Topic: Anyone use DrScheme?  (Read 1894 times)

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Offline Iceman

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Anyone use DrScheme?
« on: September 13, 2004, 10:03:35 am »
Well now, do you? I know some people here have programming experience, just wondering what your thoughts are on it.
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2004, 12:06:35 pm »
I don't think I ever heard of the Program. Is It for Desktop Themes etc?

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Offline Darth Sidious

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2004, 12:48:43 pm »
I used it when i was a freshman in Computer Science.

It wasnt horrible - took me a while to get used to scheme's syntax.

Had Java 2nd semester for data structures.... and switched majors.  They apparently didnt realize/care that if you had NO java experience, you werent gonna pass the 2nd semester of csci.

Offline Iceman

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2004, 04:38:45 pm »
Well I'm taking Object Oriented Design in B term so I should (keyword here) be ok.

No, DrScheme is the single most convoluted programming language ever created by man. Here's an example of code from my homework this evening.

;graduate-if-finish-all?: student + courses --> boolean
;consumes the student and number of courses and produces a boolean indicating if the student can graduate if they pass all their courses.
(define (graduate-if-finish-all? astudent)
  (cond [(undergrad? astudent) (cond [(<= 15 (undergrad-units astudent)) true]
                                     [else false])]
        [(grad? astudent) (cond [(string=? "MS" (grad-degree astudent))
                                 (cond [(<= 33 (grad-credits astudent)) true]
                                       [else false])]
                                [(string=? "PhD" (grad-degree astudent))
                                 (cond [(<= 90 (grad-credits astudent)) true]
                                       [else false])]
                                [else false])]
        [(nodegree? astudent) false]))

Yeah, you thought you knew how to count paren's. lol
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Offline Brush Wolf

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2004, 05:34:18 pm »
That looks like Cobol and Assembler had and illegitimate child.
I am alright, it is the world that is wrong.

Offline Javora

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2004, 07:52:31 pm »
That looks like Cobol and Assembler had and illegitimate child.

I've programmed in Assembler, doesn't look like Assembler at all.  No AX, BX or INT13h etc.  That looks like some sort of messed up C++ code.  Like someone brought themselves almost to the point of overdosing on cocaine before setting down and trying to simplify and revolutionize C++.  Sigmund Freud would have been proud.   ::)   ;D

While I've never programmed in DrScheme (what the H*|| kind of name is that??!?).  I'm guessing that anything to the right of the ";" the start of a comment line and the ":" marks the end?  That would explain why it looks a little like COBOL.  The rest like I said look like some redesigned C code.  You have to program in this junk???  Sorry for your luck, I'm kind of glad I got out of that field now from the looks of it.

Offline Iceman

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2004, 08:02:58 pm »
It's a dead language, so I'm told. Why we're using it for an "Intro to Basic Programming" course, I'll never know.
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Offline Darth Sidious

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2004, 08:21:38 pm »
It's a dead language, so I'm told. Why we're using it for an "Intro to Basic Programming" course, I'll never know.

DrScheme is just the interpreter.  The actual language is Scheme, which is a LISP varient... only really useful to teach structures OR Artificial Intelligence - least thats what my profs told me.

I had that class during SFC1's heyday... needless to say i got a kick out of CAR/CDR/CADR/CDAR etc.

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2004, 08:25:13 pm »
Hell, Micromon 64 or PET on the old C64's looked more Logical then that.

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Offline Iceman

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2004, 08:39:01 pm »
Most things do.

Let's say you want to add 5 + 5. Here's the code for that

(+ 5 5)

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot over?  Why on earth would you do that?
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Offline Javora

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2004, 09:17:35 pm »
Hell, Micromon 64 or PET on the old C64's looked more Logical then that.


That is an understatement the class would have better served with Pascal or even C++.  That BTW is what I had to learn with.   ::)

Offline Iceman

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Re: Anyone use DrScheme?
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2004, 09:34:21 pm »
ah see the difference here is I like C++! Scheme, I hate. I hate it more than I hate....well I'm not sure but I hate it a whole lot.
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