I just built this 3200+ Barton rig with 1GB of Corsair XMS 3200 DDR PRO Twins. Unfortunately the MB I bought a year ago and had sitting in the box this whole time (ASUS A7N8X Deluxe rev 2.0) seems to not like to run stably at the high end of it's specs 400 MHz FSB, I guess.
I just did a little research on the net. There seems to be only one validated set of Corsair memory and it is double sided, are yours? How many chips per side? It should be 8 per side.
There also appears to be a jumper on the
motherboard that needs to be set to enable the 400FSB. Is it set correctly? The manual seems to erroneously say that CPU_FSB jumper can be set either way for the 400FSB but this is in error, it must be on pins 2 and 3 NOT 1 and 2 as the manual says.
I would check all the jumpers and the CPU temp to ensure it is not overheating.
Also the power supply, do you have a good quality one? If not it is likely to be your trouble. On the topic of power is your wall socket properly grounded? Most decent surge protectors will indicate if you have a wiring fault, but I have seen them indicate a fault and be ignored by people who
should have known better.
Some boards such as my ASUS A7N8X-E Deluxe it matters
which socket has the memory. You should likely have it in 1 and 3 if you have 2 dimms.
Finally how current is your BIOS? For such a new chip on a motherboard that was out before the chip was released it likely needs an up to date BIOS flash to work correctly. If you do flash it experience has taught me that you should
always set your BIOS back to defaults
before flashing it.
Good luck you old lizard.

My Deluxe runs rock solid with an Athlon XP 3200+ and 1GB of ram.