What about life support.defensive tractors,transporters and electronic warfare.I would assume that those labs get their power from the engines as well.When I lose 10% of my power my shield regenerate slower and some don't come back up until full power is resumed.It might ok with veteran player but how about the new players that will be coming online in the NDF(Near Distant Future).I hope you have a clearer understanding of this now.I am talking about mostly about a 1v1 here on any given time in the Dyna.
You assume incorrectly.
Please explain?
Your shield regeneration does not depend upon the health of your engines. They heal at a set rate of one point per turn, plus a free bonus adjustment based upon how many lab systems your ship still has.
You might be getting confused by shield reinforcement. As your engines heal (or are fixed) you have more power, which might flow towards your shield reinforcement if you aren't asking your ship to use that power elsewhere. This might make your shields look stronger than they really are.
Labs take no power. Also, as they don't show on your User Interface, they can't be repaired after being destroyed unless you go back to a supply point and hit "repair" on the supply screen. Thus, afater a mission or three, you can expect to lose that lab bonus to your sheild regeneration.
Life support takes one point of power, but is constant. It takes neither more nor less regardless of the health of your engines.