1. Sounds fine to me...though I'm with you...I think it's kind of an interesting feature...and I applaud the ingenuity of the first person who tried it. It would never have occured to me to do it...heheh.
2. Cool...I totally support this idea as well. Ally's should be able to fully support each other in this way. Anything else just doesn't make much sense to me.
3. Also good. We don't need another Clinton-esque retroactive tax increase type thang. What's in the past is in the past.
4. Agreed again. RMs are people too, but they need to be more restrained in public. They are in the role to help the admins and the players...not create nasty situations. Maybe it takes a special kind of person...and some people just should do it. Just as some people might have trouble fulfilling the admin role.
5. Good advice. I tend to steer clear of it alltogether. Sometimes it's funny, but to me, it's just not worth taking the chance that you're going to pisss someone off. It's just not...
6. Like others have said, I think sportsmanship has been the rule rather than the exception. It's just that when there's a lack of sportsmanship it gets nasty and public and draws a lot of attention. It's a damned shame, really. I don't personally know what drives people to get the way they do while playing this game. Heck, I like to win..and I work hard towards winning, but I don't need to win and I don't feel the need to have my ego fed or boosted by playing a game. I don't know what driver people to accuse others of being cheesers while they themselves drive a cheese ship and don't see anything wrong with it. It's wacky. I guess they are just looking to demean others and make excuses for their inability to win or something. I don't know. It's trite and old fashioned, but I was taught to give people the benefit of the doubt, to not purposefully attempt to make people look bad in public and to keep my mouth shut if I didn't have anything nice to say about someone. It's not just sportsmanship, it's "manners." I'm certain that if a few of the usual suspects acted in RL the way they do around here, they'd be getting fiired or decked a lot.
Again, J'inn....thanks for all you've done.