We all know how fun/boring on-line campaigns can be, boring due to the typical 1 turn a day scenario and exciting due to the plots and strategies devised when planning attacks.
I had a concept I threw out at GZ, which was a on-line campaign that utilized both daily turns and immediate movement based upon a timer listed for that group.
IE within a sector map, you can freely move based upon a time/space scenario, using a point/click map in lui of the standard table square map.
So that means movement in any direction.
I also had opted for stealth settings, IE you can simulate power downs and cloak via settings available which the math would adjust various radar pings so to speak. IE higher stealth means a blip or no blip at all where a full blown attack would give you full read-outs.
So summary of maps settings is daily turns for sectors (moving from sector a to sector be would be your squad sitting at the border with a command to move to a new sector) and common movement on a timed basis.
Then I thought of PBR and the limitations of SFC (IE only a limited amount of ships within a given game) and also conceptualized a possible degrading fleet scenario, using a % of ships vs ships compared to what ships you have in your fleet.
That seemed a bit far fetched since 20 to 5 odds in a battle may be unstoppable in a normal situation, but in SFC depending on the ships, 1 ship could possibly take out all 20 if the circumstances were true.
So then I conceptualized the degrading fleet roll, IE assigning a point system to each ship within a battle, using a random roll based upon the total numbers combined within both fleets in a battle, adding in luck enhancers and un-enhancers to create a more realistic approach to the outcome of a major battle.
Conceptual at best.
Then I thought of PBR, and even though you could have a vast fleet, PBR rules would still apply to attack squads, IE utilize this concept on a match per match basis, and took that even further.
So what I thought of was a 3 tier system.
#1-Standard quadrants Basic movement through space, simulating vast distances traveled by patrols, IE the daily turns.
#2-Sector space- within the quadrant, considered non-warp travel and occupyable territory. Most of your time will be spent in these areas moving, supplying and fortifying these territories.
#3-Battle Space.
New map, showing all patrols. Now this is where I would be a bit shady, but it would show full PBR style setups, to where the only means of escape by a vessel is to leave the battle area.
IE because you leave the map in game, doesnt mean it leaves the battle area. You still have to remove yourself from the battle scene, and using this concept you CAN simulate damage by slowing the withdrawl speed.
In this map you can also dominate withdrawls, fortify patrols and have multiple battle sessions within a time period for a length of time.
Anyhow thats the short version, something that is completely doable but would need alot of interest and more importantly SFB/SFC input.
I have no intention of actually participating, but I have no code projects and I have always wanted to code something like this.
So let er rip, good idea, bad and what would you like to see?