Topic: Official third house leaders nominations thread  (Read 2010 times)

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Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Official third house leaders nominations thread
« on: September 12, 2004, 07:19:37 am »
Scattered throughout several threads are posts made by people offering to be leaders of the third house. Its still up in the air and we really need to get this sorted out, so I'd like those interested in the job to indicate here. We'll give it a few days to get some nominations. Depending on how many there is, it might then be decided by a public poll, or Hooch just might choose out of a hat. Hopefully by the end of the week (or sooner), we'll have all the house leaders sorted out and we can finally this draft underway. I'll update this thread from time to time. Nominations wont be excepted on behalf of others (I bet half of you just said, Rats!!)

Please nominate whether you wish to be House Leader, House Executive Officer, or either. And a few words as to why. Thanks.

Current nominees are -

House Leader:

Julin Eurthyr

House Executive Officer:

« Last Edit: September 12, 2004, 02:23:10 pm by FPF-TraceyG »
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Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Official third house leaders nominations thread
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2004, 07:53:34 am »
Julin Eurthyr

Either, Prefer House Leader unless a Klingon is willing to take the house, XO if under a solid Klingon leader...

1 - I tend to like leadership roles, been doing it more or less since I started
2 - we need to get this server rolling 
3 - There could be some good RP here and I miss those old RP days 
4 - Only solid way to ensure I don't get stuck with the Klingon interface... ;)

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Official third house leaders nominations thread
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2004, 08:16:04 am »
Lord of Chaos, Slayer of the KBF,uhmm that's really all I can think of right now.
(hey I just woke up)

-Uhmm mainly cuz I think Hooch will be moaning "Nooooooo"
-I'd personally rather see a KBF member step forward, but since none of them seem to
be able to, I'm the next best, well not really the next best, more of a distant 76th or so, but still..
- I won't be drafted last if I'm the one doing the drafting
-I'll be able to make sure I get my hands on a C7
- I'll be able to draft madelf and othe KBF types, then giggle to myself as I accept other people challenges and not theirs.
-I'm hardly ever online as the same time as Tracey, so I won't have to take it easy on her if she makes the mistake of challenging me.
-I know how to spell "rogue" (Hooch seems to think everyone's gonna ened up flying for Kroma)
-I'm more than willing to dump all th real work on the XO, just as a true leader would
-I'm completely untrustworthy, and will backstab any ally I make as soon as possible
-Err forget that last one
-I'll be able to draft J'inn, DH, and that evil castling bastard, to make them do  my bidding.
-Actually it's all about being able to assign myself a C7, and the reassign myself one when (err "if") the first one gets blown up.
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Re: Official third house leaders nominations thread
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2004, 09:03:53 am »
I'm voting for Nader.

Offline Hexx

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Re: Official third house leaders nominations thread
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2004, 10:47:18 am »
I'm voting for Nader.

Well sure

But I'm almost positive if you're willing to overlook
the facts that
A) You don't like me
B)I'm a terrible pilot
C)I'm probably a worse leader than pilot
D)I don't look nearly as good as Tracy in leather

I'm sure you'll agree that I'm at least the second best choise atm.
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Offline _SSCF_Hooch

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Re: Official third house leaders nominations thread
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2004, 11:29:26 am »
I have asked several known Klingon players about leanding the third and final house for two weeks and I have had no takers thus far. So, that being as it is I am asking on last time for two of those players to step up and lead a house. If by Monday evening, 13 September 2004 at 9 PM US Eastern time I will consult with those assisting us in this server and pick the final House leaders.

I would prefer a Klingon player but I need to get these details settled soon.


Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Official third house leaders nominations thread
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2004, 12:49:50 pm »
I'm voting for Nader.

Well sure

But I'm almost positive if you're willing to overlook
the facts that
A) You don't like me
How???  I thought everyone liked you...  (even if it's only as a moving target)
B)I'm a terrible pilot
And I actually did fairly well in Klink ships during GW3 training (of course, being TCP/IP games, I could use the ISC interface instead of the Klink one...)  Still, I am not a pro, and I firmly expect you to t-bomb me to death if we ever wing up together...
C)I'm probably a worse leader than pilot
Don't worry, whoever you're paired up with as a leader should be able to cover your deficiencies there.  Like I said, if I'm elected your (co-)leader, I'm glad I'm 6'5", it will let me see what's going on while being firmly behind you.  Note, your height will protect my vital organs very nicely... :D  Just don't expect me to rubber-stamp your decisions to keep you in VC ships all server...  Actually, I mignt not be in one all server either...
D)I don't look nearly as good as Tracy in leather
I don't think anyone looks as good as she does in leather... (or most any other uniform for that matter...)
I'm sure you'll agree that I'm at least the second best choise atm.
Well, of the 2 of us who have posted intent to lead in this thread so far, I think you've picked the right number... :D

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
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Offline Marikar

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Re: Official third house leaders nominations thread
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2004, 01:45:51 pm »
< S > 

I would be happy to lead a house if the other exalted gentlemen feel they want someone else.  I am a member of the GFL and currently XO of the EAW/OP arm.  I have been playing as Klingon on the GFL server ever since the game (EAW) came out.  (and yes I know I have been playing other races on the public games, but that is simply because I like to play SFC as any race.  My specialty is Klingon however I had a lot of fun playing as Federation (my usual prey. lol )

If you decide on one of the others and are looking for someone who has some familiarity with the Klingon interface look no further I would be equally happy to fill the role of XO for someone else.

By the way I warn you I'm on GMT just in case you need someone on one of the US time zones.

Offline _SSCF_Hooch

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Re: Official third house leaders nominations thread
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2004, 02:41:06 pm »
< S > 

I would be happy to lead a house if the other exalted gentlemen feel they want someone else.  I am a member of the GFL and currently XO of the EAW/OP arm.  I have been playing as Klingon on the GFL server ever since the game (EAW) came out.  (and yes I know I have been playing other races on the public games, but that is simply because I like to play SFC as any race.  My specialty is Klingon however I had a lot of fun playing as Federation (my usual prey. lol )

If you decide on one of the others and are looking for someone who has some familiarity with the Klingon interface look no further I would be equally happy to fill the role of XO for someone else.

By the way I warn you I'm on GMT just in case you need someone on one of the US time zones.

Your in the hopper Marikar..thanks


Offline madelf

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Re: Official third house leaders nominations thread
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2004, 11:17:14 pm »
Ugh, ok, Hexx would be more fun, but that's all I could say good about him.   :P