Okay guys, here is an update...
First off, let me tell you that these are renders in 3ds Max...The halo will not be on the SFC model due to a lack of Transparency support (i know SFC3 can handle it, but not well enough to make me happy.)
Just to let you know that the Halo does contain the letters WHAYE in angelic script (to spell 'Yahweh' which is the name of the lord) but are out of order - which was actually an accident and im too lazy to go back and fix it.
Now atolm and I have been back and forth on these guys for ages.. I have tried adding stainglass windows to it for a cathedral look, but it hasnt worked well enough for me. He feels more details are needed, and i desperately await his texture modifications.
Alright guys, now i need your help...On the neck i am looking for a certain layered effect, and i dunno if i have it done well enough...First im gonna show you a crude cross section of what i mean.
The section on the left indicates the area of hull closest to the face. (part 1 on the image)
the Middle is the copper-tone ribs. (Part 2 of the image)
and the right is the rest of the neck. (Part 3 on the image)
Now what i am looking for is an effect to make it seem like Parts 1 and 3 overlap the Part 2...
Not only that, but i need to know if it looks like there is a light source (indicated by A) underneath part 1 that is shining onto part 2.
Also, does the shadow (indicated by B) look real enough to make it seem that Part 3 is overlapping Part 2.