Yes Sister,
please accept his invitation, the blood from his veins will make much wine.

Greetings brother, I see you have escaped from the asylum and reclaimed command of your vessel, very good.
Escape? One doesn't escape from one's own palace. I just simply decided to leave without informing my servants, they get so distressed when I do so as without having me to serve they have no purpose in life.
But anyhow, I am once again among the stars and ready for battle. I shall be dropping by soon, don't expect a more specific announcement, as it may be with my marines to reclaim our ancesters home. It really all depends on how you and my brother have taken care of things. If all is well expect my ship in service to our house; if not I'll just have to take what is mine by right of strength.
Yet know this, even should I attatch myself to another faction, your honor will still have one to defend it, your ship, however, will not.