Am I the only person here who deosn't suffer from some sort of paranoid dementia?

Personally ,(in these forums anyways) I've always read the "Eve" comments as joking.
-Some people are completely against the idea of pay for play games, but that's against all of them
not just Eve.Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with them. I was one of the original EQ players, played it for a while but finnally got fed up with the fact that only those people that seemed to have unlimited playing time really got anywhere. Recently they've added more "casual" content, but the game is still designed for those who have the best gear and are in the biggest raids.
That's not to say EVE will be the same, I think other game companied have looked at EQ's problems and tried to set someting up to rectify them.
Personally I don't think it can work, as a games base support comes from the long term players that will keep demanding additional materials and challenges that will put them far out of the reach of the average new player. (Holy run on sentences)
But of course nothing says you have to play EVE forever either so.
I suspect (and this may be
way off base) that the idea that there is some sort of anti-Eve sentiment floating
around is pushed by the same people that claimed there was an anti-SSCF feeling in these forums.
(And when I say these forums I mean the D2 ones, I barely ever read anything else here)
AND I will also say AJ -STFU for the line
" Im not sure about this irrational hatred of Eve Im seeing more and more of (or is it Fear?) but its time to face reality"
A quick search of EVE posts (I admit I didn't read all of them) doesn't really show any hatred, (and way less fear) of EVE. Almost everytime someone bashes EVE they use the "why would I pay to play" line.
Get off the soapbox ( do people still use soapboxs btw?).
Quit whining- if you want to play Eve go play Eve, if you want to play Eve and KCW then do so. ( It'll be fun to kill you)
If you want to cover yourself with alcohol and set yourself on fire then go for it,
(I'd seriously recomend against the last one, but barely anyone ever listens to me so.....)