Topic: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement  (Read 5705 times)

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Offline Herr Burt

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Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« on: September 09, 2004, 03:47:17 pm »

Far from the homeland, the war is cold and the warriors are lonely.

In the days before war, hope rose in the stars.  A new realm had been found that could be reached by a pattern of wormholes.  While the wormholes were far-flung in Imperial Space, they all clustered together on the far end in the Colonial Zone.   The systems were rich, and the natives were primitive.  Some races came for conquest (and money!) while other came for noblesse oblige (and money!), but all the Great Powers came.  Here, those who felt confined in Imperial space could make their own homes.  Here, strange new worlds could be found.  New civilisations.  New adventures.  Old enemies could work together, or simply ignore each other.  Here was peace.  (For the Imperials.  For the natives, things were a little harder.)

Alas, nothing lasts forever.

When war came to the homelands, capitals starved for cash and resources put the call out to the Colonial zone.  The money must flow.  War came to the Colonial zone as well.  A different kind of war.  There were no shipyards, no logistics, little imperial population, and a great big empty swath of stars to hold onto.  War here looked very different than it did back home.

PFs became the weapon of choice, even for the idealistic Federation.  (There were lots of eager native volunteers to fill the boats.)  Without massive battle fleets, a single tender could control a large patch of space and squadrons could roam free to wreak havoc upon one another.  These combatants clawed at one another in these small boats, struggling to get the most resources back home to the "real" war.  Everyone knew that whoever won back there was going to clean up in the Colonial Zone.

Welcome to the life of an attrition unit.  Come join us in command of a squadron.  Your home needs cash.  Your ships need repairs.  The enemy is everywhere.  And whatever happens, you won't be missed.


Flotilla Construction

While you can control a single boat in SC if you wish, the focus of the campaign is flotilla command.  You have two ship slots in SC, which you can fill in the manner you feel serves your empire best.  Some boats come loaded with other boats, giving the total number of boats you can have under your command  as six.  (Eight for the Lyrans.)  There are a few rules on how you can build your flotilla.  Since I'm writing in the English language many rules will have an exception.

 PFs are divided into leaders, line, and support boats.  Leader and support boats may be purchased in the shipyard while line PFs are in the "bays" of the leader PFs.

1)  You may NOT simultaneously own two off the SAME boats purchased from the shipyard.
Exception:  Interceptor leaders.  If you wish, you may control two interceptor leaders.

2) Races with more than one class of PF (Roms, Kzin, Hydran) have a leader and line version of each class.  (eg.:  Rom Centurions and Starhawks, Hydran Howlers and Harriers and etc.)  A leader may NOT carry a line PF that is not of its own type.  (eg.  A H-HWLL may not carry H-HARs).  The line PF of each class is easily recognizable, as it has the same abbreviation as its leader minus the final "L" in the name.  You may NOT carry a leader version of two different PFs:  only one leader per player at a time, unless you want to take two interceptor leaders.  Sorry, no CENL's backed up by STHL's.  ;)
Exception:  There is no leader version of the Lyran Fi-Con.  Any Lyran PFL (not INTL) may carry Fi-Cons.  (The PFLs are bobcats, the interceptors are lynxes.)

3) You may buy freightors if you wish.  They are relatively cheap.  However, all "real" ships -- including real frigates -- should cost a couple hundred thousand PP.  They are supposed to be priced beyond reach.  If you find that you can afford one, please don't.  They aren't supposed to be available.

4) Bases are represented by PF tenders and Aux PF tenders, and are able to be purchased in the shipyard.  They are recognizable by their name and by the fact that they are affordable.  For example, a BS_AxPFT is an auxilliary PF tender that is used as a base station.  They are affordable.


Flotilla Operation

1)  Your PFL (if you have one) MUST launch its PF's as soon as possible.  I suggest setting a hotkey to launch all fighters.  (I use the "F" key.)  If you aren't sure who drafted you then you might be anxiously scanning and probing for a few moments, but try not to take too long.  No one should get bitchy with a stopwatch, but the idea is to get them out there as soon as possible.

2)  Once the line PF's are launched, you may NEVER recall them within a mission.  It is (barely) possible that the AI might get a crippled line boat recalled while you are in a different boat.  EVERYONE SHOULD BE PREPARED TO DEAL WITH THIS IN A POSITIVE MANNER AND NOT CRY "CHEAT!"  If this happens, you are prohibited from launching the line boat again during that mission.  Again, see above warning.  If the AI happens to get the boat launched again, do the right thing and self-destruct it.  My first (and likely last) response to anyone who claims their opponent cheated in this manner will be to reply, "No, he didn't.  Get over it."

3)  Fi-Cons are free to launch their fighters whenever they want.  Once launched, they cannot be recalled.  (See rule two for "oops"  caveats.)

4) This is a war of attrition between boats that don't have the big, self-sustaining warp engines of starships.  Casualties are expected and acceptable, and getting caught with your "tanks dry" is a daily hazard.  You may NOT retreat from combat unless your leader or your support boat has been killed.  Loss of line boats do not allow you to disengage.  Once you have lost your leader or your support boat, you are free to disengage with any surviving boats.


The Map Concept

This is supposed to represent a different kind of warfare.  To reflect this, the map will work a little differently than you are used to.

1)  (Virtually) No planets.  The fortified planets seen in the Imperial Zone simply don't exist on this wide open, primitive frontier of the colonial zone.  If a race wants to defend a valuable system, they must deploy boats to do it.  And that's your job.  "Planets" on this map will be represented by high econ hexes.  While some may be easily recognizable by the presence of terrain such as asteroids, some others may not.  This is in keeping with the concept that the Colonial zone is a wild frontier.  You do not have detailed maps of the enemy's turf and must find his resources through good old-fashioned legwork.

2) No bases.    No expensive bases have been built in the Colonial Zone, and now that war has broken out in the Imperial Zone none are going to be for the forseeable future.  The role of bases on this map will be filled with PF tenders.  When you assault a "base", you will actually be assaulting a tender with its flotilla.  In the wild frontier of the Colonial Zone a tender squadron is a potent weapon, as it projects power over a large stretch of space.  Likewise, killing a tender helps to empty surrounding space of the infestation of its annoying boats.  Bases will be destroyable, but you probably won't kill them with the first successful mission.

3) Invulnerable capitals.  There will be a few planets on the map.  These are the provincial capitals of each race, and are considered far too powerful for mere attrition units to conquer.  Taking them would require a large battle fleet from the Imperial zone, and they won't be coming until the war back home is over.  Thus, you may NOT take missions in an enemy's planet hex.  You are free to take missions in your own provincial capital.  (Piracy is universal, and it's your job to protect those goods your  colonials are sending home.)


Victory Conditions

In this war of attrition, there are three things that are important:

1) Attrition of enemy boats
2) Economic gain sent home to aide the capital's war effort
3) Number of tenders in space

Keep track of how many leader or support boats you kill, and report them as they happen.  (Details on reporting procedure later.)  At the end of the war, each race and each alliance will be ranked from 1 to 8 according to how well they did in each category.  The alliance with the lowest total ranking will be declared the winner of the war in the colonial zone.  More specifically, the race with the lowest total score will be declared the overall winner of the campaign.  So yes, even if you get hosed in one category because your race "suks roks", you can still win by taking the other two categories.

The usual rules

1) Don't forfeit your way across the map or log off to avoid mandatory missions.  You must take a mission if you get mandatory one, or call for someone else to come and draft you.
2) Don't run around and keep a player in mission just to keep him in mission.  There are many ways to fight, but if you don't intend to fight -- ever -- then leave the map.
3) Don't exploit a bug if you find one.
4) Don't cheat
5) Don't be abusive towards other players.  It makes me sad and then I have to strat banning IP addresses.  And that's no fun, because I want as many people to play as can.

It is specifically legal (i.e cheerfully allowed) to lose missions in your own hex in order to give it to an ally!  However, it is specifically illegal to log on as the enemy, lose missions in his hexes, and then log on as yourself in order to conquer them.  There is defnitely some rock/paper/scissors with some of the races, so granting allies bases may prove useful.

That's about it.  I'll update if there are issues. 

-Herr Burt
« Last Edit: September 16, 2004, 02:37:03 am by Herr Burt »
Happy Warmongering!

Offline KBF-Kurok

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2004, 04:31:46 pm »
This is  gonna rock.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline Green

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2004, 06:04:04 pm »
Looks really cool.  The construction looks a little confusing, but maybe after I get the shiplist it will be obvious.

Offline FPF-Bach

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2004, 06:06:21 pm »
Looks cool.  Am I understanding correctly that PF's won't actually be carried by a PF tender but the PF leader which in reality couldn't really carry PF's?  Just curious if that's how your deploying them and that's why recovering the PF's in battle is not allowed.
Former Federation A/RM SFC2.NET
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Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2004, 08:34:14 pm »
Looks cool.  Am I understanding correctly that PF's won't actually be carried by a PF tender but the PF leader which in reality couldn't really carry PF's?  Just curious if that's how your deploying them and that's why recovering the PF's in battle is not allowed.

Yep, you got it.  You are a gunboat captain, in charge of your flotilla.  Every mission is the SFC version of a carrier strike.  You get to fly and die, while your tender stays back safe and comfy.  The only tenders you should see will be owned by the AI during base assault missions.

Green worried:
The construction looks a little confusing, but maybe after I get the shiplist it will be obvious.

God, I hope so!  I don't really think it will be confusing once you see it.  I'll put up a chart later that shows which PFLs can carry which PFs.  When you see the chart once, I think the pattern will prove intuitive enough that you'll never need the chart again.

-Herr Burt

Happy Warmongering!

Offline FPF-Bach

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2004, 09:43:48 pm »
So if the PFL that carries the other PF's into the match gets blown up are the other PF's going to pop too like they would if it were the tender or carrier that was destroyed?

It would be really cool if there a work around....
Former Federation A/RM SFC2.NET
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Offline FPF-SCM_TraceyG_XC

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2004, 04:34:23 pm »
Captain FPF-TraceyG, Federation Protection Fleet Admin member Admin member
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Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2004, 07:39:35 pm »
So if the PFL that carries the other PF's into the match gets blown up are the other PF's going to pop too like they would if it were the tender or carrier that was destroyed?

It would be really cool if there a work around....

Yup.  If you have a PFL in your flotilla and it dies, the PFs it was carrying will go with you.  Only your other support boat will remain.  Protect your leader!  I agree it would be cool if there was a workaround, but I'm afraid I coudn't find one. 

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2004, 11:32:08 pm »

Yup.  If you have a PFL in your flotilla and it dies, the PFs it was carrying will go with you.  Only your other support boat will remain.  Protect your leader!  I agree it would be cool if there was a workaround, but I'm afraid I coudn't find one. 

-Herr Burt

HB, I'm planning on an upcoming Star Wars server where an Imperial Star Destroyer is equipped with 4x fighter 'Cargo Bays' which drop from the ship and each carry 16 fighters... or 4x PF's @ for a total of 64 or 16 respectively. The Cargo Bays are immobile and heavily armored. They are simply designed to 'sit there' and facilitate the use of more than the usual limitation of fighter or PF compliments and escort their 'mothership' into battle. Other Imperial and Rebel Alliance ships will be similarly equipped..

I just can't wait for the 'Destroy the Death Star' mission where you run into 3x or more Star Destroyers, 192+ fighters and support craft and that big bad Death Star shooting up your fleet, or X-wing if you were stupid enough to fly it alone. ;) Use the Force, Luke...


However, I dont think any of that will work for you... ;). But I'm playing your server out of extreme curiosity and interest to see how it works and how much fun it is. Sounds like it will be a blast!

Cant wait, cant wait!!!!
« Last Edit: September 12, 2004, 02:36:11 am by Dizzy »

Offline Hexx

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2004, 11:10:17 am »
Cool idea Dizzy
will it be more in tune with the Star Wars theme and be more a fighter based than Cap ship server?
Or will we just have lots of Star Destroyers flying around?
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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2004, 08:52:36 am »
sending u a PM about it. Not gonna hijack HB's thread here. I posted it here, cuz HB is doing some ground breaking work that would make my life easier concerning the tech aspects of pf carrying ftrs. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2004, 11:12:05 am »
Some points:

1) Shop Rex leaves town on Tuesday.

2) I'm home alone until I leave town on Friday.

3)  You all are sooo dead.   I've spent my entire SFC playing time in pathetic little ships.  <grumble>   I'm tanned, I'm rested, I'm trained, and I'm ready to commit various attrocities.

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2004, 11:43:58 am »

 . . .  and I'm ready to commit various attrocities.

To your own crew?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2004, 11:46:18 am »
Awesome HB :notworthy:

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2004, 11:30:42 pm »
What is an Interceptor Leader? Is that the same one you start out in? A PFDL in the gorn case?
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Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2004, 11:46:28 pm »
What is an Interceptor Leader? Is that the same one you start out in? A PFDL in the gorn case?

No, you start in a PF leader.  Interceptors were the precursors to PFs.  They had no leaders, but I needed a way for one of them to carry others of their kind.  An interceptor leader is an invention of mine.  It is an interceptor, except it carries two other interceptors.  (And has a transporter so it can launch what it carries.)

It allows you to fly squadrons of interceptors.  Since you are allowed more than one interceptore leader, you can get a lot of boats in the air at once by flying them.   Howevr they aren't all that strong, and so they maily serve to give you a ride home after your PFL gets killed.  (And it will)

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2004, 11:53:08 pm »
OK then, which is the "Interceptor Leader" for the gorn, as I seem to be flying around with 2 PF Leaders right now?
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2004, 12:17:48 am »
OK then, which is the "Interceptor Leader" for the gorn, as I seem to be flying around with 2 PF Leaders right now?
Hey now!  Only one boat of a type unless you take two interceptor leaders.  ;)

The interceptor leader is the PTRL (Pteradon Interceptor)

The PF leader is the PTDL (Pteradactyl leader)

Try experimenting with the PTDm's.  Mine warfare PFs aren't all that special in a long fight, but with four trans and 16 mines they can make some pretty fireworks.

Happy Warmongering!

-Herr Burt
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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2004, 12:48:33 am »
Which is considered the Interceptor Leader for the roms?

Is it the Decurion or the Starhawk?

**EDIT**  Nevermind I see that the Decurion says Interceptor Leader
Firehawk of the Romulan SPQR

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander: Rules of Engagement
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2004, 02:33:53 am »
Just a "bump" to let you know that I have updated the rules in post one.  One for clarity, and one with standard rules just so they are stated.

The updates are in orange.  There are two sections of updates.

-Herr Burt
« Last Edit: September 17, 2004, 12:53:30 am by Herr Burt »
Happy Warmongering!