Topic: The Empress of the Empire  (Read 11782 times)

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Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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The Empress of the Empire
« on: September 11, 2004, 12:34:00 pm »

The blackened sky erupted with lightning, dark storm clouds looming over the craggy mountain tops. Thunder rolled across the valley encircled by bleak hill tops. In the centre, a bleak plane howled with the chilling wind, biting to the core of the small group of humanoids huddled in hovels and remains of an alien structure in bad need of repair. Dark vines intertwined their way through fissures in the concrete walls allowing the elements to enter.
Inside, a large room with an earthen floor was lit by a large fire in the middle. Scruffy, clad in animal hides, the humanoids huddled together silently around the fire. Roasting on the fire was the remains of an indigenous reptile that emitted a pungent odour. The rations they had found in another room had run out long ago, this was all they had now.

When the food first ran out, they waited for more to be brought, hoping that the Pale Ones would return. The Pale Ones would bring them food everyday, in fact, had brought them food for every day of their lives that they could remember. Until one day they disappeared. The Pale Ones never returned. They searched everywhere inside the structure for more of the little blue boxes they had been eating from, but there were no more. Hunger eventually drove them outside and some of the older ones set off in search of food.
Days went by and there was no word, just the howl of the wind for company. They began to grow weak and listless. Finally their brethren returned carrying the bodies of some large scaly creatures. Some of the little ones had become sick when first eating the meat, the ones with pointed ears. The ones with the ridges across their brow feasted on the flesh and became strong. The smooth faced ones learned to roast the flesh first in the fire, and then it became edible. Even still, some of the little ones did not survive and this brought great distress to the rest as they lay dieing. No words were spoken, but they all felt the pain of death.

Life went on, in this place, the only place they had ever known, their only home. The wind and rain soon began to tear it down around them. The smooth faced ones devised ways of keeping the elements out, and the warmth in. The ridge headed ones hunted for food everyday. The pointed ears ones attempted to decipher the purpose of the strange items and machinery discovered elsewhere within the structure. At the end of the day, they would all gather back in this room, huddle around the fire, eat, and then sleep. One of the smooth faced ones picked out the lizard remains from the fire and wrapped it up in a green leafy parchment. They had discovered that the large green leaves of the taller trees kept the meat edible for a few more days before it rotted.

The wind began to pick up outside ever so louder. The pointed ear ones noticed it first, the pitch of the wind was different somehow, a steady whine that gradually ascended into a roar. The ground trembled with a dull thud as the sound of an impact on the ground came distinctively from outside. One of the ridgeheads scrambled up the outer wall to peer through a crack near the ceiling. Turning back to his brethren, he looked to one of the pointy eared ones. No words were spoken, but seconds later the ridgehead nodded, and they all moved as one taking up positions around and behind the door. The little ones took cover beneath their bedding.
The sound of several footsteps became audible crunching on gravel beyond the door and the door handle began to move.
A voice from outside said, "I'm reading life signs in here".
As the door opened, the young ridghead poised to leap upon the intruder. In the doorway stood a giant, taller than any humanoid they had ever seen before. Taller even than the Pale Ones, which these creatures were certainly not. One of the little ones cried out in fear and mayhem ensued. The older ones rushed at the giants, flinging dirt and dust up into the air. The little ones cowered in fear and panic. Beams of orange light accompanied by a high pitched sound lanced out from something in the hands of the giants, and one by one, they fell to the ground. Shaking in fright, one of the little ones watched on in horror as one of the giants moved closer to where she was hiding. It was holding some device in one hand that had flashing lights and made a whirring sound. Large hands on long outstretched arms reached down to grab her. She screamed.

In the captain's quarter's of the USS Australia, TraceyG awoke with a start and sat upright, beads of sweat glistening on her temple. She surveyed her quarters, but only four walls and a star field through the portal stared back at her. The intercom chimed on her bedside table.
?TraceyG here?.
The image of the ship?s Medical Officer appeared on the comm. Screen.
?Captain, are you ok, the computer reports your respiration and heart rate are way above normal levels.?
?I?ll be fine.? She rubbed her temples.
?Another nightmare? Same as before again?? asked the Chief Medical Officer.
?Yes, the same one. I?ll be fine, really, TraceyG out.?
She rose from the bed and stepped across her quarters to the bathroom. Operating the water faucet she leaned over to splash water on her face. Resting her elbows momentarily on the surface of the water reclamation chute, she looked down and paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. When she stood up, there was a figure standing behind her, the reflection in the mirror clear and present. Her eyes widened, as the recognized the face that stared back at her. Not quite the same, the Klingon ridges and darker complexion were different, and the eyes a different colour. Nevertheless, the features were sufficiently similar that she recognized them as almost being her own. She whirled around to face the intruder.
?Who are you? How did you get in here?? she asked.
The Klingon woman stood in full battle dress staring back at her, studying her. Seconds later, with a blood curdling warcry, her assailant brandished a bat?leth from behind her back and in the confines of the small cubicle, still managed to heft it up into the air and thrust forward. The tip of the weapon pierced TraceyG?s stomach, plunging through her abdomen. The blade slick with blood protruded momentarily before her back before the wielder of the weapon withdrew it with a sickening, sucking sound of emaciated internal organs. TraceyG opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out.

In the captain's quarter's of the USS Australia, TraceyG awoke with a start and sat upright, beads of sweat glistening on her temple. Clutching at her abdomen, she felt for the wound that she thought had just killed her. The intercom chimed on her bedside table.

To be continued?.

Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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Offline Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2004, 12:52:32 pm »
 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Looking forward to the rest.


So we'll have "Empress of the Empire" (Tracey)
                   "Queens of Q'onoS " (Kroma and Dizzy)

Just need one more...
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2004, 02:02:30 pm »
Hermaphrodites of H'Atoria ... led by Hexx.

In an alternate timeline, Worf was governor of H'Atoria in 2395.

Offline Soreyes

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2004, 02:14:59 pm »
"Queens of Q'onoS " (Kroma and Dizzy)

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :woot:

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2004, 02:46:15 pm »
Hermaphrodites of H'Atoria ... led by Hexx.

In an alternate timeline, Worf was governor of H'Atoria in 2395.

You are SUCH a geek...
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Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2004, 03:19:57 pm »

?As best as I can tell, you?re as fit as a fiddle, with the exception of a few extra pounds. I?m putting you on a salad vegetable diet for the rest of the week.?
TraceyG rose from the diagnostics bed in Sickbay.

?Thanks, Doc.? replied the captain dryly.

?Of course, with your mixed blood, I can?t be one hundred percent sure. But all the readings are in your normal range, normal for you that is.? continued the ship?s Chief Medical Officer.

?I?d like to run a few more brain scans though, just to be sure.?

The doctor attached two small devices, one to each each of the captain?s temples and began watching a readout on a monitor.

?Really, I?m fine, it was just a very vivid dream, that?s all.? remarked TraceyG.

?It could be a recurrence of the dreams you had after the Lyran implants were removed.?
speculated the doctor.
TraceyG looked solemnly into space.

?Its been almost a year now since then.? she said in a quiet tone, casting her mind back to her capture by Lyran forces and the mind altering procedure that placed her in command of a Lyran starship fighting alongside Coalition forces. Many a Federation starship fell to the mockingly painted Federation blue Lyran Democracy Battlecruiser during the ensuing battle. Her recovery by elite Federation Protection Fleet officers proved to be successful, but the memories lived on in dreams, dreams of her life as the Huntress of Lyra.

?These are different; I haven?t any dreams of Lyra in over six months now.? she said.

?Different in what way?? asked the doctor still watching the readout.

?Well, it feels like I?m reliving a memory, but its not a memory. The dreams contain images of? childhood. But it?s not my childhood.?

The doctor frowned at the monitor.

?Your hippocampus is showing increased neural synaptic activity, 200% over a human, but normal for a Betazoid. A full blooded Betazoid, that is, which you are not.? informed the doctor.

?My grandmother was Betazoid. You know that.? remarked the captain.

?And your grandfather was a Vulcan, interesting mixture. I?d like to know how the hell that happened.? exclaimed the doctor.

The intercom whistled on the wall just then.

?Bridge to Captain TraceyG.? TraceyG thumbed the comm button.

?TraceyG here.?

?Priority message coming in from Starfleet Command, it?s Admiral Hooch. The Klingons? they?re preparing for war.?

?On my way.?

Moments later, TraceyG stepped out onto the bridge of the USS Australia. The First Officer vacated the centre seat as she smoothly glided into it.

?Put him on screen, Lieutenant.?

The image of Admiral Hooch appeared on the main viewer.

?Hello Tracey, it seems the Klingons are preparing for war.?

?Who with?? asked the captain.

?Themselves this time, godamnit, and its about time too. I can?t say I?m going to loose any sleep over the Klingons beating each other up over this. But that?s not all. Our intel indicates there are three houses vying for control of the Empire, and one of them is led by a woman.? informed Hooch.

?I thought that was prohibited in Klingon law for a female to become Chancellor.? remarked TraceyG.

?You are correct? replied Hooch with his gravely voice. ?There?s a new faction, a change of leadership in the House of S?uhn?ih. The old regent died and his daughter and taken his place. Apparently, all the sons of K?jh?nn are unfit for command and T?rahy?ih has taken over. The other houses are in an uproar. But wait, there?s more. Section 31 acquired these images of the new regent just a few days ago.?

Hooch?s face was replaced on the viewscreen by the image of a Klingon heiress in full battle uniform. TraceyG stared at the image. The jaws of the bridge crew slowly dropped. The face of the new regent, sans klingon ridges, was the spitting image of their own Captain.

?My God,? TraceyG whispered. ?It?s her, the one I saw in my dreams.?

To be continued....
Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2004, 09:29:06 pm »

Hooch?s face was replaced on the viewscreen by the image of a Klingon heiress in full battle uniform. TraceyG stared at the image. The jaws of the bridge crew slowly dropped. The face of the new regent, sans klingon ridges, was the spitting image of their own Captain.

?My God,? TraceyG whispered. ?It?s her, the one I saw in my dreams.?

To be continued....

Hehehe. Ya'll had sex didntcha? U and dat Klink woman. Heh. I knew it. Youz jest a lezban. All dis time.

Offline Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2004, 09:41:15 pm »

Hooch?s face was replaced on the viewscreen by the image of a Klingon heiress in full battle uniform. TraceyG stared at the image. The jaws of the bridge crew slowly dropped. The face of the new regent, sans klingon ridges, was the spitting image of their own Captain.

?My God,? TraceyG whispered. ?It?s her, the one I saw in my dreams.?

To be continued....

Hehehe. Ya'll had sex didntcha? U and dat Klink woman. Heh. I knew it. Youz jest a lezban. All dis time.

Poor Dizzy.
Being Kroma's "underling" on KCW means you're not going to have any time for your lesbian fantasies...
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Offline Strafer

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2004, 09:55:15 pm »
Doesn't Kroma take requests? I thought I heard something about that....
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2004, 09:58:50 pm »
Hermaphrodites of H'Atoria ... led by Hexx.

In an alternate timeline, Worf was governor of H'Atoria in 2395.

You are SUCH a geek...

Trust me, I tried and tried to think of a klingon word that started w/ H.  Finally gave up and did a google search.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2004, 10:44:41 pm »

Poor Dizzy.
Being Kroma's "underling" on KCW means you're not going to have any time for your lesbian fantasies...

Nah, what's more important is how you ended up getting more karma than me... htf did that happen?

Offline Hexx

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2004, 11:11:45 pm »

Good posts

<---- J'inn posts - Highes rating cuz, well laughing at his expense makes us all feel a little better about ourselves.

<---- Chuut's Posts - Although his verbal wit is somewhat...lacking you've got to admire the things he can do with photoshop

<---- Hexx's posts- witty, entertaining, containing the wisdom of the ages - or at least containing humour usually (well always)
                          at my own expense. Something to do with the general lack of respect my flying skills command I suspect..

<-----Kroma's posts - occassionally funny, often dark and disturbing and probably better left unread, but anyone who publicly admits to being a Cub's fan has
                             to have great big ones.

<----- The vast majority of the great unwashed posts fall in here

<----- Madelf falls in here somewhere

<----- Likkerpigs weird fetish posts go in here, very often far more disturbing than anyone wants to know, still done with flashes of insight and comic brilliance.
        (many of his posts of course would be rated higher than mine-It's just my list so he gets put down here)

<------ Trolling posts

<----- Actually i think I'll put Madelf in here

<------ Posts on the political situation of the US (or any other country)

<------  "Hehehe. Ya'll had sex didntcha? U and dat Klink woman. Heh. I knew it. Youz jest a lezban. All dis time" posts

<----- Actually there is someone who's posts would be down here, but it would kinda defeat the point of  making fun of you to list someone after you....

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2004, 11:16:13 pm »
Hermaphrodites of H'Atoria ... led by Hexx.

In an alternate timeline, Worf was governor of H'Atoria in 2395.

You are SUCH a geek...

Trust me, I tried and tried to think of a klingon word that started w/ H.  Finally gave up and did a google search.

 Ha'DIbaH HoH (Animal for Killing)  ;)
Lord Krueg
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2004, 11:20:18 pm »

<----- Actually there is someone who's posts would be down here, but it would kinda defeat the point of  making fun of you to list someone after you....

I know that I bath so he must be talking about me. ;) Castle against Hexx 1 time and he never forgets it. :rofl:

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2004, 11:20:47 pm »
Hermaphrodites of H'Atoria ... led by Hexx.

In an alternate timeline, Worf was governor of H'Atoria in 2395.

You are SUCH a geek...

Trust me, I tried and tried to think of a klingon word that started w/ H.  Finally gave up and did a google search.

 Ha'DIbaH HoH (Animal for Killing)  ;)


Hell I'll willingly surrender to anyone who can pronounce that over TS
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2004, 11:44:41 pm »

I troll here often.  But I love Greens new sig.

Trust me, a civil war is a great idea!

Sound strategic advice!



Engaging the precious snowflakes of the world.

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2004, 11:51:43 pm »

<----- Actually there is someone who's posts would be down here, but it would kinda defeat the point of  making fun of you to list someone after you....

I know that I bath so he must be talking about me. ;) Castle against Hexx 1 time and he never forgets it. :rofl:

You never forget your first..  ;D
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2004, 12:33:54 am »
Hexx, you're ok in my book. ;) + Karma for ya.

Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2004, 03:27:47 am »

The chamber was dimly lit by flickering wall sconces that hung from a double row of central stone pillars that ran the length of the room. The high arched ceiling was shrouded in darkness, save for the macabre shadows that danced across the beams cast by firelight. Large double doors of hardwood bound in iron were the only feature at one end of the chamber while the other was dominated was stepped dais set in an alcove. In the centre of the dais was an ornate high backed chair that was vacant. Either side of the main doors stood two very large Klingon guards, armed with ceremonial pole arms.
 Several loud raps on the doors from the other side echoed throughout the chamber. The guards opened the doors and a Klingon warrior entered. Dressed in military garb, no adorning badges of House or station were visible, only his rank insignia. The rank of captain. The guards ushered him in and closed the doors behind him with a resounding clang. The Klingon captain strode down the centre of the chamber towards the vacant dais. As he approached, a concealed entryway opened behind the large ornate chair on the dais, and a number hooded figures wearing plain brown robes silently filed into the room single file. The klingon captain cleared his throat.

?I am??

?We know who you are.? cut off one of the robed figures in a male voice.

?I have come here to??

?To pledge your allegiance to the House of S?uhn?ih.? cut off another robed figure.
The Klingon captain was silent for a moment, then continued.

?I have??

?Three Klingon Battlecruisers at your disposal.? finished another robed figure.

This time the captain remained silent. The hooded figure which first spoke stepped forward, and said,

?To whom do you serve??

The Klingon captain replied. ?I serve no one. I am a Klingon warrior! I will pledge my allegiance but I am no??


One of the guards standing behind the captain raised his polearm to strike the Klingon, but before the blow landed, a hooded figure standing to one side raised one hand. The guard stepped back retaking his place. The hooded figure rounded the others to stand directly in front of the Klingon captain and slowly, gracefully, swept back the hood of her robe. Long dark strands of dark hair cascaded over her shoulders as the hood revealed her identity. The furrows of the ridges on her forehead were not as deep as most Klingons. Her eyes were jet black, intense and piercing, burrowing through the soul of the Klingon captain as he stood transfixed.
She outstretched one hand and held it over the face of the Klingon. His face became impassive, his eyes glazed over. Her hand followed his face downwards as slowly his knees began to buckle and his body sank. When kneeling before her, she spoke.

?To whom do you serve?? Her voice was soft, sultry, yet firm and commanding.
The Klingon captain replied in a monotone.

?I serve you, my liege.?

?You will pledge your honour, your loyalty, your obedience, your life, your soul, to me.?

?My life is forfeit, as are the lives of my crew. I am yours to command. I will obey. Death before dishonour.? replied the Klingon captain.
She held her hand over his head a moment longer, studying him. Withdrawing her hand, she proclaimed.

?This one is true.?

She stepped back and directed him to rise. The Klingon?s eyes began to blink as he slowly stood up and shook his head as if coming out of a daze. T?rahy?ih, ruler of the House of S?uhn?ih, walked up the steps of the dais and sat down in the ornate chair, lounging to one side.

?Of course he is, he is of the Black Fleet.? spoke the first hooded figure, who now stepped forward.

?This is my second in command, Shadow Six. You will receive your orders from him.? commanded T?rahy?ih. Shadow Six also swept back his hood. The Klingon captain?s eyes widened with recognition as he looked upon the face that was revealed.

?My Lord? it is you? by the sword of Kahless? had I known?? said the captain.

?Speak not of this, but the time will come, and soon. You were wise to come here. Return to your ship and await further instructions.? said Shadow Six.

?Yes, my Lord. May our enemies rot in Gre?thor!? the Klingon captain turned and bowed before T?rahy?ih, waiting.

?You have my leave, warrior.? she directed.

?It is an honour to serve, my liege.?

To be continued....
« Last Edit: September 12, 2004, 03:54:30 am by FPF-TraceyG »
Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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Re: The Empress of the Empire
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2004, 07:16:40 am »
 Excellent TG..... :goodpost:

 Karma for You... Empress !    ;D
C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

"Life is short, have fun and enjoy !"