I've reduced to playing on hexes that are not being focused on by other live players.
Do some damamge there, jump to another hex, do some damamge there for a little bit, then go back and try to turn a hex. I've been on several neutral hexes to increase the size of the Kling-Fed boarder.
This way I can keep playing and doing some good instead of being killed on a hex that 10 klingons want, and not being able to touch it for 30 minutes to an hour.
I have greater chances of not getting jumped by several klings, and I get to kill a lot of AI's.
Might do better if I played for hours on end, but I don't, so I do a very little actual good this way, but I like it better than fighting 20 Klingons wanting thier hex.
Other night I did it, and I did get far, turned a few klingon hexes before I got thier attention, when I got it, just moved to a different place and started working.