Topic: What's on the dial...  (Read 973 times)

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Offline oldmanken

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What's on the dial...
« on: September 01, 2004, 07:52:56 am »
As many of you have previously seen, I tend to occaisionaly post a list of music that I am currently listening to.  While I have favourite bands which I listen to quite often, there is a lot of new and good music coming out, so I thought I'de share some recommendations with you all...

(Please remember, my tastes are all over the board)

Modest Mouse (Float On, Gravity Rides Everything, 3rd Planet)
-  They've been getting a lot of play on the radio recently, and it's quite deserving.  Better than the regular alternative crap that's out there.

The Mars Volta (Drunkship of Lanterns, Inertiatic ESP, Cicatriz ESP)
-  Very strange, though of course I think they are good.  Some of these songs are really pumping, and are great to have on a mixed CD for driving.

Badly Drawn Boy (...)
-  I didn't mention any song in particular because his new album 'One Plus One Is One' is just all around fantastic.

The Polyphonic Spree (Hold Me Now)
-  I've mentioned them before, but their new album is fantastic.  They are playing in London on Nov. 11th, so I'll probably have a chance to go down to see them.  No possible way this show could suck.

That's it for now.  If you're listening to some good music at the moment, let us all know.

(BTW, my posting on the forum may be curtailed for the next week or two.  Next Tuesday I head back to school, and as I have already mentioned, I will be going to England this term rather than to St. John's.  As far as I know the residence at Harlow has a broadband connection in each room, so hopefully I won't be offline for long.  Can't wait to get there, and I will update my LiveJournal in the next few days.)
"Purgatory is kinda like the in-betweeny one. You weren't really sh*t, but you weren't all that great either. Like Tottenham." - Ray (Colin Farrell) in In Bruges