Topic: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?  (Read 30105 times)

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #160 on: August 31, 2004, 06:37:22 pm »


Did anyone say "Gosh J'inn that looks stupid"  BEFORE IT STARTED.


Well not to bring it up but...   ;D


Hexx was right.   I was wrong.

THERE!!  Ya Happy??

Sadly enough yes.

Just got my lawyers bill for setting up my corporation.

Since I can't think of a way to punish him...
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #161 on: August 31, 2004, 06:39:04 pm »

Just got my lawyers bill for setting up my corporation.

Sub-contracter for Santa Claus?   :lol:
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #162 on: August 31, 2004, 07:38:23 pm »
The big advantage of the D2 is that it is a persistant online game, available to anybody (even he that shall not be named), at anytime of day or week, with any skill level, flying any ship he can buy in the shipyard. None of the alternate offerings have those features. The trick is to keep those features and make the game one which has a meaningful win/loss outcome, instead of a "we lost because of the Father's Day Massacre" outcome (whatever that may be).

Things which will counteract the features of the D2 are rules and restrictions on what people can play, when they can play it, and how they can play it.


Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #163 on: August 31, 2004, 08:09:50 pm »

Kill the D2.  It is an inherently unfair, unbalanced system that rewards people with nothing better to do than plug away at the AI.  I don't care how much tactical delusions of grandeur and/or comradery arguements anyone makes.  Any of those supposed D2 positives could be easily transfered to a GSA-based campaign where things would really be determined by planning and player skills, not just by showing up with more numbers.

What I find so amusing is all this stuff you guys want to leverage on the D2 using an SQL-server pack could be done right now if you just gave up the D2. Web-based shipyards, complex economies, OoB, etc.  All at your fingertips now.  There are already web-based maps that query an SQL database.   Hook up a few scripts with the web-based map, etc, and VIOLA!  Rather than trying to decipher the stores blob, etc.  Trash the D2 and its secret structures and use your own databases.

It amazes me how insular this community is.  There are scores of ways that people have made campaigns and competitive structures in the absence of something in the game code to provide it.  Hell, back in the SFC1 days when there was no D2, there was the SFConline Campaign, right?  Take off your blinders and think outside of the D2 box.

You would have all had just as much entertainment with SFC if the D2 had not come along as the community of players would have produced its own campaigns, etc. to create organized play, so I don't want to hear any of this D2 nostalgia.  It (the D2) just happens to be the system that was available.  Any other would have done as well, if not better.  Stop trying to fix a broken system and create your own.
I wouldn't go that far as it still has some life left it.It needs some different kind of severs to come out other than GW campaign.There is still a lot of life in the D3 access servers for over ten years as for D2 hopefully ten.I have an Idea of such a server if anyone is interested in hearing about but don't laugh.Let me know if you want to hear about it.It will be different I will tell you that.There is no need to kill the D2 c'mon now as there are several others who still want to play on it.They are possibly taking a break from it and those that are still waiting.What is this a D2 mutiny?Please spare me the rhetoric.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #164 on: August 31, 2004, 08:35:23 pm »
I've seen previews of it.  It might look pretty, but it looks as if it is awful gameplay.  I hope I am proved wrong as I would buy this.

Forgive me for being presumptive, but I'm going to call you 'Marvin' from now on. You see, Doug Adams wrote the "Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy" books, and one of the characters was a robot named Marvin who was always depressed and never had anything positive to say about anything. Therefore Lepton, I dub thee....MARVIN.  :carmen:

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #165 on: August 31, 2004, 08:38:42 pm »
You would have all had just as much entertainment with SFC if the D2 had not come along

No, I wouldn't have.  I've tried the types of structures  you continually espouse, and they simply don't have all of the strategic options that the D2 does.

But if you build one, I'll give it a look.

Trolling for a better D2

Well, you're half right.  :P

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #166 on: August 31, 2004, 08:47:12 pm »
I wouldn't go that far as it still has some life left it.It needs some different kind of severs to come out other than GW campaign.There is still a lot of life in the D3 access servers for over ten years as for D2 hopefully ten.I have an Idea of such a server if anyone is interested in hearing about but don't laugh.Let me know if you want to hear about it.It will be different I will tell you that.There is no need to kill the D2 c'mon now as there are several others who still want to play on it.They are possibly taking a break from it and those that are still waiting.What is this a D2 mutiny?Please spare me the rhetoric.

Heh, I wouldn't take Lepton's gloom and doom as gospel Age. Lepton has a hatred for the D2 and hex flipping going back a long time, and he's entitled to his opinion, but that is something to keep in mind when reading his posts. D3 is a moot point in this issue, they seem to be busy with infighting as usual.
I have greatly enjoyed GW3, as I have all the campaigns. There is still a pool of very creative and talented people interested in the D2, so long as they keep coming up with the good stuff people will play. Myself I am eagerly awaiting Chris Jones's Universe at War mod... the TNG races (and others) using the OP platform.... ferengi and cardassian... drool. (ya I'm a DS9 geek). Curious to see what he did with the andro's and tholians....

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Offline Grim

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #167 on: August 31, 2004, 09:17:46 pm »
Main reason why i play d2 and have done for the past few years is playing as a collective team to try and reach an objective. Sure this comprises of flying both missions aginst ai and pvp missions against players, but i enjoy flying with teamates and working hard with them to try and win, thats what i play for. Sure i get bored some times of flying against the ai however if you have a wingman with you its not so bad and can be fun. I think the general concensus here is that they fly d2 for the teamwork that is involved, and the sweet feeling when hard work pays off.

There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #168 on: August 31, 2004, 09:20:04 pm »
What I find so amusing is all this stuff you guys want to leverage on the D2 using an SQL-server pack could be done right now if you just gave up the D2. Web-based shipyards, complex economies, OoB, etc.  All at your fingertips now.  There are already web-based maps that query an SQL database.   Hook up a few scripts with the web-based map, etc, and VIOLA!  Rather than trying to decipher the stores blob, etc.  Trash the D2 and its secret structures and use your own databases.

I had started exactly that (F&E style) with a group but they wanted to make a single player game first which hasn't happened yet, anyway I may dig it out and take another look (webmap hooked up to forums and gamespy id... if we could figure out the command line parameters to start a D2 mission directly (or even the multiplayer setup) from a webpage link of battles selected to be resolved by SFC, there we go... I still like the D2 though too, have known its quirks this long and still hope to see them fixed.

P.S. I just found two command line arguments for OP (should work for SFC3 too):
StarFleetOP.exe -Host (Directly to -> "Create Multiplayer Game")
StarFleetOP.exe -Client XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (Directly to ->"Select Game" on host machine)

I just copied my shortcut and added (space)-Host after the quotes in the target on the shortcut properties
and tested the client parameter from a command line.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #169 on: August 31, 2004, 09:38:08 pm »
There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

If it was dealings with GZ as an organization that soured things for you, all I can say is things are different.  If you haven't 'tasted' GZ since January, 2004 then any previous experiences have no bearing.

No need to discuss or debate it - it's not what this thread is about - but I thought I'd say that much.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #170 on: August 31, 2004, 09:46:20 pm »
There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

If it was dealings with GZ as an organization that soured things for you, all I can say is things are different.  If you haven't 'tasted' GZ since January, 2004 then any previous experiences have no bearing.

No need to discuss or debate it - it's not what this thread is about - but I thought I'd say that much.

Its just my personal opinion that i dont like gz or a league based system, these opinions are based on a long time ago, yes i know there have been supposed changes however my opinion of it would be hard to sway in fact i would say its impossible but thats just me.

I have nothing against other people playing gz or any other league based system, if you looked at my post above i think its good that there is d2, normal gsa play, gz and soon max's campaign, this will give more of a variety to the players and i am course all for that.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2004, 10:10:20 pm by Grim »

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #171 on: August 31, 2004, 10:42:36 pm »
There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

If it was dealings with GZ as an organization that soured things for you, all I can say is things are different.  If you haven't 'tasted' GZ since January, 2004 then any previous experiences have no bearing.

No need to discuss or debate it - it's not what this thread is about - but I thought I'd say that much.

Its just my personal opinion that i dont like gz or a league based system, these opinions are based on a long time ago, yes i know there have been supposed changes however my opinion of it would be hard to sway in fact i would say its impossible but thats just me.

I have nothing against other people playing gz or any other league based system, if you looked at my post above i think its good that there is d2, normal gsa play, gz and soon max's campaign, this will give more of a variety to the players and i am course all for that.

GZ is totally different now and it is run by great people, you should check it out.
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #172 on: September 01, 2004, 04:58:56 am »
There is of course GZ and normal gsa play for those who absoultely hate flying against ai, so its not like those players have nothing to do.

You really cant compare the two they are different, i can say though you wont catch me playing GZ due to past problems and experiences which soured it for me. But hey thats me. ;)

If it was dealings with GZ as an organization that soured things for you, all I can say is things are different.  If you haven't 'tasted' GZ since January, 2004 then any previous experiences have no bearing.

No need to discuss or debate it - it's not what this thread is about - but I thought I'd say that much.

Its just my personal opinion that i dont like gz or a league based system, these opinions are based on a long time ago, yes i know there have been supposed changes however my opinion of it would be hard to sway in fact i would say its impossible but thats just me.

I have nothing against other people playing gz or any other league based system, if you looked at my post above i think its good that there is d2, normal gsa play, gz and soon max's campaign, this will give more of a variety to the players and i am course all for that.

GZ is totally different now and it is run by great people, you should check it out.

No chance, but like i said its good there is a variety of gameplay out there for those who want something different.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #173 on: September 01, 2004, 06:31:20 am »
Main reason why i play d2 and have done for the past few years is playing as a collective team to try and reach an objective. Sure this comprises of flying both missions aginst ai and pvp missions against players, but i enjoy flying with teamates and working hard with them to try and win, thats what i play for. Sure i get bored some times of flying against the ai however if you have a wingman with you its not so bad and can be fun. I think the general concensus here is that they fly d2 for the teamwork that is involved, and the sweet feeling when hard work pays off.

BRAVO !!!    (+ karma for Grim)

I've worked 6 nights a week for the last year now (around 10 hours a night),  and when I get off work, I'm usually in a mood to blow stuff up by then.  Log on time at 7:00 am is not ideal for massive PvP, but I have fun with the friends that are online at that time in either coop or PvP.   I know what I do in the mornings will help later in the day when more people show up, hence the reason D2 is really multiplayer inside multiplayer.

GSA/Ladder would be hard to find at 7 am Eastern, and I like for my work to carry over from day to day, so that is what makes D2 so fun for me.
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #174 on: September 01, 2004, 06:58:16 am »
Main reason why i play d2 and have done for the past few years is playing as a collective team to try and reach an objective. Sure this comprises of flying both missions aginst ai and pvp missions against players, but i enjoy flying with teamates and working hard with them to try and win, thats what i play for. Sure i get bored some times of flying against the ai however if you have a wingman with you its not so bad and can be fun. I think the general concensus here is that they fly d2 for the teamwork that is involved, and the sweet feeling when hard work pays off.

BRAVO !!!    (+ karma for Grim)

I've worked 6 nights a week for the last year now (around 10 hours a night),  and when I get off work, I'm usually in a mood to blow stuff up by then.  Log on time at 7:00 am is not ideal for massive PvP, but I have fun with the friends that are online at that time in either coop or PvP.   I know what I do in the mornings will help later in the day when more people show up, hence the reason D2 is really multiplayer inside multiplayer.

GSA/Ladder would be hard to find at 7 am Eastern, and I like for my work to carry over from day to day, so that is what makes D2 so fun for me.

GZ play is NOT a continuing ladder any more, and has not been that for a while.  It is a divisional league, with a weekly 3 v 3 match.  You and your teammates play the other side 2 out of three.  So you just need to clear your schedule for an evening or an afternoon usually. 
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #175 on: September 01, 2004, 02:53:55 pm »
Main reason why i play d2 and have done for the past few years is playing as a collective team to try and reach an objective. Sure this comprises of flying both missions aginst ai and pvp missions against players, but i enjoy flying with teamates and working hard with them to try and win, thats what i play for. Sure i get bored some times of flying against the ai however if you have a wingman with you its not so bad and can be fun. I think the general concensus here is that they fly d2 for the teamwork that is involved, and the sweet feeling when hard work pays off.

BRAVO !!!    (+ karma for Grim)

I've worked 6 nights a week for the last year now (around 10 hours a night),  and when I get off work, I'm usually in a mood to blow stuff up by then.  Log on time at 7:00 am is not ideal for massive PvP, but I have fun with the friends that are online at that time in either coop or PvP.   I know what I do in the mornings will help later in the day when more people show up, hence the reason D2 is really multiplayer inside multiplayer.

GSA/Ladder would be hard to find at 7 am Eastern, and I like for my work to carry over from day to day, so that is what makes D2 so fun for me.
The Dynaverses style of game is suppose to be like a MMORPG style of play.I read this somewhere on another board.This what the Dyna is supposed to be like.Good Post Jeff

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #176 on: September 01, 2004, 03:40:37 pm »
I've seen previews of it.  It might look pretty, but it looks as if it is awful gameplay.  I hope I am proved wrong as I would buy this.

Forgive me for being presumptive, but I'm going to call you 'Marvin' from now on. You see, Doug Adams wrote the "Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy" books, and one of the characters was a robot named Marvin who was always depressed and never had anything positive to say about anything. Therefore Lepton, I dub thee....MARVIN.  :carmen:

Hahahaha  Brain the size of a planet and they ME to take out the typical hahahahahahaha  One of my fav characters from that series :)