I knew ferret was in the marines, but just now figured out that Stephen was as well, so here's a little story for them.

Three elite soldiers were on leave in Bagdhad, An Army Delta Force, a Navy Seal, and Marine Force Recon. When arriving in town, they saw each other, realized they were each service members and decided to put aside their service differences in order to enjoy leave together and increase their personal security. All was going well and the three were enjoying themselves until the Seal tripped over a basket and landed on a veiled arabic woman. Immediately there were screams of jihad and infidel pigs and before the three soldiers knew it they were being chased by dozens of militant Bagdhadians. As they fled through the streets each one managed to stimble over a fruit cart here, or a shop canopy there until nearly the entire city was following in an enraged swarm.
The three hardcore and hooah service men, beign the fine physicla specimen they were managed to create some distance between them and the mob and decided they might try ducking into an ally. Unfortunately, the alley proved to be a dead end, and the three found themselves wondering what they could do as they heard their puruers closing in behind them.
Looking frantically around for somewhere to hide, all they found were to crates and a burlap sack. The Delta force soldier jumped into one crate, barely fitting, and closed it over him, the Seal in close pursuit grabbed the second crate, also barely fitting in, leaving only the marine as good as flapping in the wind.
The crowd approached with various tools and equipment normally meant for legitimate uses, but now being wielded for the express purpose of causing bodily harm to our bastions of democracy. The entered the alley, and were perplexed to find nothing but two crates and a full burlap sack.
They pndered this for quite a while, until one enterpeneuring man realized thatthey couldn't have gotten out of the alley, so they must have hiddne in these items.
he walked up to the first crate, containing the Delta Force Soldier and kicked it as hard as he could, rattling the crate. To his surprise all he heard was "OINK OINK, SNORT, OINK." The mob shook there heads and mumbled amongst themselves that there was a pig in there, no infidel. He walked to the second crate, likewise kicking it but again to his surprise only heard "BAWK BAWK BAGAWK." They all shook their heads again thinking that the second crate contained a chicken.
Frustrated, but not to be deterred, the man walked up to the burlap sack and kicked it to which the crowd listened in silent anticipation as the sack replied with "POE-TAI-TOE"