Topic: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?  (Read 30054 times)

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #60 on: August 28, 2004, 06:58:09 pm »
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #61 on: August 28, 2004, 07:26:52 pm »
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #62 on: August 28, 2004, 07:43:03 pm »
I am guessing but it could be all the politics with this game and the sever set ups.This where Vic. would be a great inspirer of this game like he is with Unity.There is story behind each server which he writes ad they are great.

I said I am only guessing I could be wrong.What does KHH stand for?

Offline Cleaven

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #63 on: August 28, 2004, 08:05:23 pm »


I am gonna be polite.

If you actually were out-numbered it was probably b/c the server had just gone back up.

Until about 2130 this evening, it was 4-6 alliance against 12-15 coalition.

Last night, prime time 2100 EST, there was all of TWO alliance pilots on for over an hour. 

So spare me the blue plague routine.

Why don't you pull your polite head out of where ever you have it, because you might notice that I'm not even playing on that server except to try the missions and the shiplist. Go ahead and cry foul all you want but it isn't me that's ganging up on your poor excuse for a whinge.

As for your little problem with the blue plague, why is it that when the Alliance is outnumbered it's a white wash and when the Coalition is outnumbered it's because the server just rebooted. Pathetic!

You were't even interested in what time it was or what day it was that I came on. Just that it couldn't be possible that what you say is not correct all the time. Next time I drop in and see the same situation I'll send you a nice big fat screen shot just to prove it, then you can cry blue plague all you want. So go cry foul to somebody who cares, or learn to accept that what you saw is not the only way it is all the time.


If you aren't playing on the server, then STFU and go troll elsewhere with your snide, obtuse comments.  You log on once or twice and claim there is no numbers imbalance,  STFU,

If you're to stupid to realise that I'm saying the numbers balance is always changing then go screw yourself. I've logged on about 10 times and seen 10 different sets of odds, from only Coalition players being on, to only Alliance players being on (not counting me).  No wonder you're too stupid to understand the obvious and think it is snide and obtuse. But then this wouldn't be the first time would it? Why don't you tell me about a server where the player numbers and hours played were equal? Or are you too stupid to realise that there has never been one? Perhaps you only favour the uneven, uncontrolled mob pushing matches that we have always had? If so then you may continue to screw yourself because it will suit your stupid affection for mob rule.

Of course if you could be bothered the get a total of player missions run and use that as an indication of player balance instead of using a single snapshot of player odds at any single point in time, then I might have some sympathy.   

Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #64 on: August 28, 2004, 08:29:29 pm »
Wow ... great thread, many comments.  Some of the best include ...

Cleaven:  I had a look at once stage and it was me (just looking) and Vs 3 Feds and a Kzin. Talk about the Coalition being outnumbered

Dogmatix:  <nevermind>

Strat:  have I just stuck my foot in my mouth?

Bearslayer:  I am gonna be polite.

Holocat: the Hunted Lizard told me to tell you to <BEEP> off

Hexx:  go on TS to hear DH screaming at me

Dogmatix:  I'm not sure I've seen you fly Klingon much.  Have you?  In not, you'll have to try it sometime and tell me how easy it is

Likker:  Who offered to set me up on EVE, was it AJTK?

DH:  it is hard to see the obvious when your head it staying up your colon

Soreyes: OK Doggy Bring on that Monster your flying. I'll take you on again in my MDC....... (Looks at a 1/2 empty bottle of Glenfiddich) Hmmmm I think thats the Scotch talking

FireSoul: What about my commitment to coalition?

The_Joker: I'm sucking at the moment, but I've noticed that enough alcohol makes me feel like I'm flying better, and besides, I'm having fun, outnumbered or not

Lepton: If you aren't playing on the server, then STFU and go troll elsewhere

FireSoul: Fumo, fumofumo fumo, Fumo

DH:  But the Troll is right

Age:  This where Vic. would be a great inspirer of this game like he is with Unity.
Sorry Age, almost puked when I read that one.

I know there have been some balanced D2s, but they weren?t that common.  GW has the extra challenge of time so the playing field changed as time goes by.  GW was ? 5 or 6 months ago ( ? ) ? in the interim there have been some departures and additions.  S happens.  Just a game.  A fun game, but still just a game. 

Maybe some tweaks for GW4 would be a good idea.  That doesn't mean the original idea was bad, just that it needs to adapt to the current environment.  No biggie.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #65 on: August 28, 2004, 09:21:41 pm »

These are perhaps some reasons why the numbers have gone down.

<hands Grim the Golden Rolling Pin award>
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #66 on: August 28, 2004, 10:38:47 pm »
Hell, I miss the SSCF gang as they were always fun to have on teamspeak.  The fleet was an honorable one that knew how to enjoy themselves and realize this is just a game.  You wont see me throwing any stones at them if they found something to do that they enjoy more, instead you will find me supporting them in their friendship and commraderie that has gone beyond just one game.  I really enjoyed flying with them in the past and hope to do so again in the future, and if they are not here in the present, the memory of them will be a cherished one for me, just like the SPQR, and others who have either left or are taking a break.

Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #67 on: August 28, 2004, 10:45:18 pm »
Wow ... great thread, many comments.  Some of the best include ...

Dogmatix:  <nevermind>


Green...I just withdrew most of what I said in this thread.  It was all taken the wrong way I didn't see the point in leaving it there.  I'm just basically going to try and keep my thoughts to myself most of the time, henceforth.  It's not worth trying to reason with people or even try to be good-natured and complimetary.  You just get negative karma anyway...  :)

EVE Is looking pretty good right now...

Dogmatix, XC, KBF
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Offline Green

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #68 on: August 28, 2004, 11:11:58 pm »
Wow ... great thread, many comments.  Some of the best include ...

Dogmatix:  <nevermind>


Green...I just withdrew most of what I said in this thread.  It was all taken the wrong way I didn't see the point in leaving it there.  I'm just basically going to try and keep my thoughts to myself most of the time, henceforth.  It's not worth trying to reason with people or even try to be good-natured and complimetary.  You just get negative karma anyway...  :)

EVE Is looking pretty good right now...

No, don't take it the wrong way.  I jumped on, read all of the posts, and saw a couple of edited neverminds.  Been there too bro.  I just really thought it (nevermind) was a pretty good point to make.

... thus its a "best" reply (IMO).

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #69 on: August 29, 2004, 01:16:01 am »
I am guessing but it could be all the politics with this game and the sever set ups.This where Vic. would be a great inspirer of this game like he is with Unity.There is story behind each server which he writes ad they are great.


That is the FUNNIEST thing I have read in year!!!  Let's bring in Watertiger to and have the fun never end!!!   :rofl:
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #70 on: August 29, 2004, 01:35:46 am »

What does KHH stand for?

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #71 on: August 29, 2004, 01:39:07 am »
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)

Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #72 on: August 29, 2004, 01:43:59 am »
Wow ... great thread, many comments.  Some of the best include ...

Dogmatix:  <nevermind>


Green...I just withdrew most of what I said in this thread.  It was all taken the wrong way I didn't see the point in leaving it there.  I'm just basically going to try and keep my thoughts to myself most of the time, henceforth.  It's not worth trying to reason with people or even try to be good-natured and complimetary.  You just get negative karma anyway...  :)

EVE Is looking pretty good right now...

No, don't take it the wrong way.  I jumped on, read all of the posts, and saw a couple of edited neverminds.  Been there too bro.  I just really thought it (nevermind) was a pretty good point to make.

... thus its a "best" reply (IMO).

Oh, it's cool...I didn't take ya the wrong way.  I just wanted to give ya the reason behind the "<nevermind>."  I wasn't sure if you new I had just deleted some of my other comments.

It's all good, man.

Dogmatix, XC, KBF
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #73 on: August 29, 2004, 01:46:36 am »
I am guessing but it could be all the politics with this game and the sever set ups.This where Vic. would be a great inspirer of this game like he is with Unity.There is story behind each server which he writes ad they are great.


That is the FUNNIEST thing I have read in year!!!  Let's bring in Watertiger to and have the fun never end!!!   :rofl:

It was kinda funny. 

We've always had a problem with teams in this game.  One side either shows up more and/or has more dedication and the other tends to get swamped as as result.  Every now and the, we get the mix of dedicated players about right and we have a good campaign.

Dogmatix, XC, KBF
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Offline Cleaven

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #74 on: August 29, 2004, 02:01:29 am »
Don't forget that minor little foible of people loosing heart when outnumbered. Sometimes it's hard to have fun when the odds are against you, and that just amplifies the effect of being outnumbered. If only the D2 was designed from the start to take into account the nature of online campaigns with variable player numbers.

Not sure I can be bothered, but as you are the Doc, can you run an AI standard patrol in 2 minutes in a KRC? If so, there is no problem and I am utterly wrong. If you cannot, then the KRC is a worse ship for AI missions than ones I know can.

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #75 on: August 29, 2004, 02:28:40 am »
Well gee..there are 165 accounts on GW3...even if everyone had two accounts(which they dont)...that's still 82.5 peeps...

On an average split of 41 people per side thats still leaves the question....

Where the hell was everyone saturday morning?

Does most of the alliance live on the west coast? this a timezone problem?...should the rounds end later in the day??

This may sound harsh...

But I've been on the other side of this coin before...before Doggy rebuilt the KBF...I would be lucky to see 5 other klinks online ANYTIME of the day.....mostly independant...and rarely having any sort of cohesive plan of attack or leader...

I knew when I logged on...I would be hunted or simply over ran when trying to defend something....but I logged on anyways...

Dog deserves the credit for the reformation of the Klingon empire into a solid fighting to not only hold ground...but to take it as well...

Funny thing...for all the hoopla surounding Klingon role play...our VT voice comms are almost one bites anyones head off...we all communicate what we are doing..and accept reassingment to other areas by consensous...rather than dictate...

I am most proud of my brothers in arms and I am often awed to be amongst them....

And I give a hearty salute to those pilots who fly out to meet us on the field of spite of the odds...

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #76 on: August 29, 2004, 03:41:34 am »
...should the rounds end later in the day??

Hell yeah!  This was stupid of us to have the rounds end at noon, would have been much more fun to have them end midnight eastern when most could be there fightig tooth and nail.

Hindsight is a real bitch sometimes . . .
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #77 on: August 29, 2004, 06:10:05 am »
First of all have SSCF confirmed they are leaving the game?

The SSCF is gone and will be gone for quite some time with the exception of Hooch, Ternado, and myself.

Well all i can say to that is fair enough, you have to remembver that its rare that a player will remain tied to one game, most likely they will play it and eventually switch to something else, i am hopeful eventually some of these players who have decided to play something different will come back to the game at some point.

About 30 days was it? ;) (unless they're all rich... I certainly can't afford $400 CAN annually, bit steep for just a game if you ask me)

$400 Canada?!!!!!  WOW!!!

For us, it will average out to be less than $11 (US) per month.
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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #78 on: August 29, 2004, 06:11:04 am »
Hell, I miss the SSCF gang as they were always fun to have on teamspeak.  The fleet was an honorable one that knew how to enjoy themselves and realize this is just a game.  You wont see me throwing any stones at them if they found something to do that they enjoy more, instead you will find me supporting them in their friendship and commraderie that has gone beyond just one game.  I really enjoyed flying with them in the past and hope to do so again in the future, and if they are not here in the present, the memory of them will be a cherished one for me, just like the SPQR, and others who have either left or are taking a break.

Thanks Chuut!!!
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Offline Green

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Re: Is it just me or are we supposed to have more alliance pilots?
« Reply #79 on: August 29, 2004, 06:53:39 am »
Where the hell was everyone saturday morning?


Anyway, won't be on for the next 4 days.  Got a business trip.  Will try to read the forums if I get a chance.