, the heavy-truck company, thinks buyers are pining for even bigger trucks than today's hefty sport-utility vehicles and full-size pickups, and this week it begins marketing the world's largest production pickup.

Called CXT, for commercial extreme truck, it dwarfs the beefy Hummer H2 sport-utility pickup and even could call the hulking H1 military version "junior."
The CXT is 2 feet taller, 4½ feet longer, twice as heavy and totes more than five times the cargo weight of H2. "You can put the Hummer in back and take it with you," quips Nick Matich, vice president at International Truck and Engine.
It's also about twice the price of H2, about the same as H1. It starts at $93,000, runs $105,000 typically equipped and tops out at $115,000 with DVD player, leather upholstery, tilting dump box and rear-view camera.
Matich is planning only a few dozen ? perhaps 60 ? this year, but could gear up International's factory at Garland, Texas, to build thousands if CXT becomes the next "in" ride among those who think a Hummer's just not enough.
"People who got all excited about Hummer could be ready to move on to the next big thing," says Dan Gorrell at auto consultant Strategic Vision. "If it's got some style, panache, then there's probably a small market out there for it. It never ceases to amaze me what people want in the 'big' department."
The truck began as a "what-if" concept last year. International dealers quickly asked for production and have bought the first couple of dozen as rolling ads for their truck dealerships. Now International plans to pitch the rigs to consumers, mainly people with businesses who want their vehicles to make a statement. And to folks who just want more.
"You think about the people who haul big horse trailers, big boats, all that sort of thing. They have big egos, and you can see where that goes," Matich says. "I'll have a camouflage version next year. Hunting and fishing lodges should snap that up."
Matich says two CXTs will be at the Emmy awards pre-party next weekend. He figures the outrageous truck is as much image-enhancer for International as for-profit product.
Development was relatively cheap because the expensive hardware already is in production, used for International dump trucks, snow plows, concrete mixers and the like. The pickup box is a modified Ford unit. CXT has a commercial-duty diesel engine good for six to 10 miles per gallon of fuel; air brakes like you'd find on a semitractor; an Allison automatic transmission for severe duty; and all-wheel drive is standard.
Jeez, talk about overkill. Do we really need soccer mom's driving something that big?