Topic: The Empress of the Empire  (Read 11781 times)

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #40 on: September 13, 2004, 08:48:47 pm »

Grodon, my pet tribble,    . . . ;D

Who's the smartass, that's my IM name!!!   >:(

Well Die Hard would have been a silly name for a tribble.  ;)

It's a pretty silly name for a player as well...

hexx, you might as well change yours to "Die Easy"   :rofl:

If that wasn't actually funny I think I'd be hurt....

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2004, 12:38:04 am »
Seems like a logical name to me

Tribbles are soft cuddly, yet hated by Klingons, and reproduce at any opportunity.....

Sounds like Die Hard to me........ ;D

« Last Edit: September 14, 2004, 07:07:17 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #42 on: September 14, 2004, 01:29:31 pm »
Seems like a logical name to me

Tribbles are soft cuddly, yet hated by Klingons, and reproduce at any opportunity.....

Sounds like Die Hard to me........ ;D

Hmmm...never thought of DH as the soft, cuddly type...but perhaps you're on to something here...

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #43 on: September 14, 2004, 02:42:40 pm »
No you've got it all wrong Dog

DH is the big cuddly type, really nice guy.

I remember once on GW3 when we were fighting and my ship failed a HET, DH just towed me off the map
as kind as can be.

No wait...
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #44 on: September 14, 2004, 03:54:29 pm »
No you've got it all wrong Dog

DH is the big cuddly type, really nice guy.

I remember once on GW3 when we were fighting and my ship failed a HET, DH just towed me off the map
as kind as can be.

No wait...

I put your crew out of their misery, how could I have been any nicer  ;D
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #45 on: September 14, 2004, 09:57:10 pm »
Seems like a logical name to me

Tribbles are soft cuddly, yet hated by Klingons, and reproduce at any opportunity.....

Sounds like Die Hard to me........ ;D

Hmmm...never thought of DH as the soft, cuddly type...but perhaps you're on to something here...

Gotta remember he does babysit for 3 year olds, and even passes out pics of the Kid saying how cute he is over MSN Messenger, just like an Auntie.

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2004, 07:03:49 am »

?Why do you come here, my Lady??

She turned around to see her Exec entering the courtyard. She waited until he was standing by her side before replying.

?I come here to think, to get away from the noise.?

T?rahy?ih stood in the centre of the courtyard, surrounded by dull grey stone walls rising up to the touch the overcast dark sky. Thick ominous clouds passed overhead. Lying here in rows were the burial mounds of the House S?uhn?ih. She was looking down at the old regant?s resting place, her father?s grave.

?It is unfortunate your father will not see the restoration of our House. He worked all his life for this coming moment?, said Shadow Six.

?Age denied him a warrior?s death, but his klingon soul still rests in Sto?vo?kor. He died in combat, it was his wish?, commented T?rahy?ih, recalling her father?s last hours. He had insisted she challenge him for the right of rule. K?jh?nn was unconvinced his rightful heir was capable, her brother K?rh?rt. The challenge was by mortal combat as is tradition, although rarely are the ancient rules evoked. K?jh?nn knew the only way his daughter could take control of the house was by the challenge ritual. If he did not die, then K?rh?rt would lead.

?Yes, he chose his successor well. I still do not understand why your brother did not challenge. It was his right?, asked Shadow Six.

T?rahy?ih turned to look at her second in command.

?My brother has the gift, just as I do, passed down from my mother. He does not control it very well though, and over the years it has,? she paused for a moment, ?unhinged his mind. He does not feel the victory in the death blow of his enemies anymore. He does not feel anything anymore. He kills without cause or reason. He? feeds from their death. He was never the same after my mother died?, said T?rahy?ih.

?How did she die??, asked Shadow Six.

?K?rh?rt was discovered standing over her body, just staring into space. It was never known why she died.? T?rahy?ih walked over to the grave of her mother beside her father, her exec following in step.

?And these other lifeless husks? Why do you keep them in the ground?? asked Shadow Six.

?Here lies my sister, K?ber?ly. My father had intended for us to rule together, but she never learned the way of the warrior. It is rumoured that one night, she went mad and killed herself. Others say she was murdered. My other brother,? T?rahy?ih continued pointing the next grave,? mysteriously vanished. It is said that he went walkabout one day out into the mountains, and never returned. He always was a wanderer. Several days later, the remains of a body were found at the base of the foothills not far from the citadel, mauled by wild targhs. It was not positively identified but carried the crest of S?uhn?ih.? T?rahy?ih appeared thoughtful for a moment, lost in reverie, but quickly snapped out of it and in a more commanding tone said to her exec,

?So, you have a report for me on House K?mpeng??

?Yes, my lady. The evidence was discovered just as it was intended. The house now lies in dishonour and no warrior will follow their ruler into battle?, reported Shadow Six.

?Excellent, only two houses left to deal with.? T?rahy?ih smirked.

?House Kinshaya has a strong leader, but they are poor in resources. Our intelligence reports that the regent is not very well guarded. None of my men were caught when scouting. The heir to House Kinshaya is young, however. ? continued Shadow Six.

?Interesting.? commented T?rahy?ih.

The doors to the courtyard leading back into the S?uhn?ih citadel began to open, heralding the arrival of a messenger. The klingon strode over quickly and bowed before kneeling down on one knee before T?rahy?ih.

?My lady, the Valkyrie has returned with your brother. He reports a successful mission.?

?Good. Have the Valkyrie remain in orbit. I have another task for my dear brother. Tell him not to sheathe his assassin?s blade just yet.?

To be continued?.
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #47 on: September 18, 2004, 09:55:15 am »

?Age denied him a warrior?s death, ..."

Holy surprising revelations Batman...
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #48 on: September 19, 2004, 07:01:04 pm »
K'rh'rt strode forth into the courtyard mere moments behind his messenger stopping in front of his sister. Well aware that Shadow Six was clearly annoyed at his failure to go to one knee in front of the leader of House S'uhn'ih, but well aware of T'rahy'ih's leniency with her brother.
K'rh'rt always enjoyed baiting the elder Klingon pushing the limit of propriety at all opportunities.

"When has my blade ever been sheathed sister?"  smiled K'rh'rt tapping his head with his index finger, "or your own for that matter?"

T'rahy'ih looked at her brother sensing a bit of mockery, with anyone else she could have been certain with a gentle mental probing, but his mind was closed to her.  It wasn't as if any mental shields he could erect could withstand her more disciplined talents, but his thoughts were so strange that conventional explanations of his attitudes and motivations made attempts at deciphering them all but useless.  She had tried to dig deeper into his psyche on several occasions, but stopped long ago finding such attempts futile, exhausting, and quite disturbing.  Fear of losing herself in his psychosis made her resort to her knowledge of psychology when dealing with her "unique" sibling.

The corners of K'rh'rt's mouth twisted up in another cocky smile, he knew his sister was once again trying to figure out his intent with her "psychology", likely thinking and overthinking her way through 100 motivations for each gesture he made.  She understood him better than any living being and had made intuitive guesses that were often near the mark but she could never fully grasp his full intent.  Hardly surprising he thought to himself, the living seldom understood the dead.

"Well lets see, all our traditional allies have been brought in line, Kas, K'thor, K'mal'th, D'Pthar, M'kor'd, and K'bal'ct.....Houses  N'dir, M'st'dt, Kactix, and D'thir are no longer factors.....that leaves either House Disaroma, House Kinshaya or House K'mpeng.  So who is my next victim to be?

"K'mpeng is dishonored, they were found to be dealing with the Federation, trading State secrets for financial funding and arms", interjected Shadow Six.

"Ahhh, I see your network has struck again, I shall have to move fast to keep up with such an extensive spy organization, did you manage to kill anyone this time?" pushed K'rh'rt.

"Death is not always the tool which serves best", growled Shadow Six.  "Many of their former warriors are already volunteering their services to House S'uhn'ih instead of seeking revenge for a murder."

"Perhaps", mused K'rh'rt, "but death is the one that serves ultimately, one only need worry about that which survives."

"Do you question my strategies?" asked T'rahy'ih, her voice implying challenge and anger. 

"Do you question my loyalty?", countered K'rh'rt in a calm neutral tone, "Or my love, sister?"

T'rahy'ih appeared to calm herself, secretly smiling as she had deflected K'rh'rt's mocking away from her excitable Exec and then put her brother in his place.  There might not appear to be a winner in her their exchange, but she added another point for psychology on her own private scorecard.

"No" she answered after a moment, a calm statement of fact.

"Nor do I" replied her brother, much more subdued.

Both knew that K'rh'rt had no desire to lead house S'uhn'ih.  He would find little reason to manage the affairs of the House.  While he understood well the economics, the diplomacy, the managing of personnel and the various feuds within the faction known as House S'uhn'ih he would gladly let the cards fall where they may as long as he was giving the chance to pursue his chosen vocation.  A responsible leader would sacrifice freedom for leadership, it a price K'rh'rt wasn't willing nor able to pay.

The siblings both stepped forward at once embracing each other placing their palms and brows together exchanging a strong telepathic link of affection momentarily before stepping apart.  T'rahy'ih was the only one K'rh'rt felt anything for among the living even he and his brother didn't share the same rapport, although there was a great respect.  But his elder brother had a different mother and no Betazoid talents. 

K'ber'ly had been another matter altogether.  His bond with her had allowed him to continue to live after the death of their mother, her gentle side the balance of terror,and the trauma of witnessing his mothers murder, while they were mentally joined.  Yet it was her gentleness that led to her death as she refused to give up on her brother, sacrificing her life in the end for his sanity. 

The thought of her suicide as they were melded brought a smile to his face, such a supreme act of love.  He would shed no tears for her, she had achieved her victory in death, rage, fear, guilt, and sorrow had all left his soul with her triumph as she had intended.  He would make sure her name was written in the histories taking her rightful place among the legends, equal to Kahless himself.

"Kinshaya will be your target" T'rahy'ih informed her brother, "The old regent is to die, leaving his young heir to lead their house."  "The old Targ is wily, but the young pup has no teeth."

"My scouts have thoroughly scouted their fortress and found them to be soft, you should have little difficulty as long as you don't leave a trail of bodies."   Shadow Six continued,  "My agents could have done the act themselves, but T'rahy'ih wanted to give you the "pleasure".

"I wanted the message delivered by the hand of our family," T'rahy'ih corrected, shooting a look of scorn at Shadow Six.  She had little desire to watch her brother and her best commander mock each other until swords were drawn and one lie dead.  The results of such a fight were definitely in doubt, her brother's talents and skill with a blade made him a deadly opponent and his madness made him unpredictable, yet the older warrior was a famed swordsman as well surving more than 30 personal duels with nothing more than a few scars, and he was a D'Har Master with a trick or three up each of his sleeves.  Such a fight while entertaining would deprive her of valuable assets, her most valuable ones in fact.  There was something very rare that both warriorshad in common, she could truly trust them.

"I will see your orders carried out my leader", bowed K'rh'rt, bending to one knee.

T'rahy'ih smiled, pleased by the gesture and looked over at Shadow Six who was also soothed by the show of respect, even if overdue.

"I'll gather the scouting reports for you mission K'rh'rt son of K'jh'nn" volunteered Shadow Six using formality in his own show of respect.  "If you can meet me in the planning room."

"I'll join you in an hour", responded K'rh'rt "I wish to refresh myself and feed Grodon, he has missed me I'm sure."

"Just don't bring your pet to the strategy session," laughed T'rahy'ih, the last time you did that Shadow Six's ridges were swollen for a week, and he sneezed all over the status reports.

"Don't worry", smiled K'rh'rt, "he will go straight to sleep after I feed him a fat happy tribble."  K'rh'rt stopped in mid stride, burst out in sudden laughter and continued to his quarters inside the ancient fortress adjoining the new citadel on the other side of the courtyard.

"What was that all about?" asked a puzzled Shadow Six.

"I'd say my brother has just formed a new idea," replied T'rahy'ih, "something particularly cruel and nasty."......

To be continued

« Last Edit: October 22, 2005, 11:01:15 pm by Kerehent »

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #49 on: September 19, 2004, 11:00:20 pm »
The strategy session over K'rh'rt returned to the courtyard and gazed at the old fortress.  It rose to the same height as the new citadel, the new equaling the old but not daring to surpass it.  Where the lines of the new citadel were crisp and clean and well maintained, the crumbling outer stone work of the ancient structure gave it a more natural yet still menacing appearance.  The patterns of force by the frequent storms giving it a fierce character that symbolized its strength and endurance, a better symbol for an ancient house thought K'rh'rt.

It was the ancient structure where K'rh'rt made his home.  It made it easier for both himself and the others who dwelt within the new citadel.  The old statures and weathered tapestries were not weathered in K'rh'rt's mind.  His "friends" provided a vision of the past uncluttered by the present, but that was the way the spectres perceived things with little regards to the sequence of time.  today is tommorrow and tommorrow is yesterday, they would tell him.

He felt more at home among the dead.  Their desires and passions were simpler and stronger than those of the living.  Revenge and death, being the most common.  These were motivations K'rh'rt could identify with.  Power and influence were fleeting and never fully grasps colored in shades of gray, death was forever colored in a simple black.

The ghosts were waiting on him of course, they always were, especially when no one else was around.  He refused to talk to them in the presence of the living as it was uncomfortable for those present at such times.  The dead were always hungry for conversation, but he would refuse to talk to them for extended periods of time should they interrupt the living, so now they would wait. 

K'jh'nn was first as always, a father's prerogative as well as his tomb being the closest to the new citadel. 

"Support your sister, I have prepared he well", the shadow began.

"As I always have father, I follow your instructions and feed your hunger.", replied K'rh'rt respectfully yet with a certain boredom in his voice.

"And stop picking fights with Shadow Six, he is as fine a warrior as any and loyal beyond question, why do you antagonize him?", persisted the shade.

"It passes the time and keeps us both alert, and T'rahy'ih as well", countered K'rh'rt.

"True," mused the spirit, "but I wont have you coming to blows over some nonsense."

"And should I draw my blade against him, what will you do dead one?", growled K'rh'rt " the living owe no duty to the dead."

"But do you truly live?" countered K'jn'nn as he turned back toward his tomb.

K'rh'rt paused for a moment considering his father's last words, knowing he couldn't find the answer despite having sought it for over a decade.  Truly he thought, I'm as much among the dead as among the living.

A shudder passed through K'rh'rt as another voice came from his mouth, a female voice beckoning K'jn'nn.  "Husband, do not trouble our son, he serves me now, when he is finished I will release him and join you my love.  My revenge must come before my love, it is the Klingon way." 

K'jn'nn froze in his step, a spectral tear flowing down his cheek.  "you forsook the ways of your people for that of mine, no I find myself regretting your choice, leave or son's mind and come with me to Sto'vo'kor, for I cannot yet travel there without you."

"I cannot do this husband, the task is unfinished, but embrace me for a moment, and let that moment strengthen you as you wait just a little longer so that we can join for eternity", replied the voice.

K'rh'rt's body convulsed suddenly and then it froze in place as he looked out with a blank expression yet perceived his mother's spirit take leave of his body and step forward to embrace her husband.
Her form younger than K'rh'rt had  known her, as K'jn'nn form altered to that of his youth as the two lovers joined for a moment, wrapped in an ethereal glow.  Then looked once at their son before breaking their embrace.

K'jn'nn followed his wife's ghost back into the body of their son, then turned away sadly and returned to his crypt.

K'rh'rt walked to the next crypt, a visible reaction on his face as he stood before it.  Only on this grave were flowers allowed despite Klingon custom against it.  Seven warriors had died trying to prevent it, but K'rh'rt didn't care  his sister liked flowers and although she would have protested the deaths on her account, what she didn't know wouldn't distress her.  She stood before him a look of disapproval on her face.

"So another noble Klingon sheds his blood by your hand?  will you never get enough death?" mocked  K'ber'ly

His face in anguish as he fought with the enemy within, K'rh'rt lowered his eyes.  "You know I must, sister, but it won't be much longer, and it will shorten the war."

"Bah!" snorted  K'ber'ly, "Thats just an excuse, we should be builders not destroyers.  Fight her!  don't be mother's catspaw!  Fight Her! and take the House from T'rahy'ih as the rightful heir!  Then broker a peace, House S'uhn'ih needs no Chancellorship! but the Empire needs peace!  and it needs change!"

"If you had lived, perhaps sister, but I lack the strength to make the changes alone.  Your sacrifice will not be in vain, however, the change will occur, but first we must rule the Empire.  I will make T'rahy'ih change it!  The ascension of a female Chancellor is a necessary step, with that tradition changed, others will follow.  Either she will enact them or be replaced!  and if I replace her, the conservatives will follow me, so happy they will be to once again have a male to lead them!"

"I don't know," K'ber'ly's spirit wavered, in death as in life she couldn't abide a lasting conflict.

"Its the truth." replied her brother.

"But is there in truth no beauty", implored K'ber'ly.

"Trust me sister, it is all for the best.  Mother and I have a joint purpose for now, when the time comes we will part, she to Sto'vo'kor with father and I to enact our plan.  Until then we must work together of she and father cannot be joined as a moment ago.  You saw them too, would you prevent their joining?  Would you deny the truth of that beauty?"

"They were could I........" began K'ber'ly unable to find the words.

"Then don't little might be unpleasant getting there and full of nasty deeds, but the result will be worth it, now go and rest among your garden and think of an Empire of such gardens."

K'ber'ly reached out her hands palms up, K'rh'rt responded in kind and they touched their brows, love flowing between them, one living and one dead.  K'ber'ly turned away with a sigh and moved toward her "garden" of flowers atop her crypt a smile naturally creeping onto her face.  Klingons rarely smiled in happiness and ghosts never did, except for one.

K'rh'rt passed by his brother's tomb, there would be no ghost waiting here, there never was. 

"Where are you brother?, I need you now."

No answer came, perhaps one never would, but that alone was hope.  And Hope was a diminishing resource for K'rh'rt.

K'rh'rt passed by the other spectres, ignoring their pleas for news of the living until one last tomb remained that of S'uhn'ih.  No ghost waited for him here but S'uhn'ih was there he knew feeling the powerful presence of the House founder.

"Will you come out and speak with one of your sons?" asked K'rh'rt.

"Why should I if he doesn't listen?, responded a powerful bass voice.

"How have I failed to listen noble sire? Have I not followed the true path of our House, have I not followed the rules of honor?"

The specter stepped out of the tomb looking at the living warrior with disdain.

"Rules of honor? there are no rules of Honor!, Kahless was a wise opportunist no more, his Rules of Honor a sham to perpetrate his power, know the truth for what it is, not as a romantic notion, boy!" growled the House founder.

"But you yourself placed you knee before Kahless, how can you question him now?" asked K'rh'rt hardly believing his audacity in challenging S'uhn'ih.

Laughter roared from the ghost as a wind blowing back K'rh'rt's hair.

"That I did indeed! But do you think I was scared of that short fellow with the reddish hair?  I think not, I was thrice the swordsman he was and wiser by far.  I could have challenged and killed him much easier than bow to him and taken the Empire as my own!", exclaimed the phantom still shaking with mirth.

"Then why didn't you?", asked a puzzled K'rh'rt.

"Because that Empire with myself at its head might have lasted till I died if I was lucky, much shorter  likely.  I had prowess, finest warrior of my era, I had wisdom, I had resources, but Kahless had something I didn't........Fanaticism!  Only a fanatic could have forged a lasting Empire, so I took the knee and assumed his right hand as his personal Champion and none ever chose to challenge him again!", exulted S'uhn'ih.

"Why Fanaticism?", K'rh'rt inquired.

"Because that is what makes Empires, although it dissipates with time.  It is what will make those who should be your enemies your allies, it is what makes your warriors sacrifice themselves upon the blade or in the coldness of space, it is what makes your enemies tremble in fear and lay down their arms and quiver at your feat begging to join you!"

"But that is what House S'uhn'ih has been doing sire, how have I erred?", pleaded K'rh'rt.

"You have erred in that you hold the "Rules of Honor" too tightly, they are a tool only to be used or cast aside.  Let such rules bind others, and let your purpose guide your acts instead, let them see the Fanatic, let them fear him!"

"I had a thought earlier today sire, about a rival House let me share it with you."  K'rh'rt grinned devilishly.

Moments later a frantic gust of wind kicked up outside the new Citadel rattling the windows.  T'rahy'ih stood up and looked outside to see the House banner go flying by, ripped off the battlements atop the Citadel.  Opening the window to get a better look she heard the roaring wind howl as if in laughter and to watch the banner descend finally landing as if on its own accord atop the shoulders of the lone warrior standing in the courtyard, and watch as that figure walked into the old fortress.  A strange scene, an omen perhaps she thought as she closed the window, her thoughts troubling her.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2005, 11:11:36 pm by Kerehent »

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Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2004, 11:37:57 pm »
Well written Kerehent... in the vein of Macbeth  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2004, 12:08:21 am by FPF-TraceyG »
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The Empire
« Reply #51 on: September 20, 2004, 09:37:23 am »
The Chancellor was dead, and the Empire was getting weak and beginning to show its? age, old ways that had kept the planet somewhat united had not changed in a millennium.

Honor, Glory, and Empire had become just words used to justify anything that brought greater power to your house and to one?s self. Years of conflict with the Federation, Romulans, Hydrans and countless others had sapped the Great Houses of their strength.

Even when the ?outsiders? where not threatening the Empire directly and things were ?peaceful? there was enough bloodshed to further weaken the available manpower. Personal challenges, insults, revenge, blood feuds, on and on the useless slaughter of skilled warriors marched on.

Now, the working classes had been permitted to serve in the fleet. Gone were the days of the rulers and the ruled. The sweating masses desired to assume leadership roles within the Empire. Even the females dared to stretch fourth their grasping hands to take power unto themselves and lead the Empire.

Damn the alien ideas of the Federation over last 75 years, their ?human rights? concepts had weaken the control of the Great Houses over the whole of the Empire. Now, the Empire could not be defended without the masses and the females.

?If we can die for the Empire then we have a right to rule it as well? was the cry of the radicals. They were no longer content to have just the honor of serving. The minor and weaker houses had taken up their cause for liberal reform and have now brought the Empire to a crossroads and to the brink of Civil War.

War like the Empire had not seen since the days of Kah?Less the Unforgettable.

The Conservatives had declared that they would see the planet covered in blood before they would share the power that they had held for a thousand years taken from them. The radicals would change all that, ?if we killed our gods then we can kill you as well?.

Then there were the opportunists, those, whose? lust for power cared little about anything else but for power itself.

The Great Council had been broken, a deadlock prevented a new Chancellor from being selected, oaths had been sworn, all that was left was the impending bloodletting?


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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #52 on: September 24, 2004, 05:09:00 pm »

To Firts page  ;D

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #53 on: September 24, 2004, 06:24:56 pm »
This is the best post ever made.  Keep it up Tracey.


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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #54 on: September 27, 2004, 12:02:20 am »
Awaiting final draft dispositions before next installment

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #55 on: October 06, 2004, 10:37:27 am »
waiting 4 more

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #56 on: November 03, 2004, 08:21:45 pm »
Bump for Wanderer. Yes, this thread has not been forgotten about it and will be finished (eventually).
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2004, 07:07:34 pm »
Bump for AC/DC!

I'm looking forward to the next chapter ;D.

Learned the Heart's Filthy Lesson from Joshua Watcher.

The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world own shame.
-Oscar Wilde

I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'
-Bob Newhart

Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent.
-Victor Hugo

He Took it all too far..but boy could he play guitar
-David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #58 on: October 01, 2005, 08:52:52 pm »
Bump for Wanderer. Yes, this thread has not been forgotten about it and will be finished (eventually).

How about now? :P
I was never here, you were never here, this conversation never took place, and you most certainly did not see me.

Offline KBF-Kapact

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #59 on: October 07, 2005, 10:02:24 pm »
Whoa!!  Nice writing.....

I'll throw my two cents in....

IKS Ab'Qaff
"Surrender or be des-"

{sound of explosion}

Klingon Black Fleet
"...laughing, undefeated..."