ED's script has the attacker AI under AI control instead of your fleet panel. Most of the time, the AI attackers flies off around on the other side of the Planet regardless of the status of the planet or enemy AI.
I'd like to have more control in those missions, more flexibility. I think it would enhance the mission considerably while at the same time reducing the frustration of seeing friendlies act like merchant ships. It's not a good script imo.
Other rants, it's a bit too simple for a planet assault mission. 2x enemy AI and an armed planet... Throw in a few orbiting Def Platforms or something.
*Note to FS* On your next shiplist, add 10 or so shield points to Def Sats all around and give them a G turn radius. (I think bases use G.) They will spin like a base then and stop being so absolutely useless... Mb add 2x tractors as well. Would be a shocker to see it get one shuttle as well, hehe.