Topic: Who are the Allies/enemies of the LDR  (Read 965 times)

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Offline Red_Green

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Who are the Allies/enemies of the LDR
« on: September 07, 2004, 04:25:14 pm »
Ok there enemies to the Lyrans right? What about Feds and Hydrans?

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Offline S33K100

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Re: Who are the Allies/enemies of the LDR
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2004, 04:40:10 pm »
They were a part of the Alliance i.e. allied to Feds, Hydrans, Kzinti, Gorn and enemies of the coalition i.e. Klingons, Romulans, Lyrans. Oh the Hydrans tried to use their territory as a bridgehead into Lyran space at the begining of the General War which soured relations quite a bit between the two. The Klingons consider them a dishonour on the Lyran Star Empire, that's about all I know. Except they were wiped out by the Andromedans.
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Offline Red_Green

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Re: Who are the Allies/enemies of the LDR
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2004, 08:24:24 pm »
Thanks for the info. I was thinking of adding some for a TNG mod, but since they were wiped out I guess not.

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Re: Who are the Allies/enemies of the LDR
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2004, 09:08:29 pm »
Actually, the LDR wound up being completely independent...

They won their freedom from the Lyrans, hence making them enemies of the Coalition.

However, they refused to become too buddy-buddy with the Alliance, cause they were afraid the Lyrans & Coalition would wipe them out with "sufficient provocation".

Instead, they continued to play both sides off each other.  They got Gats from the Hydrans to stiff the Lyrans, then a few years later they traded ship-plans to the Lyrans for a few cruisers...

This playing of the middle continued till the Andromedans invaded, and figured LDR space would be a perfect place to set up a camp, small navy with no allies...

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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Who are the Allies/enemies of the LDR
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2004, 12:23:11 am »
The LDR were, technically, considered politically neutral in the General War. While at odds with the Lyran government, they never took up arms against them, or the "Coalition", with the "Alliance". They defended their territory against both Lyran and Hydran incursions. They still considered other Lyrans as brothers and when fights between them occured the victor would allow the defeated party to disengage, rather than destroy them.

The agreement/treaty with the Hydrans was to not allow the coalition to stage offensives against the Hydrans through LDR space or Lyran access to LDR facilities (bases, etc.), in return for Gatling tech and a mutual nonagression pact. They had no treaties or alliances with other "Alliance" members in the General War, if I recall my history correctly.

The ISC left them alone during their invasion. They considered them "pacified" enough. Their nutrality betrayed them during the Andro Invasion as they had no allies to come to their aid against them and were whiped out before they could try and seek help. 
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