Topic: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?  (Read 30057 times)

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Offline Marikar

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #80 on: August 29, 2004, 08:21:53 am »
Wow, another old GFL pilot...  Good to see you Shogun, I remember you as XO for the Roms, If you can remember an old hand I used to be staunch Klingon on the GFL server.  lol.

Things have changed in the GFL.  We now only have a prefered race to play as and we are striving to get good at as many races as possible.  I am playing as Alliance for GW and I am enjoying it, as are some other GFL pilots.  I am sad to say that not too many GFL pilots have made it onto the server, it is August just in case people have not got away from their computer screens, and havn't noticed that most people go on holiday during this month.  Me included.

However even though the Alliance has been outnumbered that is not really the issue.  Personally I do not care if we win or lose the campaign its as long as I had FUN during it.  Its very simple people.  No fun, No play.

But also I don't quit so easily and I will see this server through to the end.  And when we lose (lol im not too optomistic of the Alliances chances this server) I will go down fighting for enery single sector the Coallition gets.

Questions about balancing the sides will need to be looked at after this server, but please don't complain about the numbers of people who are playing coalition.  After all there is more than one race on thier side as well.  A simple way to fix the numbers for now would be to encourage new people to the server to play as alliance until the numbers match.

One point of interest would be to look at the numbers who are registered on the server.  How many are coalition and how many are Alliance.  That would be the real way of checking the player balance.

Finally.  This post is my own opinion, it is not intended to offend anyone but to be constructive.  Remember this is only a game.  One I like to win just like everyone else, but it isn't the end of the world if I lose.
It just hurts a lot.  lol.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #81 on: August 29, 2004, 09:03:44 am »

Before you think of making changes to the server in order to achieve balance you need to see the turnout in a few more dynas to come that way you can see if there is indeed a problem.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #82 on: August 29, 2004, 09:19:42 am »
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)

$400 Canada?!!!!!  WOW!!!

For us, it will average out to be less than $11 (US) per month.

$400 Canadien is about $11 US  ;D
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #83 on: August 29, 2004, 09:28:47 am »
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)

$400 Canada?!!!!!  WOW!!!

For us, it will average out to be less than $11 (US) per month.

I was going by the price of the first month:
$19.95 US * 12 = $239.40 US ~= $400 CAN

but I see on the prices page:

it is only $14.95 US monthly after the first month:
$19.95 US + ($14.95 US * 11)  = $184.40 US ~= $304 CAN

or if you buy two 6 month blocks:
$19.95 US + ($10.95 US *11) = $140.40 US ~= $230 CAN

It works out to $19.16 CAN per month at the cheapest possible rate, this compares with my phone bill (consider the equipment involved there). It's still way too expensive for me. If it were $2.95 CAN a month I might consider it. (the whole concept still gives me the willies though...)

Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #84 on: August 29, 2004, 09:32:41 am »
Saturday . . .  UGH . . .  Helping S'Cippy move for the second weekend in a row.   On what was the hottest day of the year.   99 deg. F. and Polar Kzin just don't mix.  I hate when I have to pant.

As for player numbers . . .  the only thing I can think of is a rule that states if you have "X" more players on your side than the other side online then no more players for your side can log on.   

But I don't like rules that say you can't play.

So I dunno.

Offline Mazeppa

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #85 on: August 29, 2004, 09:41:35 am »

Funny thing...for all the hoopla surounding Klingon role play...our VT voice comms are almost one bites anyones head off...we all communicate what we are doing..and accept reassingment to other areas by consensous...rather than dictate...pilots who fly out to meet us on the field of spite of the odds...

Except, of course, for the night the night the Accursed and Still Unknown Ha'DIbaH outbid me on MY FDW, and there was not another one in the shipyard for two lousy hours. I wanted to rip my bat'leth off my I Like Me Wall and rip something up.  I suppose I was a little....cranky that night.

But in general, Crim is right, we are pretty laid back on voice chat.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #86 on: August 29, 2004, 10:53:21 am »
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)

Offline FireSoul

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #87 on: August 29, 2004, 11:27:50 am »

$400 Canadien is about $11 US  ;D

Not with the way we're slowly catching up this last year...

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #88 on: August 29, 2004, 12:31:35 pm »
HEHE Laid back as in Im the only one who yaps his lip because its too quiet. I guess that what u get when u fly with old people  ;D ;D ;D

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #89 on: August 29, 2004, 01:48:15 pm »
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)

$400 Canada?!!!!!  WOW!!!

For us, it will average out to be less than $11 (US) per month.

I was going by the price of the first month:
$19.95 US * 12 = $239.40 US ~= $400 CAN

but I see on the prices page:

it is only $14.95 US monthly after the first month:
$19.95 US + ($14.95 US * 11)  = $184.40 US ~= $304 CAN

or if you buy two 6 month blocks:
$19.95 US + ($10.95 US *11) = $140.40 US ~= $230 CAN

It works out to $19.16 CAN per month at the cheapest possible rate, this compares with my phone bill (consider the equipment involved there). It's still way too expensive for me. If it were $2.95 CAN a month I might consider it. (the whole concept still gives me the willies though...)
Don't forget the Taxes.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #90 on: August 29, 2004, 04:37:33 pm »
HEHE Laid back as in Im the only one who yaps his lip because its too quiet. I guess that what u get when u fly with old people  ;D ;D ;D

"Yapping" is right.   Someone did say that they had got a mascot for the Klingons in the GW servers.   We all just didn't know who until Nail showed up.   ;D

The "boy" certainly does make things interesting on Ventrilo, though.

<get nudged in the ribs again>

Hey, stop that already!!   Those ribs still haven't completely healed from the beating Chuut gave me the other night. (from 2 PvP matches ON the server, so don't even go there you sickos.   You know who you are!!)

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #91 on: August 30, 2004, 09:38:08 am »
Hey, you all know I dont miss a server, but if I cant play reliably, Im not gonna knowingly F#ck up PvP for both me, my allies and even the nasty bumpy headed bastchies (most of whom I like just as much as the Fricken Good Guys) Im flying with just cause I want to play.

Im hoping that my lag problems this server (as opposed to LB5 when lag was fine) are due to Hurricane Charlies having damaged phone lines/nodes/etc and having higher call volume on fewer lines/switches, etc.

Perhaps by GW4 I will be able to connect reliably again. Course, I actually wouldnt mind flying on KCW (Isnt that the next one?) The D7W is a sweet ship.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #92 on: August 30, 2004, 09:52:00 am »
Quote from: Chuut-Ritt
Got no idea who did it Doggy, but I wouldn't let it bother me.  Actually I enjoy getting bad karma from certain people, it lets me know I pissed them off, and certain people I really enjoy pissing off as they deserve it......

Rock on, Kitty!!  :D

Quote from: Julin
Granted, the GW series has taken on a life of it's own.  It was only designed to be a "fun" series to fill time between the main servers.  That doesn't change the core fact of the matter, though, which is this constant bickering about player numbers caused by the changes wroght between given servers.

There are no major D2 dynas to fill time between. Based on what I've seen going on lately, there won't be any for a while too unless something meaningful happens in D2-land.  The dyna dev. forums are dead. DIP forum is dead. The only one with activity is SGODEV.  But that won't last long in the current D2 env. As an after thought, the ISC forum is supremely dead which indicates the community has not been taking care of all the races.  Rom, Lyran forum are in not much better shape.

Why?  Exhibit A:

Quote from: Die Hard
Yup, I am burnt out.   Completely shot.   The 3 weeks of stress of getting this damn thing up and running combined with training, real-life and all this other stuff has got me frazzled and homicidal.

Yep, that looks like a great inducement for all those potential Dyna. admins. out there.

Which is a result of Exhibit B:
Quote from:
Just my observation but the flaming that happened over some previous dynas drove off some players also, i know several players who decided to take a break because of what happened previously.

Flamewars bad. D2 usually seems to get by anyway, but maybe it's not an affordable luxury anymore.  The GW-related flamewars are not encouraging to say the least (cf. Exhibit A).

It's not good to criticize without offering solutions so mine are:

1)  Candor amonst the playerbase. Nothing gets one side rankled up when the other side cannot admit the truth. The truth is that the Alliance is hurting recruitment-wise. It happened in GW1, GW2 and GW3. OK, that's enough evidence, IMHO.  The Mirak are obviously going through Fluf withdrawal. The Feds are built on 3 cylinders:  FPF, F9th and SSCF.  Right now we've got only FPF firing anywhere near 100% efficiency. F9th is sputtering and SSCF is limp as a dead fish regarding D2 playtime.  So, any Coalition posts that contest this evidence, implied or otherwise, are simply put: insulting. You could even call it flame-bait (cf. Exhibit A).  

2) Major dyna. work for future servers.  There's nothing going on.  That needs to change otherwise what's the point in others working on scripts, shiplists, etc.?  Never mind hoping to attract new players.  I have in mind to host a dyna or two near the end of the year. I could push it up if no serious dyna admins. show up.  

Or, would it all be a waste of my time?  It's not good when some admins. feel that way after the dyna. ends. In those cases, it don't matter who won cuz the community lost big-time.  Are we gonna have lop-sided servers (ie. GW1, GW2, LB5, GW3 to name a few dyna samples this year) cuz someone is angry about something? Or, are we all gonna play nice?

It's all up to you...  :D

« Last Edit: August 30, 2004, 10:29:54 am by el-Karnak »

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #93 on: August 30, 2004, 10:00:12 am »
Well, Is lop sidedness a issue. No so True in some respects. Those who are Loyal to their Race of Choice are always the Winner to me. I have more respect for a Player who is True to Their Race. All those who Vacillate to one Race or the other ,or Has not made a commitment to one side are the other, are those who are weak, with the one exception that one is unable to Play their Race 0of choice due the Server or campaign provided.  I've seen and witnessed those who are not Loyal. It is always an honor to play win or lose to one who is true.  Also I have found some of the posts about battle and Glory  to be enjoyable. Its all the way you want to see it. Although If I had my way, I'd just hunt down the Traitors and the Renegades and Kill them again and again.  ;D

Idiotic post.  This is the kind of crap that drives players away.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #94 on: August 30, 2004, 07:45:18 pm »
...should the rounds end later in the day??

Hell yeah!  This was stupid of us to have the rounds end at noon, would have been much more fun to have them end midnight eastern when most could be there fightig tooth and nail.

Hindsight is a real bitch sometimes . . .

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #95 on: August 30, 2004, 07:49:51 pm »
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)

heheh...i don't think you caught us at our best.  When I was on Ventrilo Saturday night, it reminded me of the old days when Klingon voicecomms was a very good time...funny as hell.  Did you ever experience our voicecomms during CW6, Chuut?  I can't remember if you got on then....that's when it was consistently fun.  Now, it's fun about 60% of the time.  We have good days and bad days...heheh.  Some of the guys are just quiet...and then we have our characters. 

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #96 on: August 30, 2004, 09:07:04 pm »
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)

heheh...i don't think you caught us at our best.  When I was on Ventrilo Saturday night, it reminded me of the old days when Klingon voicecomms was a very good time...funny as hell. 

Figures, the day I leave the coalition a party breaks out...
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #97 on: August 30, 2004, 09:38:26 pm »
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)

heheh...i don't think you caught us at our best.  When I was on Ventrilo Saturday night, it reminded me of the old days when Klingon voicecomms was a very good time...funny as hell.

Figures, the day I leave the coalition a party breaks out...

Duh, that's is what the party was for.
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #98 on: August 30, 2004, 09:52:58 pm »
Ya know thats why most of us in GSA don't dyna.  It always ends up as an argument about numbers.  I've done parts of 4 servers (as expendable extra's) and played 2 other servers thru to the end.  At one point or another they all ended up w/ someone or several someone's upset about lopsided numbers.

Ya know what...get over it or try to fix it, but please stop complaining about it.  You guys know exactly who your heavy hitters are player wise.  People who have the time and desire to spend hours playing the dyna.  Pool these guys toghter....divide by 2 and now have 2 equal groups who are usually on.  Pit these two groups against one another and you have a semblence of balance.  Who cares what race we play I mean come on.  We play for recreation.  I have played every race and most ships 100 times over...I could care less if I'm in a Mirak or a Fed boat.  Sure we have preferences but make a dyna fun I think people will easily take opposite sides in more equal numbers.

As to the rest of us expendable extras....have us sign up thru a web link and again divide by 2.  You can easily create a form that will help you narrow down the variables.  I.e what race do you prefer....1st choice....2nd choice etc to comb and sort us guys who don't live for dyna.  Pool us into groups as extras for the two main groups.  Not perfect..but workable.  

The idea of capping a server is good in principle, but I agree that we shouldn't descourage people from playing.

Another idea is to put together a pool of extras whos job it would be to balance the server.  I.e if I was a part of this group, I sign on and see that the Feds are down in numbers, so I log back out and log on as a fed.  Our job would be to balance...and thats it.  This is a damn silly idea in retrospect but at least I'm trying and not whining about god this gets old quick.

When you deal w/ people nothing is perfect, nor will it ever be.  Either deal with it, fix it or leave...these are your choices, and pretty darn easy ones at that.


Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #99 on: August 31, 2004, 04:17:05 am »
I've been on Klingon chat before, laid back aint the word I'd use, now sedated or passed out perhaps........way to quiet for me.

If you guys would liven up a bit more I might fly Klingon more often...... ;)

heheh...i don't think you caught us at our best.  When I was on Ventrilo Saturday night, it reminded me of the old days when Klingon voicecomms was a very good time...funny as hell.  Did you ever experience our voicecomms during CW6, Chuut?  I can't remember if you got on then....that's when it was consistently fun.  Now, it's fun about 60% of the time.  We have good days and bad days...heheh.  Some of the guys are just quiet...and then we have our characters. 

yes I was on during 6.0, took me about a week to be given the password as there was still some paranoia about spying.  Finally you let a relative n00b on as you realized I was doing good things on the ISC front.  Indeed it was a blast.  Squiggy, Socky, Gow, Yourself, etc.  I still remember Gow having an orgasm over roger wilco when we took the last Federation planet in the East..... ;D

Few times have I been on a more fun channel than the Klingon one that server.