Topic: UFP-1 Starfleet One released  (Read 13100 times)

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Re: UFP-1 Starfleet One released
« Reply #80 on: September 07, 2004, 02:25:35 pm »
I see the point in the prom was launched later than the sov so it should be more advanced but if u think lojicaly. the defiant, sov, prom and arika classes would have been designed at the same time, for the same purpose. The defiant would have been complicated first for obviusals resions. The prom is very powerfull because it divides into 3 standalone sections if it was just 1 ship then it would be easily defateable

Offline AgentSloan

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Re: UFP-1 Starfleet One released
« Reply #81 on: September 07, 2004, 03:38:14 pm »
I see the point in the prom was launched later than the sov so it should be more advanced but if u think lojicaly. the defiant, sov, prom and arika classes would have been designed at the same time, for the same purpose. The defiant would have been complicated first for obviusals resions. The prom is very powerfull because it divides into 3 standalone sections if it was just 1 ship then it would be easily defateable

Hello battlestar001, :)

I guess you have point there eh,
It all is ones personal preference in the end,

Take care, and best wishes, :)

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: UFP-1 Starfleet One released
« Reply #82 on: September 07, 2004, 05:14:26 pm »
(Don... I didn't put words in your mouth, not intentionally at least.  You said before that the most-advanced starship is most-reasonable a choice for a Federation President upon choosing his own personal starship for transportation.  Then you imply the Sovereign-class would thus be the choice.  In 2372 or 2373, yes.  Not in 2374+.  If we continued your logic that the most-advanced starship would be the choice, it points out to the most-powerful, top-secret warship Starfleet has to offer; The U.S.S. Prometheus.  That is why I replied the way I have.  Also, you were open enough to be disproven.  You first and continually replied that the Sovereign-class was the most-advanced starship. ... Now you say "of its type," and still I am open enough on disagreeing; The Sovereign-class is more a ship of battle against major current threats of its time than a ship of exploration.  It fits in with ships like the Defiant, Akira, and Prometheus.  I was trying to explain my simple disagreement, that's all.  Now continuing with that...)

Comparing "Star Trek: First Contact" to "Message in a Bottle" (VGR), I'd have to disagree Don.  Sorry for the stubborness, but since when can the Sovereign seperate based on on-screen canonical evidence?  The closest to such is the bow of the ship being ripped apart when it is backing off from being welded inside Shinzon's ship after the collision.  But that's hardly a saucer seperation that the Enterprise-D had performed a few times in her duties or the Prometheus in the aformentioned Voyager episode.  And although it can be argued that we haven't seen a D'Deridex Type-B Romulan Warbird ("The Defector," "Tin Man" [TNG]) go up against a Sovereign, but what kind of Federation Starship can easily destroy such a Warbird and remain (for the most part) unscaythed?
More proof that the Prometheus is more advanced could lie in its holographic technology.  Since when do you see Emergency Medical Holograms running around Sovereign-class Starships?  Since when do you see Tommy Guns being fired at Borg outside of the holodeck?  The point is, Hologram technology expanded past the Holodeck where the Prometheus is concerned. 
To me, I feel convinced the Prometheus was the testbed for technology improved from what was then the "most-advanced" starship outside of classified material.  Also, when in MVAM, A little fifth nacelle on the top "saucer" of the Prometheus was what was keeping up with other parts of the ship when driving off a Nebula-class...
Then we have Andy Dick!  Oh, sorry, that's the actor's name for the EMH Mark II (also in the aforementioned Voyager episode), a prototype in itself and more-advanced than the EMH Mark I of the Enterprise-E.

You are right in the matter of personal preference Don (and Battlestar001), but wrong in the matter of most-advanced starship.  Technically, the most-advanced starship would have technology exceeding that of other ships.  I ask you, why is the "most-advanced" starship (Sovereign-class in question, according to you Don) using technology outdated by the Prometheus-class?  Just because some projects start in the same years as others doesen't mean it'll use the exact same technology upon release, especially if one takes longer than another.  Prometheus is such an example compared to the Sovereign.

Going by the logic of most-advanced starship being the choice for the Federation President's interstellar transportation, the Top-secret U.S.S. Prometheus is the choice, not the Sovereign.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2004, 05:51:59 pm by Chris Johnson »

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Re: UFP-1 Starfleet One released
« Reply #83 on: September 07, 2004, 08:01:31 pm »
personaly this thread is starting to get a bit long winded why dony you just say that the president ship would be anything he can get his hands on at the time weather it be a Q-Ship so he wouldnt be a target by flying around in a prommie or a sovvie for offical missions he probaly uses the flag ship of the fleet and it wouldnt have its paint job changed just because it has the president on board i mean fair enough its a nice idea do do textures but starfleet would not have one of its great designs of ship sitting around doing nothing waiting for the president to wake up and take him to mars for bacon and eggs

everyone has there own opinions here but can we just agree to disagree this was originaly about the fantastic re texture idea and now its almost become a warzone you have everyone getting on each others nerves and to be honest its beyond the point of debate and has become almost a battle to see who gets the last word

FINALLY!!!!  SOMEONE ELSE AGREES WITH ME!!!!!!  I had tried putting an end to this endless bickering about a month ago or so.  As I had said before, this is most likely my fault, since I had asked if a ship could be retextured to look like a custom paint job of a ship model that someone did and then posted on a website.  When someone else mentioned that a Sovereign would probably look better with a retexture like that, I for one was eager to see how it would look.  My only intention though was to see if at least one ship, ONE SHIP, could be retextured with that type of texturing pattern, and it was.  I personally would have loved to see other ships redone with the same kind of textures, namely the MkII Constitution (which was done but is only for SFC2, and if anyone can convert it for me to SFC3, I would be very greatful), the Excelsior, the Galaxy, and hell, even the Ambassador.  I don't feel that this thread, or this forum, is the appropriate place to debate as to which ship SHOULD be the ship of the UFP president.  I know retextures such as these take a long time, but you know what, good things are worth waiting for, and I'm hoping that other ship classes, CANON AND NON-CANON, will eventually be retextured with the UFP presidential textures.  Not only so that it makes everyone happy, but also you could say, what if this ship were to be the president's ship.  Or hell, this just came to mind.  Why not do a starbase retexture, just for the hell of it.  If you want to say whether a certain retexture looks nice or not on a particular ship class, then this is the thread to do it in. 
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Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: UFP-1 Starfleet One released
« Reply #84 on: September 07, 2004, 08:22:55 pm »
It's a nice idea.  I realize you wanted to end the arguing, and for a while I thought it had.  I was just replying to Don's messages when he continued it.  And although it's off-topic in a thread and forum it need not be discussed on, who usually wants to actively discuss this when one brings it up intentionally?  I can go to the Ten-Forward or General SFC Forum thread and start it, but it'll be usually a quiet and unpopular thread, withering away, dying.  Sometimes the best times to discuss an interesting subject nobody usually cares about is at a forum and thread it sometimes is unsuited in.

I for one don't really call this discussion bickering.  Sure, an insult or two was thrown, but it's how you interpret it.  You may interpret by now that I'm not really in a good mood.  Not true; I'm calm.  I really thought that the subject was interesting and should be continued, and was enjoyable to participate in!  And if it were decided it should be closed or moved to a proper thread about it, it'll most likely die compared to how active this discussion was, and likely I'd be bored out of my skull when browsing.  Not every day there's an interesting thread subject I feel I can participate in, accidental startings of such a discussion or not.

I apologize for insulting anyone, it was never my intention, nor was it to insult Don, despite shaky grounds.  I personally don't care about his agitation towards me; I say forget it.  The past is the past.  We were only having a discussion that can be friendly.  Even if it was off-topic to the thread, it usually is whenever I get into an in-depth discussion like this.  Otherwise I'd probably have ten posts of compliments or starting discussions that would die out fast, and most of my time here would be browsing browsing browsing.

For a community like the SFC community, I think sometimes discussions on a topic related to something, but might not be on-topic overall, would benefit the community in the sense that more people are active at something related to the community.  After all, I feel satisfied when I gain pleasure from useless knowledge of entertainment. :) This is why I'm sometimes for the discussions, be it sometimes off-topic or not.  Well, as long as nobody flames another and starts a flame war.  That wouldn't be good.

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Re: UFP-1 Starfleet One released
« Reply #85 on: September 08, 2004, 02:12:01 am »
First of all Don and Chris. I'll say this once. Stop making here quotes. In my opnion Chrises way of thinking sounds more resonable.
Second Sovie and Prom are the top class playboys in the UFP's Starfleet. Sovie was designed for more scientific role than Prometheus - which is more warshiplike and newer but both ships were made to be prepared for any further Borg incursions.
BTW Chris you mean Galaxy - refit as seen in DS9 (with extra phaser strips added to the nacelles)?? I would agreed for this one because she was refitted with new systems like Quantum Torpedo Launchers, newer more efficient Warpcore, and computer systems (including new LCars version + gel packs)...

BTW Battlestar Akira, Sovereign have the same bridge module installed and many other things common with each other. Those ships belong to one era. You're right.
:D :D :D

But this is only my own idea. You can disagree with it as well :)
=/\= Jimkirk =/\= (On Taldren Boards)
=/\= Kirk =/\= (Polish Division of the Starfleet)

Offline Chris Johnson

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Re: UFP-1 Starfleet One released
« Reply #86 on: September 08, 2004, 04:51:43 am »
I kind-of got confused in the way how you worded your message Seis, but if I interpret it correctly, I'd have to disagree.  The Sovereign was made in response against the Borg (and other incoming threats such as the Dominion I suppose).  If Starfleet was making another vessel for the same reason as making the Galaxy-class (in the first place... Think between the 2340s and 2350s, think their motives back then, before the discovery of big threats in the 2360s/2370s.  The role I'm talking about being scientific, diplomatic, and explorative), what would be the point in a new class of starship when there are more resource-efficient (rather than saying "cost-efficient", keeping with Gene's saying that in the future there'd be no money, no greed, etc.) ways?  Ways such as upgrading or making more ships of the same class that had the "same purpose" as stated.  Point being, the Sovereign was intended as a warship more than an explorative ship in the first place, one of quite a few ships made in response to the bigger threats of the Federation.  The Galaxy-class had more of a deep-space scientific/diplomatic role (not purely-scientific, as small science vessels would be dispatched after exploration) in its early days.
I like the idea of Q-ships myself though, although two or three at best with a couple more ships surrounding the president.  Have a couple older ships upgraded to newer technology and maybe a few ships all together, repainted maybe, for special occasions where the president might be in danger.  I still say have a Galaxy-class in the bunch, perhaps one that might be near Earth being upgraded or something.  While they upgrade throw in some paint (I wonder how quick paint jobs in the Federation are), put some flowers in Ten Forward, have a couple of New Orelans-class ships (at least one being a Q-ship and the President's true main "ride" in the Galaxy), throw in a normal Intrepid or two for more escorts, and I think you have something more plausable than just one ship.

I guess the idea of Q-ships seem a little more plausable.  Maybe a little more toying-around with this subject isn't a bad idea.

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Offline Centurus

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Re: UFP-1 Starfleet One released
« Reply #87 on: September 08, 2004, 04:18:26 pm »
Now this is the kind of development that I like.  I for one would love to see those retextures of the New Orleans, and any other ships that people would like to retexture.
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