Wow, another old GFL pilot... Good to see you Shogun, I remember you as XO for the Roms, If you can remember an old hand I used to be staunch Klingon on the GFL server. lol.
Things have changed in the GFL. We now only have a prefered race to play as and we are striving to get good at as many races as possible. I am playing as Alliance for GW and I am enjoying it, as are some other GFL pilots. I am sad to say that not too many GFL pilots have made it onto the server, it is August just in case people have not got away from their computer screens, and havn't noticed that most people go on holiday during this month. Me included.
However even though the Alliance has been outnumbered that is not really the issue. Personally I do not care if we win or lose the campaign its as long as I had FUN during it. Its very simple people. No fun, No play.
But also I don't quit so easily and I will see this server through to the end. And when we lose (lol im not too optomistic of the Alliances chances this server) I will go down fighting for enery single sector the Coallition gets.
Questions about balancing the sides will need to be looked at after this server, but please don't complain about the numbers of people who are playing coalition. After all there is more than one race on thier side as well. A simple way to fix the numbers for now would be to encourage new people to the server to play as alliance until the numbers match.
One point of interest would be to look at the numbers who are registered on the server. How many are coalition and how many are Alliance. That would be the real way of checking the player balance.
Finally. This post is my own opinion, it is not intended to offend anyone but to be constructive. Remember this is only a game. One I like to win just like everyone else, but it isn't the end of the world if I lose.
It just hurts a lot. lol.