Topic: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?  (Read 6078 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« on: September 09, 2004, 01:22:20 pm »

Offline Bernard Guignard

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2004, 01:55:28 pm »
To the Best of my knowledge no one has created a tmp version yet. ;D

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2004, 02:11:51 pm »
I'd rather not have WZ make this one. Im looking for a playable ship, he tends to go overboard on polys and make works of art... But I think I have seen TMP version of this b4... Somewhere. And its not that old dated taldren model.

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2004, 03:13:26 pm »
so diz  were you  pick that one up at?

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2004, 04:35:57 pm »

An Excelsior  Refit (Enterprise B Style) version is available as a FBB at:

I hope the site will be back up soon.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2004, 04:38:43 pm »
so diz  were you  pick that one up at?

Dunno, but I'll be happy to email ya. ;)

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2004, 04:54:45 pm »
that is a ship by the TheStresspuppy , its named Yamoto, if my memory serves me right and yes, there was a TMP version of it around somewhere :)
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Offline battlestar001

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2004, 05:28:47 pm »
she is the FBB from SFC1 and 2. Just take the MOD file out from SFC2 and add the neccorsy files and play in 3. It will work.

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2004, 05:45:44 pm »

This is TOS FBB is available here:

IIRC Atheorhaven might have a TMP of this in the works someplace.

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2004, 07:15:19 pm »  Look in the ships section for the Yamamoto class.  That ship is actually a port from SFC/OP.  That is the only TMP version of the ship around.  In fact, if I am right, this TOS version was built as an "what if this were in the TOS era" concept, but then again, I could be wrong.  The only TMP version of this ship I have ever seen was used in SFC1/2/OP, and those models weren't particularly very good when you really looked at them.  I think WZ would make a great TMP version of this ship.  His skills are just as good as any other modelers around, but any skilled modeler would do just as excellent a job.  I like WZ's work though because he includes specs, which for me makes it really easy to install.  :-D  But those opinions of mine are more suited in another forum, not on here.  If I offended anyone in anyway, I apologize. 
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Offline Wicked Zombie

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2004, 10:20:03 pm »
Yes, the TMP version from KA/SFC was the original that the above TOS 'pre-fit' was based on. There's also an Excelsior style one, covered in phaser banks, a half dozen engines, and other ridiculous fan-boy inspired details that someone made a few years ago. Outside of the FASA designs and various kitbashes, that's one of the ugliest, most anti-traditional Federation ships I've ever seen and all knowledge of it's existence should be wiped from the galaxy.

Heh, in case anyone hasn't figured it out by now, there's an extremely slim to nonexistent chance I'll ever build a Wickedized Yamato class - the Mars and Missouri are cutting it close to the ugly scale as it is.

If I've offended anyone in anyway by my blatant comments regarding ship design and aesthetics, I'm not apologizing because, well, I just don't give a damn.
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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2004, 11:40:45 pm »
Yes, the TMP version from KA/SFC was the original that the above TOS 'pre-fit' was based on. There's also an Excelsior style one, covered in phaser banks, a half dozen engines, and other ridiculous fan-boy inspired details that someone made a few years ago. Outside of the FASA designs and various kitbashes, that's one of the ugliest, most anti-traditional Federation ships I've ever seen and all knowledge of it's existence should be wiped from the galaxy.

Heh, in case anyone hasn't figured it out by now, there's an extremely slim to nonexistent chance I'll ever build a Wickedized Yamato class - the Mars and Missouri are cutting it close to the ugly scale as it is.

If I've offended anyone in anyway by my blatant comments regarding ship design and aesthetics, I'm not apologizing because, well, I just don't give a damn.

LOL.   I actualy like the ship too, but you use to god damn many textures  on your tmp feds, so thankyou for not making this ship lol. ;D

And lets not forget Joker's Montana class. Promethius saucer, 4 sov engines, twin hulls and ofcourse 4 miranda style torpedo pods make it one bad@$$ mutha fuxxor. :o   w00t!

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2004, 12:30:38 am »
The TMP Yamato isn't too bad, but then I've grown used to seeing it in SFC and KA... It's most likely just that I feel some nostalgia when I think about it.  Same for the Missouri-class.  Oh well, everyone has different taste. *shrug*

The Missouri-class is like an overgrown 3-nacelled Miranda/Oberth-class hybrid of some sort... But the design isn't too bad.  I actually am fond of it in the realm of non-kitbashed Fed Battleship designs.  Imagine someone actually trying to oversize a real Oberth-class Secondary hull and stick it to the hull of a Miranda-class and put some Oberth or Excelsior-class nacelles... *shudder*

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2004, 07:58:31 am »
i like the basic design of the ship but i think the nearest thing to a BB the federation build in tmp
is the excelsior and the excelsior b.

if u look for something bigger than that look here:

its a ulysses class dreadnought. six photon tubes and 24 phaser emiters. should be powerfull enough whatever specs u give her. and i think its a beautifull ship

i still think the excelsior b is the better choice - from a logical standpoint she as as many phasers as the ulysses and she is smaller ->better turn rate and acceleration. and its the most advanced ship of its time. and its canon.

your sssship iss ssssoft!

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2004, 08:19:15 am »
These 2x come in the Excelsior Fleet pack by Fury of a Seraph, originals by Pneumonic81, textures by Captain Ron (GAFY) and additional textures addapted by Fury of a Seraph. The Jupiter and the Sparta2H. Neither have _brk mods. Anyone have them?

But I want to see TMP style pre-excelsior yamamoto class.

Where can I find one? I'm pretty sure I have seen one b4 made for SFC2.

Jupiter: Total BB or BBX.

Sparta2H Would make a good DNH or BB.

The problem with the two above designs is that the Excelsior didnt come out till 2280-83. The F-BB and the F-DNH come out before that in year 2275 and 2278. Thats why I'm looking so hard for TMP pre Excelsior version.

Offline jayvt3

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2004, 12:23:45 pm »
well here's my $1.50.  One, I have pretty much all of WZ stuff and have had no problem running a whole fleet of WarHammers in game.  I think his redux of the Letahality is great except for the half nekkid chick on the hull(talk about fanboy crap)

Two, I think that the design of the F-BB is awesome(I will not call it Yamato due to my personal opinion that naming a class of ship after one that was sunk so easily in combat and not docked is disgraceful.  also im korean my grandfather, grand uncles were kliied by the japanese and several great aunts were taken to Peleiu Island for slave labor so nuff said on that)

In a nutshell I like it and hate the stupid looking SFC Missouri BB.  But then I'm the guy who thinks that whoever decided to stretch a klingon BOP to 600+ meters and call it K'Vort should be  :2gun: :2gun: :2gun: :2gun:  along with whoever came up with the Galaxy Class as well.

Hey this is my opion and this is America.  So nyah nyah nyah.

p.s.  Hey WeeZee (getit weezee, WZ, weezee...we're moving on up.  to the east side...nevermind :banghead:)  I think you should attempt a TNG BB.  Your FDNs all look great and it would be a true test of your modelling ability but I can understand if it is too hard for you to do...

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2004, 01:07:33 pm »
Yes, but you missed the point with the Lethality - it's supposed to be a fanboy ship. Pirates, renegades, big guns, flashy paint jobs, and all that. Though, considering most so-called fanboy ships with their uber-trans-galactic-multi-phase-super-nuking cannons, their half dozen transwarp engines, fifty phaser arrays, and twenty quantum torpedo launchers, I'd say the Lethality is fairly conservative by comparison.

Just because I haven't done a lot of TNG ships doesn't mean they are beyond my abilities. TNG designs have a different style, and take a different approach, and quite frankly I'm not much interested in wasting time on one of the things unless it's something that catches my eye.
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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2004, 02:42:01 pm »
With a much thicker saucer, and making so the two sec hulls are just one rather wide one i.e. add a big central area to connect them, and obviously do something about those stupidly large rollbars with the launchers hanging a few metres from the saucer the Yamato could be made into something quite special. The less said about the Missouri design the better IMO though it's ugliness is cool in a way that suggests it wasn't built to look pretty but to blow s**t up...

Jayvt, don't take this the wrong way but I don't think that because you're family suffered at the hands of the Japanese should mean we never name a ship after anything Japanese, I mean what about the Fed ship the Bismark? Or the Potemkin? Or the Napoleon, all right he was a brilliant general but he caused the deaths of thousands unnecessarily in his later campaigns especially in Russia. We need more foreign names in the Fed ships, the majority of ships are given American names, and there're almost no ships with non-human names in Starfleet.
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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2004, 04:52:46 pm »

p.s.  Hey WeeZee (getit weezee, WZ, weezee...we're moving on up.  to the east side...nevermind :banghead:)  I think you should attempt a TNG BB.  Your FDNs all look great and it would be a true test of your modelling ability but I can understand if it is too hard for you to do...

See this is the thing I really dislike to see. It is a mild insult to a person, to try to Persuade some into doing something. Most of the time it is ignored but it is a insult none the less, and usually doesn't help the case or arguement at all. In fact I have avoid helping ppl in the past for this type of response, and I would encourge others to do so as well, usually threw a PM or E-mail.

WZ has stated quite publically that he doesn't like the look of the TNG ships and therefore will not do them, or anything else that he considers ugly. It is after all his time he has to spend to do this so be kind about it and ask, don't bully or brow beat some one into something. They will not enjoy doing it at all and that tends to make them not want to do this stuff after awhile.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2004, 06:15:23 pm »
I dont think WZ gives a flying f*ck what others think of his work, let alone what he does/doesnt do. He has a huge fan base already and I think he quite likes what he does/has done.

As far as others telling him this or that, let them. WZ is not a paper thin person. I've seen him dish it out before. I'm just trying to find a model, guys. I dont need a flame war to start on my thread when there is no reason to have one. Lets drop the issue, shall we?

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2004, 08:00:25 pm »
Yes, the TMP version from KA/SFC was the original that the above TOS 'pre-fit' was based on. There's also an Excelsior style one, covered in phaser banks, a half dozen engines, and other ridiculous fan-boy inspired details that someone made a few years ago. Outside of the FASA designs and various kitbashes, that's one of the ugliest, most anti-traditional Federation ships I've ever seen and all knowledge of it's existence should be wiped from the galaxy.

Heh, in case anyone hasn't figured it out by now, there's an extremely slim to nonexistent chance I'll ever build a Wickedized Yamato class - the Mars and Missouri are cutting it close to the ugly scale as it is.

If I've offended anyone in anyway by my blatant comments regarding ship design and aesthetics, I'm not apologizing because, well, I just don't give a damn.

Well, personally WZ, I rather love the Mars design, at least the first one you did.  The second one looks more streamlined and has better textures, I'll give you that, but kinda looks a bit like a hybrid Connie/Excelsior, but it's a great ship nonetheless.  As for the Missouri, where can I get it?  Hope you don't mind me asking.
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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2004, 08:14:41 pm »
As for the Missouri, where can I get it?  Hope you don't mind me asking.

 ;D WZ45's version is still a WIP. IIRC, he wasn't liking the textures on his ship for some reason.

Moonraker's website as hosted/cared for by WZ45 appears to be down at the moment. However, Moonraker's version of the Missouri is available as a SFC3 file renamed to:

I *think* Khaliban did a kitbash variant too but the location of that escapes me at the moment.

I've been using the Missouri as an FBBV in Firesouls latest OP+ shiplist.

BTW: Joker made a TNG version of the Missouri and it can be found here:



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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2004, 10:31:51 pm »
I never said I didn't do TNG ships, what I've stated in the past though is that I don't do requests (especially the ugly ships), and their are very few exceptions to that. Dizzy has a point, I don't really give a damn what anyone else thinks/wants when it comes to my ships. Everyone has an opinion and I have no interest in catering to everyone's viewpoints. That's the best advice I can give anyone around here - ignore everyone else and do what you want.

It's not that I don't like TNG ships, I just don't like building and texturing them. There's a lot more time and attention required for them and for the most part, I don't see much reason to bother with the things. TMP designs have a certain style and feel to them, whereas the TNG ships are flashy, generic, material objects. Bodies without a soul, so to speak.

The textures for my Missouri are indeed quite lame and I haven't gotten around to redoing the ship yet. I'll probably end up rebuilding the whole thing if my previous ships are any indication.

This thread has skewed way off course (yes, partly my fault). I'm fairly familiar with most of the ships released, and as far as I know, there isn't a non-Excelsior version of the Yamato. There are plenty of variants and Yamato inspired versions, obviously, but I haven't seen a detailed replica of the original.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2004, 02:41:13 am »
Well, I will have to either use Fury's Jupiter or the Yamamoto.

I always wondered... When exactly does TMP ships begin to roll out as far as the Dyna shiplist is concerned? Is it in 2265 when the CC+ comes out or 2275 when the FCB comes out?

I'd kinda like to see TMP ships trickle in around 2270 and afterwards. Most servers start now in 2267. FS's shiplist will have completely phased out TOS ships by then. It's a shame cuz there are so many wonderful TOS designs.

It's conceivable that in 2275, the FBB TOS design has, after years of construction, finally been completed. Sounds reasonable that the FBB's keel was laid in response to the Klingons KB10 which was rumored to have been under contruction for some time in 2265 and finally entered service in 2273. Therefore, at the time tried and true TOS tech was used and in 2275 out popped the FBB with TOS look...

Oh well. If TOS designs were to phase in starting in 2270 with the introduction of the FNCL, then that would be great. FS would have to change a cpl of model folders around, the CC+ in 2265 has the same folder as the FCB in 2275. But we'd get to see TOS designs in action for a little bit b4 they all go away... ::sniff::

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2004, 08:17:55 am »
Personnaly WZ Id love to see you create a TNG style ship!!!!  ;D

Your TOS are next to none BRILLIANT.... It would be interesting to see your style of modeling in TNG...  :o

We wait patiently for somthing to catch your eye sir.



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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2004, 08:41:59 am »

as close as i can get it if you like to use this one let me know i`ll post it for u too get it


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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2004, 08:52:17 am »

as close as i can get it if you like to use this one let me know i`ll post it for u too get it


I'd like to see it for SFC3 if it's possible. 
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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2004, 09:16:20 am »

as close as i can get it if you like to use this one let me know i`ll post it for u too get it


Very Nice work Darkdrone Looking forward to here being released for SFC2   ;D :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2004, 01:51:20 pm »
 ;D WOW! DD is at it again! I'll be d/l this for sure.

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Offline jayvt3

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2004, 02:40:27 pm »
First off to agree with WZ the topic has gone wrong... terribly, terribly wrong  :smackhead:
Sencond, the fed BB in SFC1,SFC-EAW and SFC-OP is a TMP version.  It just has poor textures and is a low poly mod.  I know in SFC Universe there is a FBB Yamato Class that has slighty better textures.  Not great but alittle better than the original.
Third, the Excelsior BB has been done and I am so sorry but I don't remember by whom but it came in a mod set with a whole bunch of Excelsior varients.  But hey, that's a good looking ship you got there.
Fourth, about my comments on the Japanese and about the names of ship/classes.  I whole heartedly agree that new names of ship and ship classes and I am sorry if they were taken out of context.  Also when I get a really cool ship that has a name that I don't like I change it.  Heck isn't that what photo-shop is for?
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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2004, 02:44:12 pm »
the Excelsior Yamato-ish BB was done by me...Its called the Jupiter.
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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2004, 04:12:33 pm »
To Wicked Zombie, etc.

Just nosy, what would YOUR idea of a good looking Starfleet F-BB look like, regardless of era?

I also tend to agree, that so far, the Fed BB designs don't have that "look" that their smaller ships have.

Personally, I'd think that having a bunch of engines hanging off all over the hull doesn't look good on Starfleet or Klingon designs.

Besides the ones talked about on this thread, what (unbuilt) F-BB designs (again, it could be preTOS, TOS, TMP, TNG) are out there that are different from the ones we know about already?

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2004, 04:45:37 am »
the Excelsior Yamato-ish BB was done by me...Its called the Jupiter.
And how did the brk mod go? I heard you were pulling the pack of mods due to some lighting and brk mods were missing.
Damn fine work though.

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2004, 05:48:57 am »
It was done and sent to nightsoft, but since its dead...

Ill see about putting it onto SFC3Files.

Catch me on MSN or AIM and i can likewise supply you.
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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2004, 09:17:25 am »
To Wicked Zombie, etc.

Just nosy, what would YOUR idea of a good looking Starfleet F-BB look like, regardless of era?

I also tend to agree, that so far, the Fed BB designs don't have that "look" that their smaller ships have.

Personally, I'd think that having a bunch of engines hanging off all over the hull doesn't look good on Starfleet or Klingon designs.

Besides the ones talked about on this thread, what (unbuilt) F-BB designs (again, it could be preTOS, TOS, TMP, TNG) are out there that are different from the ones we know about already?

If WZ does do one, hopefully the model would match somewhat the SFC specs of the design. Was there ever any sfb specs of one?

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2004, 09:19:07 am »
the Excelsior Yamato-ish BB was done by me...Its called the Jupiter.

Yeah, I thought DD posted more pics of the one I credited you for and showed above. Fury, let DD host it or get that pack over to sfc3files pronto! I already have it tho. ;) And again, nice job.

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2004, 10:06:07 am »
It was done and sent to nightsoft, but since its dead...

Ill see about putting it onto SFC3Files.

Catch me on MSN or AIM and i can likewise supply you.  get me on msn i`ll add them right away then please add a screenshot or two to the zip man


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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2004, 12:21:48 pm »
Apparently my version of this should be bumped up a bit priority-wise..

I'll see if I can't get re-working on it again in the next few days..
..ooOOoo..totally useless information..ooOOoo..

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Anyone know where I can find TMP version of this Fed BB?
« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2004, 01:15:27 pm »
Apparently my version of this should be bumped up a bit priority-wise..

I'll see if I can't get re-working on it again in the next few days..

Whats it look like so far????!