A bit of a delay beyond what I wanted, best beloved. My backup computer went belly up this week, and so I had to spend a day and a half building a new machine. (At retail store prices! gasp!) I mean, I love you guys and all, but I wasn't starting the server until I had a machine to play on myself.

Anyway, Squadron Commander will go live at 6PM this Sunday. (Day after tomorrow.) It's planned for a two week run.
It will NOT run late, regardless of crashes, because I want in on the KCW action. One or two of you may be getting a message from me soon to see if you can help me with restarts after crashes, so play time isn't abbreviated because of the hard end-date.
The download link and a web page with collated rules should be up late Saturday.
If this concept intrigues you, then start thinking about which race you want to fly for and get all of your pilots in order. Then get ready for life as an attrition unit. Think of the glory! getting shot up over and over and over and over and.......
-Herr Burt