NJ? I thought the only thing dudes were running outa da crib in NJ was online pr0n? Leastwise, all the sites t00l gives me are from this IP in NJ ... (lol, not gonna do that to ya DH)
NP Karnak, it rocks. Warped into a system this am to see a poor bastard in a starting frig in a running fight with about 10 pirates of various sizes. I told em I was coming to his aid, but apparently he didnt want/know how to come towards me. By the time I got into firing range, he went poof. Finished off the rats and got all the crap that dropped from the dead ships. SWEET! AND got bounty money for the coupla rats I killed.
NP LeRoy, the game rocks, and its teamwork like an awesome game of SFC that lasts for hours, which really is the best part of ANY game. We have your addy in case you like it, we all agreed to chip in a few bucks each so you could hook up for a few months.

Thank Kimmy for that idea!

Yeah, some of the SSCF and other SFC peeps have said they will go back to SFC, some have said they wont any time soon, if ever. Even one who is an Ace in the GSC unfortunately.
Im still tryin on GW3. DH, the twin monitor thing didnt make the single player lag I had last night (only time) stoopid ass billy gates decided to update at that time for some reason. Freakin winblows. But, I tried single monitor, didnt fix the multi lag. Im stumped. Ill just have to try off hours. Bid on a CAD+, so I can hex(x) munch at least.