I'm with ya Jinn....I felt that exact same way on RDSL and now this campaign. Nothing against the designers at all...it's my own fault for not finding the time to play. I currently have I think 45 or 50K, primarily from openning day when I played for 8+ hours. Since then I've been on an hour here...an hour there etc.
I don't qualify for the best ships because I'm a causual player, I have plenty to buy a CA but lets face it....the few that are available are pretty low suck in PvP matches. I took the middle ground and picked an AD5 which is EXACTLY the same ship I had in RDSL and for exactly the same reason. The CA's are available to me...but they suck, so I am relagated to a support role in PvP matches.
Example a D7W is a pretty worthless ship against a Fed CVL w/ Raven 3's...oh sure I can easily kill the fighters, and I would certainly harm the carrier, but it's a lost battle against most guys. Now a C7 against that ship is a straight up blast though.
Now in a perfect dyna world, I'd be able to select anything I have points for and the shipyards would be wide open based soley on year built variants.....but hey....such is life

If truth be told, I'm not willing to give up my fishing, woodworking, hotrod, wife, dogs, work and other games / hobbies so I can have a C7....so meh...my choice completely. I had a lot of fun openning day though as everyone was in the same class ships as I. Heck, I won the 2 pvp battles I had that day......but a week has passed and I'm way behind the curve and outclassed in every pvp I have run across so far. So I can team up w/ another peep in a bigger ship and help guard him, or I can flip hexes yawn.
I'm not bitching at all mind you...I know it's my fault and blame myself, my job, my boat, my wife, my car, and those damn fish in the lake next to my house that sing to me everynight....."no...don't play D2....come try to catch us."