THese are beautiful, absolutely beautiful!!! I play your old fleet quite a bit in a private mod I made...
these new textures are brilliant, directly as well as idea-wise (damn, lost the words I was going to use).
One thing I wanted to ask of you, if its even your care to do so.... not insinuating that these aren't good enough, by any means, just a thought.... or one I always wanted to ask..
Is it possible that you would want to make a more futuristic version of these hulls, and maybe even keeping the same textures? Lets say, for a custom TNG or even post-VOY campaign? I have ideas in my head, but I cannot even draw a smiley face on paper. Something really interesting or wild would be neat. Maybe a new BC, DN, not even a whole fleet just a few would be neat too.
Again, these are marvelous designs, but the above was just somethingI always wanted to ask, hopefully this is in the right tone and context.
If you are not really interested, just disregard, its fine, but I thought it could be fun.
Either way-
Thanks for the great work, keep it coming...