You are forging ahead yet again, Bonk. Web-based shipyard worked fine for me, but its format is clumsy. Perhaps a simple dropdown list with a bid and view button would uncomplicate things. Additionally, the view button leading to the substantial text in the shiplist record is a bit much. Images of the vessel library views of the ships would be more familiar but most likely quite labor and bandwidth intensive. If the information on the ships could be distilled to the type of info presented in the vessel library, that would be simple and ideal. Still text but less of it.
My thoughts exactly on format Lepton, lol. I'm going for function first, then looks. I intend to format the individual ship data nicely (graphically?) eventually. Hmm, a single form with dropdown for the ships and one bid button... maybe, I currently use the "Find in this page" feature of Mozilla to locate desired ships in the list. Maybe a treeview - nah - requires javascript... I'll look at form and usability as I go, thanks for the input!
I seem to be getting missions wherever I go, so if the server settings are meant not to generate missions, that has not been my experience. Cool stuff, so far. Looking forward to seeing how all this comes out.
I have it set so missions are rare except when enemy characters are present. Was there a lot of AI on the map in your area? (Note range 1 draft radius - base missions seem to be coming up next to base AIs) How was the mission frequency? I may not be able to eliminate AI missions but make them so rare as to take AI battle hex-flipping out of the game. drb and I tested last night and got very few missions in empty areas and got missions when near each other (hydran/klingon). I may fiddle some more with settings to improve this depending on input and divine inspiration in gf editing.
Looked it all over and WOW! Bonk this is good stuff!
I agree with Lepton about the too much text ship info. All we need is the basic ship edit summary with a few more details. A ship graphic or UI layout would help, but not necessary
Thanks Dizzy, and the form will come in time, I've been lazy enough about getting back to improving function / building framework.
I got missions only in a few varied hexes of my own space (Rom). None in Fed space. I'd like to see more mission choices... Especially in Neutral and enemy space. (assuming Fed is enemy)
Missions should be rare except when enemy characters are present. I have noticed a lack of variety in the offered AI missions too. I have not evaluated the variety of PvP missions yet... Again, I may fiddle with the settings more, based on this sort of feedback.
Can you not have a 'Credit' ship in the yard? A bank account per say, so you can trade in your ship on it and then use those trade in funds from your old ship to purchase a better more expensive one?
Hmm, not exactly sure what you mean... I had started a "Garage", but I still need to work out the magic of the shipcachevector to get it working. I had thought of adding a simple "casino" to the webmap...

Can you clarify the trade-in bit? (You can still trade in ships normally once you have purchased a second one...) I am thinking of starting a script/mechanism to populate the shipyard now. I have set the maximum age of ships in to 2016 turns (one week on this server) so once I put some in the yards they will stay there up to a week unless purchased. The real question is how to go about populating the shipyard? Allow RM's to build the ships for their race? Create a single OoB admin interface? (ugh! work... I like the first idea...

I also agree with Lepton about the shipyard presentation. Would not a drop down menu or multiple pages seperating ships by class or something make it more organized, neat, and easier to browse? Or something. It does seem clumsy. But it is functional and I am nit picking. You wanted feedback.
All of this is pretty damned cool. The webmap is f*cking awesome, bro. The reports, roster, all that is just f*cking awesome.
I'd like to see more players test.
So, whats the deal with Rom missions not showing in Fed space? (havent tried anywhere else)
Definitely I agree, the format needs work, and I definitely appreciate the feedback. Also I'd like to see more players test, to stress the SQL setup, internet connection and webmap shipyard... but any help I get is cool!

Again, wrt to missions not showing up: try with enemy characters present within range 1...