FASA RPG were heavily based on the Final Reflection...

The only part of FASA's work I am not a big fan of is the genetic fusion philoshophy to explain the difference between TOS and TMP Klinks...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2004, 08:32:18 pm »
Was that the game that had the Klingon-Romulan fusions who had far superior stats
to the other Klingons?
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Re: Last House is in place
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2004, 08:34:03 pm »
Preety much...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries