Yeah that means you Agave, Scipio, Byda, Casca, Kel and Doc! That is if you can even remember what the proud GDA banner even stands for, you know something or other about Gorn's...Drinking or some such. You are all worthless and weak, letting Scipio's P-whipped arse lead you into consorting with the enemy. You all make me sick!!! Look what you have become, letting Karnak.....I mean friggin Karnak....have his way with one of you....and he wasn't even in a cheesy CCZ and to my knowledge not a CavetIII in the sector. Oh the shame you must all feel at what you have become, but what else did you expect when you started licking Romulan boots???
Here is the challenge, not that I expect any of you cowardly mammal loving Coalition toadies to take me up on it. If any one of you can take me out of my BCHi (yeah that means Kill me, and if you are in a smaller ship then me I promise not to leave the map until I climax) during the rest of the server in a 1 on 1 PvP, I will personally send you 1 bottle of your favorite booze (not to exceed $50 bucks, hey I got baby lizards to feed). Not that I am worried about having to pay up, from what I hear you girls don't know your cloacas from a hole in the space time continuum, when it comes to flying those POS Klingon rust buckets. However, if you lose to me you have to compose and post a sonnet or love poem on the Taldren forums dedicated to me and my undying beauty.
So are any of you Reptile enough to take the challenge? Think you still got the Gornades to beat the best (and prettiest) damn Lizard that ever graced the Confederacy with his presence? I think not!!! I fart in your general direction, you who I shall no longer be called Bruce!!! Pffffttttt!!!!
PS, Climax = Having spent myself, defiling your sorry arses and watching your ship go boom, or finishing off myself as I watch you flee for the border with you vestigial Romulan tails between your too skinny for dancing legs.
PPS, BTW, be forewarned, you are all considered dissident enemy's of the new Gorn Queendom of Gdar, and will no longer be given the customary reach-around my other vassal have come to love me for (why else did you think warlock always has that stupid grin on his face), just consider yourselves lucky I am currently on a mercy mission assisting our Kitty allies and don't have access to a big bad G-BF.