Topic: The Empress of the Empire  (Read 11780 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2004, 08:21:29 am »
Hexx, you're ok in my book. ;) + Karma for ya.


And yet I actually gained a negative Karma point...
How odd..

Still I'll applaud your attempt at deceitful backstabbing <bastiche>
and award you some actual positive Karma so that you may one day actually get kinda close to my my exalted level of karmaism.
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Offline madelf

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2004, 09:11:18 am »

Good posts

<---- J'inn posts - Highes rating cuz, well laughing at his expense makes us all feel a little better about ourselves.

<---- Chuut's Posts - Although his verbal wit is somewhat...lacking you've got to admire the things he can do with photoshop

<---- Hexx's posts- witty, entertaining, containing the wisdom of the ages - or at least containing humour usually (well always)
                          at my own expense. Something to do with the general lack of respect my flying skills command I suspect..

<-----Kroma's posts - occassionally funny, often dark and disturbing and probably better left unread, but anyone who publicly admits to being a Cub's fan has
                             to have great big ones.

<----- The vast majority of the great unwashed posts fall in here

<----- Madelf falls in here somewhere

<----- Likkerpigs weird fetish posts go in here, very often far more disturbing than anyone wants to know, still done with flashes of insight and comic brilliance.
        (many of his posts of course would be rated higher than mine-It's just my list so he gets put down here)

<------ Trolling posts

<----- Actually i think I'll put Madelf in here

<------ Posts on the political situation of the US (or any other country)

<------  "Hehehe. Ya'll had sex didntcha? U and dat Klink woman. Heh. I knew it. Youz jest a lezban. All dis time" posts

<----- Actually there is someone who's posts would be down here, but it would kinda defeat the point of  making fun of you to list someone after you....

Day 1 of KCW...

MadElf: Hexx, ya assign yourself that C7 yet?

Hexx(Whimpering): yeah.

MadElf: Great.  Let's see what it can do...

4 minutes later

MadElf: Hey Hexx, what ship did you get as a replacement?   Lemme find anybody in my house to take that from ya too....

and so on, and so on, and so on...

Hope ya like E3B Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2004, 10:34:01 am »
Ddin't you read the rules??

I (think) if I can get you simps fine gentlemen to vote me for a house leader I
I mean sure Kroma /Dizzy and Tracey can smack me around but that I can deal with..
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2004, 10:38:46 am »
Actually, I thought that the house leaders were more-or-less restricted to fighting other house leaders most of the time and once a week could be challenged by the underlings that wanted to ascend to the house throne...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

Offline Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2004, 10:42:56 am »

That's the brilliance of my plan.

Say I draft madelf, Dogmatix, Skull and J'inn.
Let's face it - I'm going to be challenged for leadership on day one by everyone in the house.
But I only have to accept one challenge.
AND I get to assign (and transfer) the ships.
So everyone challenges me, I accept J'inns challenge.
I assign myself a C7, Jinn a F5 (I'm not taking any chances)
In theory I should win (or at least tie)
And I'm immune to challenges for a whole week!

By which time any house I lead will have fallen, so I won't have to worry about it anymore!!

Pure Genius.
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline K'Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2004, 07:00:35 pm »

The Knife slid from its sheath without a sound as the Klingon warriors entered the intersection of corridors outside the observation lounge.  Even had there been a noise the intoxicated warriors would likely have missed it, thought the figure in the shadows.  They were obviously quite drunk singing and half holding each other up as they came to a stop at the intersection. 

"I must see to the final preparations brother" said Krelg the younger of the two. 

"See to yourself first, and sober up" replied Kas, the older, "I don't need you tinkering around in the engine room when you can't see straight." 

"Don't worry, I know my engines like my sword, drunk or sober", laughed Krelg

"In that case make sure to get drunk before every battle, as I've seen your sober swordsmanship", Kas teased.  "Now be off, I want to depart with sunrise."

As his brother and chief engineer departed, Kas staggered into the observation room to look down at his ship Demon Claw in the shipyards outside the starbase.  A step up from his old bird of prey for sure.  He was entranced by its lines and abilities, changing his alliance away from his familiy's ancestral liege House S'uhn'ih was a small price to pay for such a ship. 

The assumption of T'rahy'ih and her putting forth her claim to the Chancellorship had been adequate excuse to maintain honor.  Females were forbidden the office of Chancellor by Klingon Law and no Klingon would be looked down on for failing to honor obligations owed to a  House S'uhn'ih lead by T'rahy'ih. 

Of course Kas knew even if S'uhn'ih had a male leader he would have defected for the sake of Demon Claw, but he put those slightly disturbing thoughts aside and went over to the observation portal to study his ship more closely.

"Your claws will pierce far into House S'uhn'ih my Demon?" , Kas muttered aloud.  "Surprise will be ours and we shall be the secret wolf in the fold, none of House S'uhn'ih will stand before our onslaught!"

The prick of a blade at his throat interrupted Kas's exultation in the wink of an eye.  A cold unfeeling voice was suddenly at his ear.

"Perhaps, none will stand before you, but one does indeed stand behind you traitorous Targ!", whispered the voice.

Kas had no doubt who that voice belonged to.  Not a vassal of House S'uhn'ih was unaware of that feared killer's  tone.  A very un-Klingon shiver went down Kas's back, as memories of K'rh'ht son of K'jh'nn  flooded his consciousness in search for some way out of his situation.

But his fears out weighted his hopes, for K'rh'ht was perhaps the sharpest sword that T'rahy'ih had to wield, if he could be wielded at all.  The youngest child of House S'uhn'ih was undeniably psychotic, as the deaths of many retainers of House S'uhn'ih for the slightest offense had shown.  How many alliances had this killer shattered by dueling or assassinating vassals and prospective allies over such things as a delayed bow or a misinterpreted word.  One rumor  was that he had even killed his wet nurse at the age of seven; another that he could kill with only a look.  There were other rumors as well, they seemed to follow K'rh'rt like a rabid Targ.  Small wonder that K'jn'nn had finally had him locked up in the old fortress above the family crypts, to keep him out of harms way, using him when necessary like a weapon.  Apparently T'rahy'ih had decided to unsheathe her dangerous brother, and like a Klingon blade once unsheathed death would follow.

Kas knew there was no hope to escape, but perhaps he could bargin with the mentally unstable K'rh'rt.

"I was merely baiting a trap for our enemies, I would have informed your sister as soon as we got away from the prying eyes on the starbase."  "I pledge my loyalty and service to House S'uhn'ih on my life and that of my family for 3 generations", Kas pleaded.

The voice was once again in his ear, a whisper from the Crypts of S'uhn'ih.  "But why should I need such a pledge when I can have the same on your death?"

"If you kill me you wont get Demon Claw and the other ships of my family, and its ships that House S'uhn'ih needs", argued Kas suddenly emboldened by his own logic and knowledge of House S'uhn'ih's limited resources.

"Wrong, after I kill you the ships will be ours, and you will deliver them yourself", replied the icy voice.

Kas was suddenly spun around to face  K'rh'rt.  As he looked into  K'rh'rt's steady eyes he felt the killer's left hand grip his quivering face.  The right hand still held the blade at his throat so he dared not move as the left hand splayed out to cover his face between the nose and ears.  Kas felt a sudden sensation in his mind as if he were being sucked out of his body.  Kas looked one last time at K'rh'rt as instinctive fear took hold,  just in time to see his assassin smile before his heart suddenly stopped beating.

K'rh'rt, still smiling, gathered up the corpse of the fallen warrior making sure to handle it carefully.  He would need a healthy and unmarked body to finish his assignment.  No signs of coercion would call into question Kas's sudden resurgence of loyalty to House S'uhn'ih. 

An hour later the Valkyrie appeared at the starbase.  K'rh'rt was glad to see his sister's ship arrive on time.  Kas's cowardly memories were quite a disturbing companion and he would be rid of them as soon as possible.  Not that there was any danger, as his Betazoid heritage allowed him a certain amount of mental control as long as he could keep his strong Klingon emotions in check.  He could take and hold what he referred to as "The Breath" of his victims, but lacked the discipline and training to restore them, that only T'rahy'ih could do acting as a conduit for the transfer of  "The Breath". 

Soon T'rahy'ih would complete the transfer and take measures to assure Kas's loyalty.  And if he proved traitorous again, K'rh'rt would be allowed the pleasure of using his blade to kill Kas a second time, and K'rh'rt really preferred the blade as his weapon.  Once again the smile returned to K'rh?rt's face as he allowed the pleasant image to fill his thoughts as he was beamed aboard the Valkyrie.

« Last Edit: October 22, 2005, 10:54:11 pm by Kerehent »

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Offline Green

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2004, 07:31:13 pm »
Nice read Kerehent  :thumbsup:

Offline FPF-Aurora

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2004, 08:27:19 pm »
...Take time to laugh, it's the music of the soul

Offline K'Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2004, 03:04:37 am »
Thank you Green and Aurora.

Grodon, my pet tribble, told me it was good too.  But then again little Grodon is such a sweet furry little thing he always purrs at my writings, usually before he tells me to go kill someone...... ;D

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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2004, 07:59:22 am »

Grodon, my pet tribble,    . . . ;D

Who's the smartass, that's my IM name!!!   >:(
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Dizzy

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2004, 08:58:26 am »
Actually hexx, I did give u a +karna. You have a negative detractor it seems. Somewhere... Someone... How is that possible?

Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2004, 11:08:26 am »

Grodon, my pet tribble,    . . . ;D

Who's the smartass, that's my IM name!!!   >:(


Ain't moi.   But I have acquired the information, of course.   Let's talk cash.

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2004, 11:46:18 am »

The shuttlecraft from the USS Australia gently touched down. The landing facilities were fairly small here compared with standard space ports, one main building, a few outlying structures, a dilithium refueller, and a car park. Captain TraceyG exited the shuttlecraft and took a moment to breath in the crisp, fresh air, a welcome change from the constantly recycled atmosphere of a starship. The warm sun beat down on the tarmac, heat haze causing the air to shimmer under clear, blue azure skies. In the distance, a canopy of gum trees and dry green eucalypts ringed the base in contrast to the reddish brown dusty soil on the ground.
After briefly checking in with the port?s security, she was escorted to the car park by a junior ensign.

?We don?t often get many starship captains out this way, ma?am. It?s usually pretty quiet around here.? commented the ensign.

?How did you end up with a posting in Outback Australia?? asked TraceyG, indulging the ensign in small talk as they walked.

?Well, I ticked off some senior Admiral when I, errr? got too friendly with his daughter.? The ensign replied a little embarrassed.

?Here you go, ma?am. Just as requested. I need to get you to sign this requisition order.? said the junior ensign pointing to the waiting ground vehicle and handing TraceyG the datapad.

?Thankyou, Ensign? errrr.?

?Ensign Maverick, ma?am.? exclaimed the young cadet a little too enthusiastically.

She signed the datapad and handed it back.

?I don?t get it though, ma?am. Why don?t you just beam down to where you?re going, it would save so much time. This kind of transport has been outdated for centuries.? enquired Ensign Maverick.

TraceyG looked the ground vehicle over from one end to the other, admiring the sleek lines. She layed one hand on the bonnet and gently smiled.

?I mean, this thing doesn?t even hover, it actually uses treaded wheels.? continued the ensign.

TraceyG looked over at the ensign, taking out a pair of dark sunglasses and the vehicle?s control module from her pocket. Putting on the sunglasses, she activated the vehicle?s controls. The roof began to disappear section by section until the vehicle became a convertible.

?There are some things in life, ensign, which are timeless.? Vaulting over the car door into the driver?s seat, she fired up the vehicle?s engine, smiled back at Maverick, and with a screech of rubber on bitumen, the vehicle moved off accelerating rapidly, leaving the ensign standing in a cloud of dust.

It had been over ten years since TraceyG had been back in Australia, but the road that led to her hometown was just as familiar as always. Adjusting the environmental controls, the vehicle?s sound system began emitting an ancient form of classical Earth music once known as ?rock? from the 20th and 21st centuries in its original digital form. The nefarious tones of a band called ?AC/DC? blared loudly from the speakers. Her long dark hair waved occasionally out behind her in the slipstream of rushing air from the windshield. The dry, arid landscape of red dusty loam passed by at an ever increasing speed; the whine of the engine turbines taking on a deeper roar as she opened up the throttle. Were it not for the vegetation, this place could easily mistaken for any desert plane on Mars.
Up ahead in the road was a dry river bed crossing. Every December, the summer monsoon rains would cause main rivers to flood, breaking their banks. The overflow would run down perennial streams like a mini tsunami eventually to wash away into the flood plain beyond. The river bed was dry now though, this time of year, however the road had to bank sharply downwards in order to traverse it. TraceyG eyed the oncoming embankment and pressed down harder on the accelerator. Nearing the riverbed, she steered the vehicle to the left hitting a rising a ditch pushing it upwards. The vehicle came away from the ground lifting up into the air, leaving a trail of dust and debre as it careened through the air. With a loud thud, the vehicle landed on the other side of the riverbed, bounced twice, then came to rest as TraveyG pulled on the hand break in a cloud of thick red soil. When the dust had cleared, she rose up out of the seat to look back at the river crossing.
?Yes!? she said out allowed smiling. She had always wanted to do that.
When she finally reached town, she drove slowly down the main street, taking in the familiar sights. Not much had changed in this quiet town. Turning off, she headed for the cemetery, her first port of call.
Parking the vehicle, she made her way through the cemetery gates, occasionally glancing at some of the headstones along the way. Some of them had been here for centuries. Soon she spied the one she was looking for. Surrounded by a small wrought iron fence, the buriel mound was showing signs of weed overgrowth. The headstone was simple, looking a little weathered since last she saw it. She stood for a moment, lost in thought looking on the grave of her mother. Activating a personal transporter buffer on her belt, A bouqet of red gerberas appeared in her hands, her mother?s favourite. She bent down and gently placed them by the headstone, taking the opportunity to remove a few weeds. Such as she was, lost in thought, that when she heard the loud cough come from behind her, she was momentarily startled. She stood up and turned around to face the man standing behind her.

?Dad!!? she exclaimed.

?Hello daughter, its good to see you.? said her father.

?How did you know I was here?? she asked as she stepped forward to give her father a hug.

?Even retired Starfleet admirals still have privileges. I was informed of your flight plan this afternoon, and I knew you?d come here.? he replied.

?I was going to surprise you.? she said

They both stood somberly for a moment, looking upon the grave of mother and wife.

?She would have been very proud of you, were she alive today, you know.? said her father.

?I never did understand why the Vulcan consulate allowed her to be buried.? commented Tracey.

?This was her home, after all, its where she wanted her final resting place to be.? her father said.

?Vulcans are not known for their bending of rules, Dad.?

Tracey?s father looked at her gravely.

?Well, your mother was never actually a Vulcan ambassador. In fact, she wasn?t even part of the consulate.? He produced a small datapad from his jacket pocket and handed it to Tracey.

?Your mother wanted you to have this, when the time was right. I think that time is now. It will explain everything.?

TraceyG looked down at the datapad, in wonder.

?Anyway, come on back to the house for some afternoon tea. Time you got some real food into you, none of that synthesized stuff.?

Taking one last look at her mother?s grave, Tracey began to wonder just what exactly had been left behind for her all these years. She turned to following her beckoning father,

To be continued?.
Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2004, 12:19:37 pm »
You tell the story well, My Lady.
D'Har Master
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Offline K'Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2004, 01:05:08 pm »

Grodon, my pet tribble,    . . . ;D

Who's the smartass, that's my IM name!!!   >:(

Well Die Hard would have been a silly name for a tribble.  ;)

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Offline Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2004, 01:07:55 pm »

Grodon, my pet tribble,    . . . ;D

Who's the smartass, that's my IM name!!!   >:(

Well Die Hard would have been a silly name for a tribble.  ;)

It's a pretty silly name for a player as well...
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2004, 01:33:57 pm »

Grodon, my pet tribble,    . . . ;D

Who's the smartass, that's my IM name!!!   >:(

Well Die Hard would have been a silly name for a tribble.  ;)

It's a pretty silly name for a player as well...

hexx, you might as well change yours to "Die Easy"   :rofl:
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2004, 01:37:51 pm »

Grodon, my pet tribble,    . . . ;D

Who's the smartass, that's my IM name!!!   >:(

Well Die Hard would have been a silly name for a tribble.  ;)

It's a pretty silly name for a player as well...

hexx, you might as well change yours to "Die Easy"   :rofl:

:rofl:  :rofl:

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2004, 07:14:23 pm »

Grodon, my pet tribble,    . . . ;D

Who's the smartass, that's my IM name!!!   >:(

Well Die Hard would have been a silly name for a tribble.  ;)

It's a pretty silly name for a player as well...

hexx, you might as well change yours to "Die Easy" :rofl:

Almost spit out my Diet Mountain Dew when I read that one.

Thanks for the grin : - )

PS Great writing TraceyG/Kerehent  :thumbsup:

/back to lurking mode, activate cloak
Riov S'LKalabam Daew Anahos_XC
RIS Aehallh Hnoiyika

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"One useless man is a disgrace, two are called a law firm and three or more are called congress!"

William Daniels, 1776

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2004, 08:19:15 pm »

Concordia, some unidentifiable hallway...

Julin walks alone down the hallway to his boss's office.  The intel department he quietly worked for, and the source of his "ambassadorial" missions, rarely required his direct presence, so it was a shock when the office called him back from the front, and requested the presence of all 4 bodies...
So, after the long walk down the armed corridor he designed and mandated, Julin enters the office of his superiors.  The Meeskeen leader of Intel was one of the largest, and therefore oldest, members of the species.

"Sir, Admiral Eurthyr reporting as ordered.  Question, why is my direct presence required here when I should be getting ready to monitor the situation with the Klingon civil war?"

The Meeskeen clears his throat, and intones "You are about to be cosmetically altered, and placed right into the middle of their war."

Julin's face(s) blanch, as the large frog continues "There is a minor house on their coreward border, goes by the name Kinshaya.  While the house has been all but forgotten about, it has become the perfect place to actually touch off the conflict."

Catching on to his superior's intent, Julin continues, telepathically, "and you have already arrainged things so that I, altered to look like a Klingon, shall be in charge of this house.  Alright, who shall be my inside contact to assist me in this matter?"

"Well," and the frog takes his turn blanching, "we haven't been able to arrainge a suitable Klingon to that that role, there are no Klingons left in the house Kinshaya, it's truly a dead house, though the Klingon administration has never closed it, so it was an available name."

"Alright," the Julin's respond in telepathic unison, "Who shall be my contact?  An esteemed Concordian plant, who?"

"Here's the dossier on your contact.  Do not read it until your en-route to the Klingon Empire to assume control of your house."  Julin is handed a data chip, which he has sent, by priority courier, to his ship.  Julin leaves for his cosmetic surgery...

Hours later, on the bridge of the captured Klingon vessel IKV Thundercracker
"What, Admiral?"
"This is a cosmic joke, right?"
"What are you talking about?" Varkin, the XO, is obviously disoriented by this line of questioning...
"Command's choice of my house XO in this next operation", Julin responds, rotating the panel over so that Varkin can see the name, "I get a Lyran, of all people, and strict orders that I can't act Klingon and use him as my scapegoat."
"Sir, may I point out," Varkin says correctively, knowing full well how Julin acts when he's upset, "You are allowed to blame Hexx for everything you want to.  You just aren't allowed to kill him."
"But comeon, you know that saying, when on Klinzhia, t-bomb like a Klink..."
"Even you must be reminded of our overall goal here, Admiral.  But I do feel sorry for you.  At least they've been giving you Bat'leh lessions.  Speaking of which, aren't you due for another one?"
"Yes Commander, you are correct as always."  Julin turns to leave the office, muttering under his breath "Darn executive officers..."
"Sir, a recommendation, use Hexx as your inspiration during training today..."

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries