Kroma, I do not see how you can keep all those quotes in order on this wee little message screen. I will try and do the same, but no promises.
I used to be an HTML monkey ;-)
Well, I am certainly not trying to demean anybody, I was just addressing what I thought was a standard Federation/Alliance tactic. Kroma, did you play RDSL?
Yes but flew as a first one, so wasn't at all involved or aware of any strategic manuvering from either the coalition or alliance.
During RDSL, I observed that during odd hours, a large group of players would log on, accomplish an objective, and log off. I even commented on this at the time in a post (probably on the old Taldren Forums) in which I called this tactic "The Surge". I do not remember ANYBODY denying that they were doing this, so I filed it away as something we would have to be alert for in the future. (I suppose you could say that it is hard to deny you are NOT doing something, but I would have expected somebody to say they were not doing this. Or maybe at the time they wanted to encourage our paranoia
Not sure if they did or didn't plan this out deliberately, but what I am trying to covey to you is that your characterization of there means of scheduling and making big pushes is no more honorable or dishonorable than the Klingon push at the beginning of the server. Instead of immediately jumping to the conclusion that they are doing this as some sort of cowardly stunt to avoid PvP, maybe you might consider that the timing of their coordinated Surges was simply a matter of logistical scheduling, that results from the fact that the Alliance team members tend to generally have different hours of the day that they are available to play.
I saw this more in GW2, especially the Father's Day thing. Maybe you are not seeing this tactic on this server, but it sure looked like it was something the Alliance did in the past, so I do not want to see us nailed with a similar tactic again. Maybe we should cancel our planned 3AM operation Wednesday morning.
It is not your dilegence in protecting against such that I take issue with, it is the characterization that it is cheap and dishonorable that I find offensive. You seem to be implying that the Allaince players are trying to simply cheese or skirt the rules somehow by coordinating and scheduling their limited time online so that they can have maximum effect. Thus what you call a cheap stunt, I call well organized.
Kroma, I am surprised you do not see a distinction between the two. Here is the distinction. The Coalition made their move at the BEGINNING of the server, when traditionally there are a lot of players on.
So if your opponent doesn't tailor their offensives to what you feel is the traditional model of dyna play it is to be considered a cheap tactic? Maybe instead of deriding them as cheesers you look at it as innovative and inspired tactical thinking. Personally I don't buy your implication that you planned your move for the beginning of the server so that you would deliberately encounter maximum resistance. More likely since the server started on a weekend the scheduling lended itself to what was most convenient for time for your player base to all get online for the push, since it has often been noted that the large majority of the coalition player base has more gaming time on the weekends. So please don't try and spin this as if you did it that way because it is the only honorable way to organize an offensive.
It would have been just as easy for the Alliance players to have rationalize yourfirst weekend push as a cheap stunt on the opening day when it traditionally takes a few days before everyone gets into the grove. Thus they would have been attributing your well planned and executed (IMO) surge as a cheap stunt, that attempted to exploit the fact that you new you would be facing largely AI in missions. This would be demeaning to your efforts and organization, and if I had heard one single alliance play voice such an opinion you can bet I would have given them a serious tounge lashing for being cry babies.
Our operation was going to take place no matter what kind of opposition we faced. It was in the open, and we were ready to take on all comers to accomplish our mission. Also, there was PLENTY of time for the Alliance to stop us, even when we took those planets.
Once again you make a loosly veiled slam as to the honor of those you play this game with (which I find completely counter productive to the betterment of the dyna play for all), in that you imply that the Allaince have been doing something underhanded, and that if you had shown up to resist they would have all fled home to there mommies.
There was no automatic score when we took those planets.
I'm sorry did I mis something here? Did the Allaince get a say in the VC and server setup that I was unaware of? Why are you making it sound like it is there fault that the VC conditions were setup as they were. In fact GW2 was delirately setup to favor the Coalition (heck when it initially wasn't playing out that way it got reset so that it would in fact play as such). The automatic score VC was created to counter balance this unbalanced setup and try to reflect the spirit of the SFB general war and not do to some backdoor pork barrel package lobbied for by the Allaince. They had nothing to do with the setup, they just played the game by the rules that were posted. Maybe if more Coalition player had bothered to login and test as well as offer feedback pre-server when it was requested and con\cerns with this setup could have been addressed.
The Father's Day Operation was a different matter. A LOT of the frustration of that operation was due to the server going down RIGHT BEFORE THE OPERATION WAS TO TAKE PLACE, and most of the Coalition went to bed, not knowing when the server was going to come up. When the server came up, the alliance came on in great number, and began hitting hexes where there was no human opposition.
Some of us suspected skullduggery in the timing of the server outage right before the operation was to kick off. I have since come to the conclusion that it was not a sinister act, just one of those Fateful Things That Happen at a Critical Moment in Dynaverse History. I actually regret my suspicions.
Sorry to have to disagree with you here but this is utter nonsense. I was on the server 1 hour before the planned operation occured and didn't leave until it concluded, and your facts are way off. When the server went down there were only 2 Coalition players on (Futar aka Dib? and one other I don't recall). When it came back up 15 minutes later, do to the fact that I had to call Dhs hungover butt and get him out of bed since the box had completely powered itself off and I could get in remotely to reboot the server package, only Futar returned. So I guess technically you are right since at least 50% of your players didn't return, which some might consider most.
The most disturbing part of your mis-recollection of the facts is the myth that quickly built up around the event, and appears to have gain creedence with each retelling in the coalition camp about the sinister reasons for the server outage and timing of the push. Which is exactly the point I have been trying to make on the forums the last 2 days, that your (and I mean your as in both the die hard coalition and allaince memebrs) lack of exposure to each other in anything other than an adversarial role continues to foster these baseless conspiracy theories and general unwarrented anamosity between a bunch of generally good guys and gals that have way more in common than not, which is the real shame here.
But understand that that outage did indeed contribute to the success of the operation.
As I noted above, that is total horse crap. 1 additional player would have made no difference What really did you in was that the one player didn't get a post up on taldren or in your forums alerting your player base to the offensive. I know becuase I was monitoring taldren and watching the recent post date on the coalition forum wondering how soon before word got out that the Allaince was making a last ditch effort for the only VCs still realistically available to them that latein the game.
Keep in mind that the Alliance only had to make CONTACT with the Federation and screencap it. They did this after a bitter fight with the few pilots online. They received a whole kit and kaboodle of VP's for the deed. Even though the server end was quite a while away, and there was no remedy, even if a hundred Coalition pilots logged on and retook each and every hex. In retrospect, we should have guarded for this possibility,
Please also keep in mind that this has nothing to do with the Allaince players, it was a pre-posted server VC condition that was publically posted a week and a half before the server started and comments were welcomed and encouraged publically by the admin, a call that apparently fell on deaf ears.
but I am not sure what we could have done to defend against it, except prepare a phone tree.
Now that is good tactical and organizational thinking, considering the VC setup of that server, but a day late and a dollar short unfortunately. Just chalk it up to experience.
So, yes, we are now mindful of these kind of tactics.
Mindful is good analytical thinking and shows that you have learned from a mistake, but implying that you are being mindful of a cheap stunt is derogatory and belittling of the efforts of those who stuck it out on the server for the Alliance in light of the overwhelming advantage that was given to the coalition to make the server a more SFB true defensive battle for the Hydrans.
It just seems to me Zeppa, that when you describe the planning and organization of the coalition you rationalize it as noble and fair, but when you describe similar (yet not tactically identical) organization and planning on the part of the Alliance you assume the worst in people. This to me is at the heart of every single issue facing the dyna today, and unless both sides decide to grow up and start acting like adults and working together the dyna won't have much life left in it. And that is something I think we can both agree would be a bad thing, as I feel you are someone that loves the game as much as I do.
Please know Zeppa that I am taking the time to explain all this to you precisely because I respect you and have always found you to be an honorable pilot, if I didn't think so I wouldn't waste my breathe. I just think that many of us on both sides keep suspecting and assuming the worst in each other, and I know for a fact (as someone who has played for both sides pretty evenly over the years) that those negative feelings are completely baseless.