Topic: GG, Alliance...nice campaign, Admins!  (Read 8477 times)

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Re: GG, Alliance...nice campaign, Admins!
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2004, 03:51:48 pm »
Thanks for your efforts Frog Boy.

However . . . before you go hoping off to your lilly pad . . .  I was thinking of trying a SFB bases ISC Invasion type Series of Server after the GW series ends.   Each server being a different sector of space under ISC attack.   It just seemed like the right thing to do chronologically.     

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: GG, Alliance...nice campaign, Admins!
« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2004, 08:02:39 pm »
Thanks for your efforts Frog Boy.

However . . . before you go hoping off to your lilly pad . . .  I was thinking of trying a SFB bases ISC Invasion type Series of Server after the GW series ends.   Each server being a different sector of space under ISC attack.   It just seemed like the right thing to do chronologically.     

Just to see if I got the concept down correctly...

a series (7?) of servers where it's ISC vs. each individual race, to signify the "war of pacification"...

How are you planning on filling out the Froggy ranks for each run???

This sounds like a reason for the Froggies to chill around here for a while... :D

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Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: GG, Alliance...nice campaign, Admins!
« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2004, 09:38:34 pm »

a series (7?) of servers where it's ISC vs. each individual race, to signify the "war of pacification"...

Not that many,  more of a regional thingy.  Details pending (Read: I don't have a frikkin clue yet.)

How are you planning on filling out the Froggy ranks for each run???

Large quanities of cheese. j/k

Well a planning committee will be formed and we'll <blah> <blah> <blah>  (Read: Stop asking pesky specifics questions! I got a headache!) 



Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: GG, Alliance...nice campaign, Admins!
« Reply #43 on: September 06, 2004, 11:12:48 pm »
"Heh...well, I was pretty exhausted by the time we got into the match.  I'd been on the server for about 10 hours by the time we hooked up.  I knew you were a capable pilot and I knew those Kzin HDWVs were tough ships...we'd lost a dread to one during GW1.  I was playing it pretty safe during the match.  Once they said the campaign was over, the fight went out of me...I'd been on all day and I was just spent. Jessie was screaming about something right next to me and I just decided to tuck tail and run...heheh.

You played it well, doubt about it.  I was just trying to run out your AMD and get rid of those fighters then go to work with my own tools.  3 and 4 AMD racks on those Kzin HDws seems like too much.  By contrast, the 1 AMD12, 2xPh3 and 4 tractors I had were not quite as impressive...heheh.  I was often using most of my phasers for PD.

I tell ya the time GW3 was over, I well and truly tired of fast drones, MIRVs and ships with 3+ AMD racks!" 

...and then me in the middle of 10 evening shifts averaging 6 hours asleep a day while  being on anti-biotics for 2 weeks now and not flying the race I have flown for 3 to 4 years etc...... how about just GG and leave it there?

Sure...was just taking about the match.  If you don't want to, that's cool.   I had a good time in it and was just relating my point of view.  One of the things I've always enjoyed about this game is talking it over with my opponents after.  Guess the feeling isn't mutual.

I don't mind discussing the game, it's the way your text reads.  It comes off as good job Dax, but that you were tired and distracted. It further undercuts the original compliment, suggesting that I had the better ship and supposes that I was well rested, free of distractions and so forth, which wasn't the case,  creating an unlevel playing field for you. I have asked a couple of others to read your post and they took it the same way. This is why I posted  can't we just leave it at good game?

Breaking it down tactically, I see this as a fairly balanced match. I believe you were flying an FDW with 45 engine power, 1.00 move ratio, 2 dizzy 3s, 8 ph-1s. 2 ph-2s, 2 ph-3s, 2 amd Bs, 2 B racks slightly better shields than mine and likely better hull compared to a destroyer. You should have had more marines and double the t-bombs, have 2 and a half times more transporters compared to me and so forth.

The HDWVm is classed a light cruiser not a heavy, has 28 power @ .67 ratio. Slighty inferior shields and likely weaker hull, I'm sure someone out there will correct me if I am wrong on that point. 2 dizzy 2s, 3 ph-1s, 2 ph-3s, 1 mirv and 2 C racks and 3 G racks, 2 AMD A.(not the 3 to 4 AMDs you have observed on other ships) It has a total of 7 fighters that were draining your amd and phasers. It could not afford to do speed 31 game and run a lot of ecm and arm dizzies. It did not have the longer reaching dizzies or even half of the 8 ph-1s.

Turning to Kreug now, even you realised how he came off with the following. 

"Perhaps next time, they'll show up a little earlier in the campaign...?
A liitle notification and organization go a long way... "

Not exactly the comments a gracious victor would choose.

Correction, I had a C7V (and I didn't deploy my fighters once), not an FDW.  If I had had an FDW, I'd have been a lot less cautious.  I'd have been all over you...heheh.

I see what you mean, though.  I didn't mean it the way you seem to have taken it.  I was merely trying to tell it from my point of view and to let you know why I was being so cautious and then why, rather than HETing to easily stop from getting herded off the map, I just disengaged.  That was all I meant.

When I mentioned I was tired of what I said I was tired had nothing at all to do with you.  It was all the AI fighting I'd done the past couple of days up to that point. 
All the fast drones, MIRVs and ships with 3+ AMD was just getting tiresome.  My comment there was meant in general, nothing to do specifically with you.

I did not assume that your situation was not simular.  I didn't assume anything where you were concerned.  I merely told you my situation...that is all.  When I'm thinking something about you..I'll come right out and tell you...directly and specifically.  Trust me.  :D

I hope this helps.  If not...just hit with with another negative karma.  It's all good.  :D didn't know what I was flying, and apparently, I knew what you were flying better than you did.  Your ship had 2xAMD12 and 2xAMD6.  You would not have chewed up all the drones you chewed up with merely 2xAMD6...heheh.  That you had FOUR AMD racks was a major reason I hadn't deployed fighters yet.  Four AMD racks...six drone racks (1 MIRV, 12x drone control) ...7 fighters on a HDW.  I don't know about you, but my personal  opinion is that that's a gob of firepower on a small ship and something a C7 ought be a llittle wary of.  See my point?

Thanks. Unfortunately my film room doesn't like to replay dyna missions, the last one that worked was with shadowlord in an FDW. My bad there. I would think that I knew what you were flying at the time. I guess that the previous mission was burned into my memory, it was an intense close game as well. If I were you, I would have released those fighters of yours on defensive and  probably shut down some or all of your dizzies until you bled me dry of missiles. This would have allowed you to save some amd, run better ecm while running fast and charging your phasers for point defence and perhaps at times, more shield reinforcement. Staying close to your fighters would have allowed mutual point defence protection. I recall a few phaser shots where I manually targeted  missiles heading for my fighters.
 I understand the caution of not wanting to give up VCs in your BCH, otherwise though I look at the C7(V) with 1 less power and 2 more dizzies and think you are in much better shape tactically for the match than in an FDW. Turn off 2 dizzies and by comparison , you have 44 vs 45 engine power, 2 more ph-1s for point defence or phaser boating and some fighters, plus BCH shields and hull. I personally would be a lot less worried in the C7-V than an FDW. I'd be respectfull of the potential of the war destroyer, but many more options exist with your BCH carrier.

Yeah....I meant I would have just been a lot less cautious in an FDW and I would have been cruising up closer to you to use O/Led dizzies when I could.  8xPh1 and 2 OLed dizzies on a ship that you have plenty of power for EW and can still run fast is probably a good match for what you were flying.  The 2xAMD12 and extra PD phasers (I use the 2xPh2 on the FDW solely as PD) make a difference, I think.  The FDW turns better and the shields are still pretty good.  I'm not trying to say it's a better ship than the C7/ way it is...but I'd have been a little more comfortable flying it vs. what you were flying, both because of the type of ship it is AND the fact that the FDW had no VC points attached.  I might have still lost, but I'd have been a lot more agressive, even in my bleary-eyed state...heheh.

Part of me didn't want to deploy my fighters at all.  I had the larger hull, so I sometimes feel guilty in such situations busting out the fighters.  I was also wary of the fact that if I did launch them, I stood a good chance of losing to your AMD, fighters and fast drones...fighter AI being what it can be hard to recall them, as you know.  It just didn't seem like a good idea at the time.  Additionally, I wouldn't call myself the greatest fighter user in the world.  I rarely use I don't have a lot of practice with their behavior.  Often times when I launch them, I'm using them to cover my tail while I get out of trouble...heheh.  It's the wrong way to use them, I know...but I'm just not practiced with them. 

FireSoul turned me onto the idea of using Fencer-IIIs in PvP.  They go speed 31.  I think I had Blockader-IIIs loaded in our mission, though...I think they only go 26.  I hadn't readied my ship for PvP because I had been running a lot of defensive missions up to the point where I drafted you.  I usually like to take Type-I drones into missions I'm expecting PvP. 

I do agree with what you said, though.  Good stuff.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2004, 11:59:15 pm by KBF-Dogmatix_XC »
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Re: GG, Alliance...nice campaign, Admins!
« Reply #44 on: September 07, 2004, 12:29:14 am »
I was sick as a dog the last few days.... just coming out now. Had a fever way over 100, and too many other probs. Is there any place for the final map and VP's? 

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{sound of explosion}

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Offline alfman

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Re: GG, Alliance...nice campaign, Admins!
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2004, 02:56:41 am »
"Heh...well, I was pretty exhausted by the time we got into the match.  I'd been on the server for about 10 hours by the time we hooked up.  I knew you were a capable pilot and I knew those Kzin HDWVs were tough ships...we'd lost a dread to one during GW1.  I was playing it pretty safe during the match.  Once they said the campaign was over, the fight went out of me...I'd been on all day and I was just spent. Jessie was screaming about something right next to me and I just decided to tuck tail and run...heheh.

You played it well, doubt about it.  I was just trying to run out your AMD and get rid of those fighters then go to work with my own tools.  3 and 4 AMD racks on those Kzin HDws seems like too much.  By contrast, the 1 AMD12, 2xPh3 and 4 tractors I had were not quite as impressive...heheh.  I was often using most of my phasers for PD.

I tell ya the time GW3 was over, I well and truly tired of fast drones, MIRVs and ships with 3+ AMD racks!" 

...and then me in the middle of 10 evening shifts averaging 6 hours asleep a day while  being on anti-biotics for 2 weeks now and not flying the race I have flown for 3 to 4 years etc...... how about just GG and leave it there?

Sure...was just taking about the match.  If you don't want to, that's cool.   I had a good time in it and was just relating my point of view.  One of the things I've always enjoyed about this game is talking it over with my opponents after.  Guess the feeling isn't mutual.

I don't mind discussing the game, it's the way your text reads.  It comes off as good job Dax, but that you were tired and distracted. It further undercuts the original compliment, suggesting that I had the better ship and supposes that I was well rested, free of distractions and so forth, which wasn't the case,  creating an unlevel playing field for you. I have asked a couple of others to read your post and they took it the same way. This is why I posted  can't we just leave it at good game?

Breaking it down tactically, I see this as a fairly balanced match. I believe you were flying an FDW with 45 engine power, 1.00 move ratio, 2 dizzy 3s, 8 ph-1s. 2 ph-2s, 2 ph-3s, 2 amd Bs, 2 B racks slightly better shields than mine and likely better hull compared to a destroyer. You should have had more marines and double the t-bombs, have 2 and a half times more transporters compared to me and so forth.

The HDWVm is classed a light cruiser not a heavy, has 28 power @ .67 ratio. Slighty inferior shields and likely weaker hull, I'm sure someone out there will correct me if I am wrong on that point. 2 dizzy 2s, 3 ph-1s, 2 ph-3s, 1 mirv and 2 C racks and 3 G racks, 2 AMD A.(not the 3 to 4 AMDs you have observed on other ships) It has a total of 7 fighters that were draining your amd and phasers. It could not afford to do speed 31 game and run a lot of ecm and arm dizzies. It did not have the longer reaching dizzies or even half of the 8 ph-1s.

Turning to Kreug now, even you realised how he came off with the following. 

"Perhaps next time, they'll show up a little earlier in the campaign...?
A liitle notification and organization go a long way... "

Not exactly the comments a gracious victor would choose.

Correction, I had a C7V (and I didn't deploy my fighters once), not an FDW.  If I had had an FDW, I'd have been a lot less cautious.  I'd have been all over you...heheh.

I see what you mean, though.  I didn't mean it the way you seem to have taken it.  I was merely trying to tell it from my point of view and to let you know why I was being so cautious and then why, rather than HETing to easily stop from getting herded off the map, I just disengaged.  That was all I meant.

When I mentioned I was tired of what I said I was tired had nothing at all to do with you.  It was all the AI fighting I'd done the past couple of days up to that point. 
All the fast drones, MIRVs and ships with 3+ AMD was just getting tiresome.  My comment there was meant in general, nothing to do specifically with you.

I did not assume that your situation was not simular.  I didn't assume anything where you were concerned.  I merely told you my situation...that is all.  When I'm thinking something about you..I'll come right out and tell you...directly and specifically.  Trust me.  :D

I hope this helps.  If not...just hit with with another negative karma.  It's all good.  :D didn't know what I was flying, and apparently, I knew what you were flying better than you did.  Your ship had 2xAMD12 and 2xAMD6.  You would not have chewed up all the drones you chewed up with merely 2xAMD6...heheh.  That you had FOUR AMD racks was a major reason I hadn't deployed fighters yet.  Four AMD racks...six drone racks (1 MIRV, 12x drone control) ...7 fighters on a HDW.  I don't know about you, but my personal  opinion is that that's a gob of firepower on a small ship and something a C7 ought be a llittle wary of.  See my point?

Thanks. Unfortunately my film room doesn't like to replay dyna missions, the last one that worked was with shadowlord in an FDW. My bad there. I would think that I knew what you were flying at the time. I guess that the previous mission was burned into my memory, it was an intense close game as well. If I were you, I would have released those fighters of yours on defensive and  probably shut down some or all of your dizzies until you bled me dry of missiles. This would have allowed you to save some amd, run better ecm while running fast and charging your phasers for point defence and perhaps at times, more shield reinforcement. Staying close to your fighters would have allowed mutual point defence protection. I recall a few phaser shots where I manually targeted  missiles heading for my fighters.
 I understand the caution of not wanting to give up VCs in your BCH, otherwise though I look at the C7(V) with 1 less power and 2 more dizzies and think you are in much better shape tactically for the match than in an FDW. Turn off 2 dizzies and by comparison , you have 44 vs 45 engine power, 2 more ph-1s for point defence or phaser boating and some fighters, plus BCH shields and hull. I personally would be a lot less worried in the C7-V than an FDW. I'd be respectfull of the potential of the war destroyer, but many more options exist with your BCH carrier.

Yeah....I meant I would have just been a lot less cautious in an FDW and I would have been cruising up closer to you to use O/Led dizzies when I could.  8xPh1 and 2 OLed dizzies on a ship that you have plenty of power for EW and can still run fast is probably a good match for what you were flying.  The 2xAMD12 and extra PD phasers (I use the 2xPh2 on the FDW solely as PD) make a difference, I think.  The FDW turns better and the shields are still pretty good.  I'm not trying to say it's a better ship than the C7/ way it is...but I'd have been a little more comfortable flying it vs. what you were flying, both because of the type of ship it is AND the fact that the FDW had no VC points attached.  I might have still lost, but I'd have been a lot more agressive, even in my bleary-eyed state...heheh.

Part of me didn't want to deploy my fighters at all.  I had the larger hull, so I sometimes feel guilty in such situations busting out the fighters.  I was also wary of the fact that if I did launch them, I stood a good chance of losing to your AMD, fighters and fast drones...fighter AI being what it can be hard to recall them, as you know.  It just didn't seem like a good idea at the time.  Additionally, I wouldn't call myself the greatest fighter user in the world.  I rarely use I don't have a lot of practice with their behavior.  Often times when I launch them, I'm using them to cover my tail while I get out of trouble...heheh.  It's the wrong way to use them, I know...but I'm just not practiced with them. 

FireSoul turned me onto the idea of using Fencer-IIIs in PvP.  They go speed 31.  I think I had Blockader-IIIs loaded in our mission, though...I think they only go 26.  I hadn't readied my ship for PvP because I had been running a lot of defensive missions up to the point where I drafted you.  I usually like to take Type-I drones into missions I'm expecting PvP. 

I do agree with what you said, though.  Good stuff.

This server was great! Congradulations to the Coalition. I also fought against a C7V in a Z-HDWV. I won. 6 drone racks full of fast drones, 4 amd's and 7 mastiff III's are nothing to sneeze at.

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: GG, Alliance...nice campaign, Admins!
« Reply #46 on: September 07, 2004, 08:22:47 am »

a series (7?) of servers where it's ISC vs. each individual race, to signify the "war of pacification"...

Not that many,  more of a regional thingy.  Details pending (Read: I don't have a frikkin clue yet.)

How are you planning on filling out the Froggy ranks for each run???

Large quanities of cheese. j/k

Well a planning committee will be formed and we'll <blah> <blah> <blah>  (Read: Stop asking pesky specifics questions! I got a headache!) 




Thinking about the cuddle party too much there?  :D

So there's no details yet.  Fine.  We still have 3 more GW servers for you to come up with them.  No pressure at all... (yet... ;) )

Just don't mention a Pacification series around one of the original Pacifiers, unless you clearly state "still in early planning stages"...  It has a tendency to get the old blood going...

Gotta get a hold of Pharoh etc.  This is starting to sound interesting.  SG3 is supposed to have a pacification theme to it, and now a series of local pacifications.  Looks like the ISC's getting ready to do what we do best...  :police: Well, as close to that as we can without being able to form 11 ship echelons that can rip anybody apart in a fixed-area battle...  :P

I wish most of the original posts from Taldren's first board were still around somewhere.  Back when Overon, Ultraprophet etc. were being the ultra-pacifistic Pacifiers (pacify by death, destruction and bending / folding / mutilating), while I was of the "pacify by blockade" theory...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries