Well I'm taking Object Oriented Design in B term so I should (keyword here) be ok.
No, DrScheme is the single most convoluted programming language ever created by man. Here's an example of code from my homework this evening.
;graduate-if-finish-all?: student + courses --> boolean
;consumes the student and number of courses and produces a boolean indicating if the student can graduate if they pass all their courses.
(define (graduate-if-finish-all? astudent)
(cond [(undergrad? astudent) (cond [(<= 15 (undergrad-units astudent)) true]
[else false])]
[(grad? astudent) (cond [(string=? "MS" (grad-degree astudent))
(cond [(<= 33 (grad-credits astudent)) true]
[else false])]
[(string=? "PhD" (grad-degree astudent))
(cond [(<= 90 (grad-credits astudent)) true]
[else false])]
[else false])]
[(nodegree? astudent) false]))
Yeah, you thought you knew how to count paren's. lol