Kroma, I do not see how you can keep all those quotes in order on this wee little message screen. I will try and do the same, but no promises.
Also, we have been very, very alert to any attempts by Alliance pilots try and win cheap hexes by signing on to play AI instead of us during the wee hours.
This is were you completely lose me Zeppa. I fail to see why you think it necessary to demean and ascribe to sinister motives every action that your opponents take. No one that I know of has attempted to deliberately signs in at odd hours so that they can "win cheap hexes by signing on to play the AI". The guys that I know are playing during the odd hours do so because that is when there schedule dictates they can play, and for no other nefarious reasons. Sad that you continue to harbor such misconstrued and ill feeling to the folks you play this game with though.
Well, I am certainly not trying to demean anybody, I was just addressing what I thought was a standard Federation/Alliance tactic. Kroma, did you play RDSL? Do not remember. During RDSL, I observed that during odd hours, a large group of players would log on, accomplish an objective, and log off. I even commented on this at the time in a post (probably on the old Taldren Forums) in which I called this tactic "The Surge". I do not remember ANYBODY denying that they were doing this, so I filed it away as something we would have to be alert for in the future. (I suppose you could say that it is hard to deny you are NOT doing something, but I would have expected somebody to say they were not doing this. Or maybe at the time they wanted to encourage our paranoia

I saw this more in GW2, especially the Father's Day thing. Maybe you are not seeing this tactic on this server, but it sure looked like it was something the Alliance did in the past, so I do not want to see us nailed with a similar tactic again. Maybe we should cancel our planned 3AM operation Wednesday morning.
Many Coalition Pilots were quite peeved at the "Father's Day Stunt", and "Remember Father's Day" is now something of a Coalition mantra.
So let me get this straight, you think it is good planning and organization when the Coalition has their act together and makes a big push with numbers and a plan of attack during the opening move a server, but is a cheap "stunt" when the Allaince did the same thing durning the closing moves of a server. Clearly you are letting your one sided prespective color your impressions of these two largely identical planning and organizational achievements. How unfortunate that you must always ascribe your opponents accomplishments as cheap and unfair while your own are always noble and inspired. It is no wonder there are so many miscommunications and so much bad blood when people act like this. I don't mean to just pick on you Zeppa either, as I have seen the same types of rationalization come from the Alliance camp as well, it's just sad.
Kroma, I am surprised you do not see a distinction between the two. Here is the distinction. The Coalition made their move at the BEGINNING of the server, when traditionally there are a lot of players on. Our operation was going to take place no matter what kind of opposition we faced. It was in the open, and we were ready to take on all comers to accomplish our mission. Also, there was PLENTY of time for the Alliance to stop us, even when we took those planets. There was no automatic score when we took those planets.
The Father's Day Operation was a different matter. A LOT of the frustration of that operation was due to the server going down RIGHT BEFORE THE OPERATION WAS TO TAKE PLACE, and most of the Coalition went to bed, not knowing when the server was going to come up. When the server came up, the alliance came on in great number, and began hitting hexes where there was no human opposition.
Some of us suspected skullduggery in the timing of the server outage right before the operation was to kick off. I have since come to the conclusion that it was not a sinister act, just one of those Fateful Things That Happen at a Critical Moment in Dynaverse History. I actually regret my suspicions. But understand that that outage did indeed contribute to the success of the operation.
Keep in mind that the Alliance only had to make CONTACT with the Federation and screencap it. They did this after a bitter fight with the few pilots online. They received a whole kit and kaboodle of VP's for the deed. Even though the server end was quite a while away, and there was no remedy, even if a hundred Coalition pilots logged on and retook each and every hex. In retrospect, we should have guarded for this possibility, but I am not sure what we could have done to defend against it, except prepare a phone tree.
So, yes, we are now mindful of these kind of tactics.