When we finish a server there is that rash of Good Game posts and congratulations to the admins, then the bombs go off. Usually one side commenting on its successful tactics and strategies, and the other side justifying why it lost. Both sides usually have very true and valid points which may or may not condradict the other sides Point of view. Misinterpretations follow, heated opinions, and POOF we have a flame war.
Well a few simple hints at a civil posting style can go a long way, so I thought I'd summarize a few in brief.
The "Dogmatix Smiley"The first and easiest it the inclusion of what we will call the "Dogmatix Smiley". This is simply a good natured smiley to indicate that you are not taking your own words seriously so the reader shouldn't either. It is named after Dogmatix as he found out that leaving off such a smiley can have unwanted effects, so I award him the fame of this dicovery.
Acceptable Smileys are

The "<Snicker>" also works thanks to J'inn
The following are not acceptable

<------(The War Sears Smiley, he is so cute when angry

# 2
The OpinionThe next item for discussion is the opinion. Like A-holes everybody has one right? Of course, but stating that you consider something your opinion rather than fact can make a big difference in a post's interpretation. IMO is a good disclaimer as is IMHO. I actually perfer to use In my humble opinion or in my likely biased opinion to be more polite of a conflicting opinion. Another even improved version would be to state something is in your opinion and ask the other side something like..."thats the way I saw it in my humble opinion, but I'm curious how those on the other side viewed the situation." This leaves room for discussion, invites others to express their views on the situation for analysis by what is now percieved to be an attentive and listening audience. It suggest an open mindedness that is inviting participation and willing to discuss issues that affected a server reasonably.
# 3
The "Alibi"The next thing is what I call the alibi. The "alibi" is the reason or excuse for not achieving a victory or goal. It may be totally correct or fiercely wrong. An alibi is something we all frequently use so no need to feel bad if you find yourself "guilty" of using one, trust me you are not alone. Now the best way to use an alibi is in conjunction with a compliment to the other player. Lets take two examples.
Ex. 1 alibi alone You only beat me because you had a hull class advantage
Ex. 2 I think you beat me due to that hull class advantage primarily, but I thought I might make a go of it, unfortunatley you flew your ship to perfection (or very capably, or with great skill, or without making mistakes I could really capitalize on, etc.)
another example would be
Ex 1 alibi only You only won due to numbers, we kicked your butt in P v P
Ex 2 w/ compliment I think you guys had the numbers advantage, and although our guys put up a good fight, it wasn't enough to combat the organization you somehow managed to put into your team. I must compliment you on your teamwork and strategy, must have been quite a task to get everyone on the same page. How did you manage that might I ask, or is it a secret trick of your empire.....

The differnce in tone is quite astounding, although you usually don't have to go nearly so far.
# 4
The "your so full of ...." ermm I mean The "Honest Disagreement"...... 
The final thing one can add is the honest disagreement. This is when you really disagree with the other perspective, but it can be tempered to a great degree, Use of phrases like "I'm likely biased, but this is how I saw it", or "I know we don't tend to see things the same way, but I just wanted to let you at least see the perspective of where I'm coming from, so as to make your own opinions with this knowledge." or " I guess we just see things differently, but thats the nature of the Dyna and I salute you on a hard fought campaign, despite our differences." Finally you can say " I still disagree, but I invite you to put forth further arguments for your position, I will try as much as possible to keep an open mind to them, although I can't promise agreement, and I will likewise try to contribute by presenting new facts of my own should they become available hoping you will do the same; until then we will just have to agree to disagree civilly"
Now those are all likely exaggerated examples and much more brief ones will be found more comfortable, less wordy, and more openly recieved as they sound less, shall we say, pompous (or perhaps like Chuut is blowing smoke out his butt). But the basic concepts still apply and I think we could all likely temper our post at least a little in this direction and have a more profitable post server discussion.
Oh one last item I almost forgot
STFU DIZZY is still appropraite no matter the situation, esp when he uses the alibi.......