Topic: Classic War (experimental/fun server)  (Read 11908 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #40 on: September 09, 2004, 11:48:56 pm »
Circulating... we are all just a melodious orchestra of bioelectrical music singing along the path of life toward our final overture, which, if I am lucky, or not, will be 16,865 days from now according to US average life expectancy in 2001.

Now, what was it you were you saying about sql?

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2004, 07:02:39 am »
Sorry RazalYllib, you made a very good post there. I have not had the time to give it the response it deserves, I've been busy. I'll address your ideas as soon as I get a chance. For now, I had thought of using the F&E OoB as a base after I requested one... I just may use it but I am exploring other options too. Again, I apologise for making a hurried response to your post, I want to talk about your ideas (and the ones they gave me) and give it the attention it deserves..

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #42 on: September 10, 2004, 07:04:47 pm »
np bonk...fully understand, RL has a tendancy to get in the way.

Had a draw mission but it flipped neutral to federation though no dv shift.  Is this by design?
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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #43 on: September 12, 2004, 10:07:50 am »
Had a draw mission but it flipped neutral to federation though no dv shift.  Is this by design?

OP neutral hex bug.

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2004, 11:01:46 am »
Here is some hopefully meaningful input for you to contemplate Bonk.  First of all, outstanding work on a potential front end application for the SQL kit.  If you were Romulan, I would petition the Emperor to bestow on you, the Order of Red Leaf, in recognition for your service to the Empire.  This includes the tedium of decrypting the various ?blobs? in the DB.  We really need a stress test though to see if your current config is stable enough for ?Prime Time?.

I would love to see a stress test of this setup with a stable server config, for sure.

            For many years I (and many in the community) have dreamed of a good front end, looks like you are well on your way to making many dreams come true.  All of this without Server Kit Source code.

I know I have been slow, but the recognition of the effort is appreciated, thanks.

            First of all, I like the concept behind CW?interesting to say the least.  The shipyard works well enough as an illustrative example of how things could work with an external shipyard.  Others have remarked, and I concur that it could use a more efficient way of presenting the data to the user, I do have a couple ideas on potential layout schemes, needs more work before I make it public.  One thing that could be done right away, is seed the Ship List with the OOB from Federation and Empire, with refits stock as they become available.  I could post it again as a reference for debate on the merits of the Stock FnE OOB versus a Custom Version.  There are some here, myself included, that feel the Federation and Empire OOB is all you need, with a little tweak here and there to make it compliant with the number of ships currently available. 

I do intend to work on the shipyard format, perhaps sooner now with this feedback and established function. I had thought of using the F&E OoB as a base after requesting one, I'll take a good look at it. There are other ideas in the works too, to make it easier and more flexible.

            Initially, the Map should be seeded with AI in accordance with initial Fleet Composition per Federation and Empire (or player/RM defined if that is preferred).  Border Fleets dispersed on the relevant borders, Reserve Fleets on the Starbases as noted and the Home Fleet on the Homeworld.  That will populate the Map nicely with AI to hunt and Kill in the area they are supposed to be located in. 

I like this idea a lot. With the correct settings it will have the desired effect. The AI can be set to move or remain "stationary", they could also be allowed to take hexes if desired. Really what this idea made me think of is to try an experiment: I am curious to see what will happen if I set a human account to AI... (probably not much, but perhaps some interesting effects could be achieved).

New construction should be what is available in the web based shipyard.  How do we determine what gets placed there?  I am glad you asked that question.  First the default build list should automatically be built.  I know that is at variance to my beloved Federation and Empire economic rules, but as everyone knows, SFC-OP is not Federation and Empire.  Here is I would handle new construction:

            Players seed the Shipyard by spending PP to place ships for bid there.  Now this might get tricky with the nutters who regularly have 40k plus in the bank, but a simple equation could equalize things, i.e. the more PP a player has in the bank, the more PP it cost that player to request that a specific ship to built so that it could be purchased.  It could also be run as bid system similar in nature to the default bid system in the DV.  Since the shipyard is ?programmable?, the Federation and Empire Restrictions in ship production could easily be implemented, such as no more than one DN per year.  The ?system? would track how many ships were ?ordered? by the players and would automatically restrict illegal purchases such as two DN constructed in a single game year and the like.  Overbuilds and build substitutions could also be handled in the same way.

            Example, 5 war cruisers are the maximum built using normal cost during a build cycle, but some player wants another one.  The end price would be doubled, both for the order (placed in shipyard) and the price of the ship that is purchased is also doubled.  Variants would be handled exactly the same with a couple restrictions, only a percentage (admin defined) of available new construction are eligible for conversion during the build cycle. 

Say you have 6 destroyers normally built during the cycle in accordance with the OOB.  Admin decides that only 1/3 of the total can be constructed initially as variants, that means Four stock destroyers at Normal Prices automatically will populate in the shipyard.  Two of the Six are eligible for conversion to variants.  If no Player chooses to convert these before the end of the build cycle, they will populate as stock destroyers.  Any player could spend PP to convert one of the two before the end of the build cycle, to a legal variant with the corresponding deduction of PP from their account.  Once all those that could have been ?selected for conversion? are designated, any further construction of destroyers and subsequent conversion, would be at the overbuild cost both to place in the shipyard, as well as purchase price.

            Substitutions to the build list would be handled similarly.   Example, if the OOB states you can replace a CA with BCH once per cycle, once a player has done so, the option would not be accessible for another player until the time passes and the choice would become available again.   

            Server Admins could also use scripting to seed the ship list.  Say if one race took a strategic objective, they could get as a reward an extra big ship in the shipyard for their labors.

OK, you're on to the kind of thing we can do. Your proposed "seeding" would be one possible way to go about it.  The thing is once I have an OoB for a shiplist, I can automatically populate the in-game shipyards according to it. Then additional shipyard function could be achieved on the webmap shipyard, (assigned ships, refits etc...). I still need to decode one last piece of the db to really open up the options.
What else can SQL allow?

            How about players spending their accumulated PP to purchase AI ships and spending PP to move them around on the map?  That would be very interesting factor in itself and provide another angle to strategic game play as well as give players something else to spend the hard earned PP on.  Right Now, the AI is pretty much ignored and treated with disdain, but it does not have to be that way.

            How about players moving themselves strategically on the map using the web map, with, of course the necessary expenditure of accumulated PP.  This could be restricted, example include player must start at a base/planet and end their movement at a base/planet.

All kinds of things (especially with SQL-enabled missions). I had thought about creating a movement system for the webmap after discovering the command line parameters to launch a direct tcp/ip game, but got hung up on browser plugin / app development and avoiding re-inventing gamespy. The idea of movement from the webmap is probably pretty easy to do, but it would not generate a mission as such and as you suggest perhaps the use of PP to jump long distances might be handy. The trick is that the functionality of the webmap must not disturb/bug the player if they are logged in simultaneously... it would take a bit of testing but would be a neat feature.

I have thought of adding a casino to the webmap for betting PP, or better yet, I just thought of giving the players the ability to bet PP on the outcome of battles or VCs... <evil grin>

           Players could trade PP with each other (say 3 points invested = 1 point to the player) or even with allied players belonging to another race.  Think the lend/lease deal with Great Briton and USA during WW2 for an historical example.

Godd idea, I had thought of a "bank" but thought what'd be the use? Better yet an "Allies Co-op" has much potental for loaning or pooling PP, perhaps restricted ship builds could depend on pooled PP in the "Allies Co-op"...  ;D

             Players ?hire? AI Pirates to harass the enemy behind the lines as it were, this might not be workable, but an ideal nonetheless.

Whoah, another excellent idea! Not necessarily pirates, but a selection of AI characters... with the AI controls set properly this could make a whole new game out of it. Once I have that last piece of the db (shipcachevector) this too will be possible. I just love this idea, allow the AI to take hexes and allow players to buy them... (using them as an automated numbers balance has also been discussed).

            Players could spend PP to increase or decrease political tensions.  This could include non-allied as well?think propaganda and efforts of diplomacy, all which require funds to be successful.

I'd love to try a politics page, the intial political tensions make sense in the db, but the current political tensions settings are all messed in the db I still havent figured them out, or if they are even used...

            What about internal development?  Player would expend PP and the hex they were in could be improved in some manner.  Improvements could be as radical as bringing a Minor Planet on board if 100k donated by players, or increase the DV or Econ of the hex by one for every 10k-50k PP spent.  I am certain once things get rolling, others can come up with some other ?uses? for accumulated PP.

Well now, you're just full of good ideas!... I could run a server without base contruction missions and allow players to purchase/place bases on the webmap in a controlled fashion. Terraforming projects... Economic and defense investment in a hex is a good idea too, easy to implement. This could really change what kind of an intial map you could use. A game of empire building could precede the big wars...  ;D

There is still a lot of work to do, I want to place the priority on an OoB mechanism that is easy to use, which accounts for economy and VCs. Also, I need to decode that last bit of the db to really get this going. I've been pretty busy lately so it won't happen fast but I'll keep plugging away at it. I might eventually have a go at mission scripting too.

Again, thanks for the feedback and good ideas, it has got me thinking now too. (look for some of the easier ideas to be implemented soon...)

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #45 on: September 12, 2004, 04:08:43 pm »
umm the convoy mission is  messed up. I  have only completed it once  and that was  after  the convoys allies showed up.If i  kill both escorts  first it closes in a defeat.If I kill one escort and kill one freighter it closes in a defeat. If  I kill a freighter and then an escort it closes with a defeat. All of these losses cost me 150 pp and  no dv shift along  with the  price of any expendables  used. no biggie on the lost pp or  any thing  it is just an FYI.

Offline Strafer

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2004, 05:18:13 pm »
Kurok, that sounds familiar. I think I've seen this many months ago...
Code: [Select]
Lineage II
Server                           Sieghardt           (dead)
Chars       Strafer          L24 Rogue                  L64 Hawkeye
                StrayFar       L64 Tyrant                  L51 Tyrant
                StrawFur      L37 Scavenger            L49 Bounty Hunter
                StraightFour L62 Shillen Elder         L53 Shillen Elder

Offline Bonk

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2004, 06:41:34 pm »
Roger, consider it pulled.

Offline Bonk

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #48 on: September 13, 2004, 06:15:32 pm »
Missions updated, new installer here. (We'll be testing new missions as the week goes on. Just download the installer again if you get a mission script error on login.) This update features two new patrols and modifications to the dock raid mission.

Offline RazalYllib

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2004, 07:53:57 pm »
Kool bonk, keep an eye on thy email inbox...a goodie on the way.
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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #50 on: September 13, 2004, 09:26:28 pm »
umm the convoy mission is  messed up. I  have only completed it once  and that was  after  the convoys allies showed up.If i  kill both escorts  first it closes in a defeat.If I kill one escort and kill one freighter it closes in a defeat. If  I kill a freighter and then an escort it closes with a defeat. All of these losses cost me 150 pp and  no dv shift along  with the  price of any expendables  used. no biggie on the lost pp or  any thing  it is just an FYI.

Convoy Raids are very pedantic about their mission goal. Basically, if you don't take out 4 freighters then you will lose the mission everytime.  The objective is to smoke the freighters, not the escorts.  Maybe, Bonk is running some old files, but I just ran the Convoy Raid on my test dyna with a K-FDW taking on a Hydran convoy escorted by H-LN, H-Gendarme.  Mission continued. I trashed the escorts first. By the time I took out my first Hydran freighter, a couple Hydran CAs showed up as reinforcements. Still, I kicked the K-FDW into high gear and revved up the transporters and managed to take out 3 more freighters before the convoy escaped.  All this was done while 2 pesky H-LBs kept pinging me from behind.  

Final Result:

Personally, I alway have a lot of fun in the EEK convoy raids.  Lotsa PP with lotsa action evertime.  860pp for 10 minutes work is not a bad return. :D K-FDW is not a shabby sports car either. ;)  This mission can AI strip into a 3v3 PvP match with freighters caught in the middle.

Anyway, I'll send Bonk the same file again to make sure he has the right ones.

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #51 on: September 13, 2004, 09:38:06 pm »
I was using the latest (I think...). We need to test this in co-op. (where we saw probs - mission ends in draw when escorts killed). Its not on the server at the moment, I'll throw the latest version on tomorrow night to test again with any new stuff..

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #52 on: September 15, 2004, 12:16:38 am »
Missions updated. (space backgrounds changed too!)

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #53 on: September 15, 2004, 02:13:57 am »
Missions updated. (space backgrounds changed too!)

Ya? Lemee see!

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #54 on: September 15, 2004, 06:15:10 pm »
I didn't add any custom backgrounds, I just used the other 16 stock ones (#16-31), I find the screen less cluttered and the colours more subdued, so far I like these ones better.

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #55 on: September 20, 2004, 08:27:05 pm »
Missions updated to EEK2.2!  ;D

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #56 on: September 28, 2004, 06:50:22 pm »
Link to CW missions appears broken as well.

System Specs:

Dell Dimension E521
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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #57 on: September 29, 2004, 05:18:25 am »
Correct - CW missions installer pulled, as the server is just running EEK2.2 and OP+3.4 now. Working on a new shipyard format...

Offline RazalYllib

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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #58 on: September 29, 2004, 05:45:32 pm »
Will any of the new Ship Yard Features look familier to the F&E Vets here ???
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Re: Classic War (experimental/fun server)
« Reply #59 on: September 30, 2004, 07:18:42 pm »
Thanks for all that you do :)